Chen Jinhu sighed regretfully for Qin Lie, but he couldn't help but laugh.

In the end, I couldn't help it anymore, and burst out laughing.

Qin Lie glanced at him sideways, Chen Jinhu quickly covered his mouth, turned around, and shook his shoulders there.

Jiang Lei's way of doing things is a little higher, and he can hold back his laughter, but the distortion of his facial expression properly explains what it means to laugh more than crying.

Qin Lie put the pole aside, pointed at the two of them, and said, "You two are turning your elbows out. You just want to see Lao Tzu make a fool of yourself, right? Lao Tzu is always so kind to you, but at the critical moment he actually stands by others."

"Cough cough..." Chen Jinhu finally had enough laughing, he turned around with a dry cough, and said, "Brother Lie, don't we want to see your weak side too."

"Before you, you were so good in every aspect, and it made us feel that you are an almighty person."

"Occasionally let us see you lose, then we can also raise the confidence to catch up with you!"

"Right, Jiang Lei!"

With that said, Chen Jinhu abducted Jiang Lei.

Jiang Lei immediately agreed and said, "Yes, yes, we just want to see a more real you. It's always good to be down-to-earth."

"Cut." Qin Lie waved, but didn't bother to pay attention to them.

Looking at Makasha at this moment, he said, "Miss, it's your turn. I want to see how powerful you are. It's better to give these two some hope."

Makasha is very confident.

With a skillful movement, he went to the pool table, picked up the cue, and skillfully pulled a flower in the air.

Holding the tail of the club with one hand, he was very calm.

The strength in his hands made Qin Lie feel a little flustered for some reason.

He thought to himself, this person can't be really powerful, maybe he has been tricked.

Thinking in his mind, Qin Lie went to the side and picked up the water bottle to prepare for drinking.

It was about this time that Makasha started hitting the ball.

She leaned over the table, held the club with one hand, and lifted the stick with the other hand. Her movements could not be called standard, only textbook-level.

Of course, the standard of movement is one aspect. The most important thing is that she has a strong momentum and a calm expression.

It gives people the feeling that they are sure of everything, that they can hit all the balls in one shot.

Seeing this, Qin Lie knew it was going to be cold today.

Soon, Makasha started hitting the ball, which also confirmed his point.

As soon as the pole went down, the white ball hit the red ball, the red ball went straight into the pocket, and the white ball bounced back, just in a straight line between the black ball and the bottom pocket.

Another shot, the black ball was pocketed, and the white ball brushed past the table and came to the edge of a red ball.

In order to prepare the ball for the next shot, she touched the red ball lightly, just rubbed the edge slightly, and sent the ball in.

At this time, the white ball stopped not far from the black ball.

Another shot, black ball into the hole!

The short three shots immediately let Qin Lie see his solid basic skills.

Not only can she score the ball, but she can also stop the ball for the next shot after the shot and figure out how to hit the next shot!

When a snooker player can already start making balls, it is enough to prove that he is not a parallel importer, at least he has been professionally trained.

And someone like Makasha who stops the ball so accurately is at least at the level of a champion in a certain city in China.

After seeing the speed and accuracy of her shots, Qin Lie knew, today, it's over! My country is gone!

Sure enough, Makasha barely gave Qin Lie any chance.

Playing the ball all the time, scoring goals all the time, and playing almost around high-scoring balls like black and pink.

She quickly accumulated her score to one hundred.

In the last mistake, she failed to score the brown ball, but Qin Lie was left with only a few colored balls left on the table.

Qin Lie only scored eight points at the time, which means that even if he hits all the balls on the table at once, it is impossible to surpass Makasha.

There is no need to continue this game.

Makasha picked up the club, took it down from the table, raised her chin at Qin Lie and said, "Qin Lie, it's your turn."

Not very harmful, but highly insulting.

Qin Lie threw the club to the side, and said helplessly: "This is still a fart, don't hit it, damn it, you're just abusing people, you can only know a little at this level, you're really afraid You regional champions in Europe!"

"No." Makasha said innocently, "I'm not a European champion, but I won the second place in the women's group of the British national snooker competition."

"By the way, there is another little knowledge point." Makasha said, "Snooker actually originated in the United Kingdom, and its popularity in China is no worse than your Chinese table tennis!"

Qin Lie: "..."

At that moment, Qin Lie was really speechless.

Yes, you're not European champion, you're just British second.

I'm so...

Qin Lie didn't know how much difference there was, he only knew that even if he was the 20th and 200th in the UK, it would be like playing a game.

Assi, this time, this little girl was really tricked.

Both Chen Jinhu and Jiang Lei were also happy, their eyes widened, seeing each other for a long time.

This time I can finally laugh out loud.

"Hahaha, brother lie, you are so miserable!"

"Brother lie, I didn't expect you to have today, hahaha..."

"Brother Lie, do you know why we were all laughing at the beginning, because before your game, I checked the British women's snooker rankings online, even if Miss Makasha hasn't played a game for more than a year, She's still 17th in their national standings!"

"So, from the beginning of the game, I knew you were going to lose."

"We're just waiting to see the joke, hahahaha!"

Chen Jinhu was lying on the chair, laughing so hard that tears almost burst out.

After Qin Lie listened to his speech, he ran over and kicked his ass fiercely, and said viciously: "Well, you Chen Jinhu, it's a waste of me to treat you so well, and he even cheated on me at a critical time, and didn't tell Lao Tzu even after checking the information!"

"Oh!" Chen Jinhu persuaded, "brother lie, you are used to it, don't care about these little things, it's not easy for the little girl to be with you for more than a week, so just give her a card! "

"That's right!" Makasha echoed, "Qin Lie, you lost today, you have to call my dad and ask him to unblock me."

Qin Lie wasn't really angry either.

Everyone is their own, and it is not ashamed to lose to anyone, and the right should be entertainment.

However, Chen Jinhu, the bastard, clearly knew that Makasha was so powerful, and pushed himself into the pit.

When there is a chance next time, I have to pit him back.

Qin Lie was willing to admit defeat, and immediately called Worms and asked him to unblock Makasha's bank card.

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