Chen Jinhu and Jiang Lei immediately waved their hands and shook their heads, denying it.

"No, absolutely not!"

"Brother lie, our hearts must be on your side. How can we push others to see your jokes!"

"Yes, yes, it's all Makasha's words are too arrogant, we can't see it, this time is filled with righteous indignation!"

"You have to trust us!"

The two of them sang together like a cross talk, and quickly diverted Qin Lie's attention.

Qin Lie glanced at them and knew what they meant, but was too lazy to pursue it.

Looking back at Makasha, she looked up and down again.

I really want to see how many pounds and taels of Makasha's billiard skills.

After all, billiards are a skill-based sport, and girls are not much weaker than boys.

If it is boxing, Qin Lie is not afraid of a hundred Makasha.

The key is this billiards, if one is accidentally abused by a little girl, it will be beautiful.

Makasha got impatient, and hurriedly urged: "No, Qin Lie, you said you're not afraid, it's just like a billiards, how can you be so chasing, are you a man?"



Chen Jinhu and Jiang Lei didn't dare to blatantly challenge Qin Lie, but seeing Makasha so arrogantly provoking Qin Lie, he still found it interesting.

There were bursts of exclamations, and there was a melon seed bench, and the front row was watching the play.

Qin Lie was also a little irritated by Makasha, and his competitive spirit as a man was completely aroused.

She had been bullying Makasha at the beginning, but she was suddenly mocking him today, and it was indeed a little uncomfortable.

Plus I'm waiting for Kim Jong-hyuk at the moment, nothing else, just entertainment.

He also agreed: "Okay, then I will compete with you."

Makasha smiled confidently in her eyes, very satisfied.

"Okay," she said, "but it's more boring than that. Let's make a bet."

"What bets." Qin Lie asked.

"I don't know, I'm not discussing with you." Makasha said, "I don't know what you want when you win, anyway, I only have one request, that is, I want my bank card to be unblocked, at least one day. Zhang, all right."

"Ok!" Qin Lie agreed boldly, "Then if I win, I want you to stay in Huaxia for at least one more month if you don't have any money."

Qin Lie couldn't really do anything to Makasha. This was also his brain overwhelmed, and the only thing he could think of was a bet that was barely a punishment.

"Ok!" Makasha didn't seem to care at all, and agreed immediately.

That's how the gamble started.

Chen Jinhu and Jiang Lei watched with great interest, and brought two stools from the side to serve as spectators.

I don't know where to find two packs of potato chips, not to mention how comfortable.

The bet was about 10%, and Qin Lie followed suit.

Two people tossed a coin to tee off, and finally Qin Lie got the tee off.

The rules of snooker are simple and point-based.

The red ball is worth one point, and the colored balls on the rest of the table all score higher than the red ball, ranging from two to seven.

The rule is that the colored ball can only be played when the red ball is scored. Before the red ball is finished, the colored ball must be taken out of the bag and placed again even if it has entered.

Until all the red balls are entered, the colored balls can be pocketed in turn, until all the balls on the table are pocketed, and finally the score is determined to decide the outcome.

All the power of kick-off is more important sometimes. In the case of the right time and place, some of the world's top players can even hit all the balls into the pocket from the very beginning.

Of course, that difficulty is particularly high, and non-top experts in the world cannot do it.

Amateur players like Qin Lie and the others have the right to tee off, and at most they can get a little bit of a head start.

However, if the difference in strength between the two sides of the competition is not large, this opportunity can also determine the final outcome.

Qin Lie didn't hesitate to tee off quickly.

The first pole went down with great force, and directly slammed the white ball into the triangular pile of red balls.

The force of this shot is very strong, and it directly disintegrates the entire red ball formation. One of the red balls is directly smashed into the bottom pocket, which is very accurate.

One shot went in, the red ball was pocketed, and the corner of Qin Lie's mouth rose, as if he hadn't pretended to fail.

Chen Jinhu and Jiang Lei, who were waiting for a good show, couldn't help but feel lost when they saw this.



Such an interjection was issued, and it felt that the good drama they were looking forward to was not like this.

After being glared at by Qin Lie, the two of them absent-mindedly slapped their ass.

"Brother lie is awesome!"

"Brother lie is really a master, I will admire it!"

The two ate potato chips while talking, and they were completely distracted.

Qin Lie doesn't care about their focus on his own table.

After observing the situation, Qin Lie pinpointed the next target, this time aiming at a black ball.

The black ball has the highest score in snooker. As long as you score a few more black balls, you can instantly pull the score away.

He goes around the side of the table and hits the ball at a good angle.

After calculating the angle, a pole went out and hit the side of the black ball with great precision. The black ball rushed out at a long and long corner, and this time it fell into the middle pocket with great precision.

After the pole passed, Qin Lie wiped his mouth and became confident.

It seems that even though I haven't touched billiards for many years, the skills I practiced in the billiard room have not been completely lost.

At this level, isn't that the top amateur?

Qin Lie smiled while looking at Makasha's expression.

In the blink of an eye, I saw Makasha and Chen Jinhu staying together and eating potato chips.

Qin Lie felt belittled, and was out of breath.

Little girl, how dare you ignore your brother lie, and you have to learn a lesson.

Seeing that I don't hit all the balls at once, so that you can't even touch the club.

If you lose, I will torture you for a month!

Qin Lie thought so viciously.

Then Qin Lie needed to hit a red ball again.

This time he picked a red ball from a good angle, very close to the right bottom pocket.

Basically, as long as there is no accident, this red ball can be scored by anyone with a little bit of billiards skills.

But the more you care about one thing, the more it will go against you.

Qin Lie had a 90% chance of hitting the ball.

As a result, after one shot, the white ball hit the red ball, and the red ball rubbed back and forth on the two borders of the bottom pocket several times, wandering wildly on the edge of the goal, and finally bounced out.

As a result, this time, Chen Jinhu and Jiang Lei were obviously much more excited than before.



"what's the situation!"

The two of them stood up from the stool one after another, widened their eyes, and unconsciously smiled.

"Brother lie, you didn't enter!"

"Oh, what a pity!"

"How could you not enter, hahaha..."

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