The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1323 This Person Can Be Handed Over

As far as Qin Lie is concerned, Makasha has changed a lot these days. Whether or not to block her bank card is really not that important. There are still 10,000 ways to deal with this little girl.

For Makasha, she herself has changed a lot, and she doesn't know about others for the time being, but she already has a deep sense of reverence for Qin Lie.

Having money doesn't matter that much to her either.

So this bet is a simple bet, and it does not affect the relationship between the two.

After the billiards thing was over, Qin Lie chased Chen Jinhu in the rest area for ten minutes.

I am willing to admit defeat, but this kind of elbow-turning behavior still needs to be punished more.

Of course, it's just a joke.

It took about an hour to pass, and an hour later, a person walked in quickly outside the door of the rest area.

Seeing Qin Lie hammer Chen Jinhu to the ground, he couldn't help laughing: "Mr. Qin, what makes you so angry, you have to teach others a lesson?"

Qin Lie turned his head to see Jin Zhenghe, and then let Chen Jinhu go.

After getting up and tidying up his clothes, he picked up his mood and said solemnly, "Yo, Mr. Jin, you have finally come out. How was the meeting?"

"Sorry for the long wait." He said politely, "The weekly upper-level meeting is a set time, and it really cannot be changed, so you have to wait for a long time."

Qin Lie didn't care and waved: "It doesn't matter, anyway, I have nothing else to do when I come to South Korea, so I should appreciate your corporate culture. How about it, there is no problem with Super Steel."

Qin Lie got down to business.

Kim Jong Hyuk waved to his secretary and asked him to prepare the contract.

He sat down next to Qin Lie and didn't answer Qin Lie's question directly.

Instead, he said from another angle: "After Mr. Qin gave me "The Savior" yesterday, I was sent to my father's hospital ward overnight, and my father was very happy.

Then I also told my father about our cooperation, and my father raised his hands in approval.

Today I also mentioned such a thing at the high-level meeting, and asked them the feasibility of buying back super steel.

After planning by the managers and auditors at the factory, we actuated the amount of super steel we could buy back at the meeting, and determined a detailed figure of 876 tons.

We plan to hand over all these 876 tons to you. I wonder how much you can use? "

Qin Lie's eyebrows moved, and he was even more satisfied with Kim Jong Hyuk's statement.

At first, he thought about 500 tons, but in terms of the scale of Shenzhou weapons, 500 tons is definitely not enough. At this moment, 876 tons can only be better.

Unexpectedly, after telling him the matter last night, he actually thought about a solution overnight, and even took the matter to a regular high-level meeting to talk about it.

This Kim Jong Hyuk is quite reliable.

Qin Lie immediately said: "Okay, this is even better than what we discussed yesterday. I want a lot of super steel now, and 876 tons solves my urgent need, so I have accepted it."

"Yeah." Jin Zhenghe nodded and said, "However, our repurchase will cost a higher price than what we sold before, and we will also pay liquidated damages. If possible, we would like to ask Mr. Qin to remove the original cost price. It can help us make up for the part of the lost funds that overflowed. After all, repurchase requires a lot of cash flow, and I am afraid that our group’s cash flow cannot support it.”

In short, Kim Jong Hyuk wants to buy back the super steel he sold at the original price.

The overflow price is for Qin Lie to pay, so that they can at least not lose money.

But even at this time, Qin Lie's mind was still very clear, and he was not carried away by the urgency of super steel.

The 220 million US dollars he bought yesterday was actually the cost of super steel this time.

220 million to buy him 876 tons of super steel is more than enough, although it does take a lot of effort for the st group to get these steels together within three days.

But his own 220 million is still enough to buy this batch.

So Qin Lie could not agree to this condition change.

"Mr. Kim," he said, "I'm afraid this is a little unreasonable."

"I spent 1.7 billion dollars on "The Savior" yesterday. Although this is all accumulated in one painting, the painting is in your hands now. Tons of super steel, the price is completely overflowing, even if it is so, you want me to help you make up the difference in the repurchase price. !"

Kim Jong Hyuk listened, very embarrassed.

Indeed, yesterday he promised Qin Lie to give him 500 tons of super steel for free, and even promised that if Qin Lie wanted to use super steel in the future, their factory would provide unlimited free steel.

The attitudes of this one are indeed different.

He could only tell the truth: "Mr. Qin, this is indeed my problem, but this matter is the solution given by other group leaders after I just raised it at the regular meeting.

They felt that what I did before was a huge loss to the group. After all, the painting was given to my father, not to the group. The group suffered a lot because of it, and I understand them. "

"Then I can't control it." Qin Lie said seriously, "This should be something you have to consider yourself, and you shouldn't impose this trouble on me."

"Otherwise," Qin Lie said, "you can ask your father to take out "Salvator Mundi" for another auction, and the money back can be used to make up the price difference this time.

Anyway, the conditions I gave are so many, it is impossible to increase the additional investment on the 1.7 billion US dollars. "

Qin Lie has a firm attitude and a clear mind, and is discussing this matter with Kim Jong Hyuk very seriously.

As for Kim Jong-hyuk, he was also very embarrassed. After listening to Qin Lie's words, he fell into silence.

Qin Lie sat here, knocking on the table and waiting quietly, waiting to see his reply.

After about two minutes, he seemed to make up his mind, nodded and said, "Okay! Just follow what we discussed yesterday!"

"This time, the project behind Mr. Qin, no matter how much super steel is required, our st group will not ask you for a penny again."

Qin Lie sensed that Kim Jong Hyuk was not easy from what he said before.

It is also roughly guessed that he is an executive president and does not have the power to make a final decision in the st group.

Asked: "How do you plan to explain the senior management of the group?"

"You don't need to explain." Kim Jong Hyuk said, "Since the painting was taken in my father's personal name, I should make up the difference. Since the management of the group must make money, I will pay the money privately. Well, in this way, both the group and Mr. Qin will not suffer, and my father has "The Savior", he is in a good mood, and it is good for his condition, which is a benefit for the three parties!"

Qin Lie was very satisfied after listening to it.

The first reaction is that Kim Jong-hyuk is reliable, keeps his promises, and is willing to do things as agreed even if he suffers a little loss.

This character fits Qin Lie's appetite.

Qin Lie's feeling is that this person can be paid.

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