Zhang Yinnan was very angry, even if he didn't show it clearly on his face, he was still very angry.

The opposite side was obviously prepared and experienced, and he did not leave any traces along the way, making it difficult for him to trace.

Zhang Yinnan was able to start from scratch all the way to where he is today, of course he has the means in his hand.

But this time, these methods of his seem to be useless in front of those who do it.

"Can you check where the van came from?" Zhang Yinnan asked.

Wu Zhengshi shook his head: "The car was extradited from China. The brand of Jinbei is rare in South Korea, and the license plate is also fake. If we really want to trace the origin of the car, I am afraid that we need the cooperation of the forces in China."

"Huaxia?" Zhang Yinnan noticed what Wu Zhengshi said and murmured, "I heard that Chengxun had a big conflict with a Huaxia person when he went to the auction yesterday."

"Yes..." Naturally, Wu Zhengshi had already investigated these things.

"The reason is that the young master fell in love with a young girl next to the Chinese man, the Chinese man disagreed, and the two sides had a dispute, and then at the auction, the Chinese man designed a trick for the young master, making the young master lose face in front of everyone. , it is a contradiction between the two."

"Humph!" Zhang Yinnan snorted coldly, "I told this kid not to indulge in women's lust for a long time, don't indulge in women's lust, if he didn't listen, now he has finally made a big disaster and reaps the consequences for himself."

Wu Zhengshi cupped his hands and said, "President, although the young master had a conflict with that Chinese man, it was still at an ordinary level after all, and he would not let that Chinese man kill him. Perhaps the young master cannot be blamed for this."

Zhang Yinnan continued to snort coldly: "Huaxia people have traditional ideology and hate others for stealing their qi. If their women are passive, they will definitely be furious.

Moreover, with Chengxun's temperament, he suffered a loss in the hands of the Huaxia people. He will definitely find a way to get it back. Maybe he has already retaliated against the Chinese people secretly, and then he aroused the anger of the Chinese people and returned with revenge. "

Knowing his son Mo Ruofu, what Zhang Yinnan analyzed for a while was 80% correct.

However, his thoughts had completely followed the path that Xu Ying, Song Zhe and the others had designed.

Hearing him speak here, the four thugs who were standing outside Zhang Chengxun's operating room door, the four thugs who attacked Qin Lie yesterday, suddenly reacted.

They hurried to Zhang Yinnan's side, saluted and quickly said, "President, we are close friends of Young Master Cheng Xun, as you said, yesterday Young Master really asked us to take revenge on that Chinese man... …”

"Oh?" The responses of these thugs immediately caught Zhang Yinnan's attention.

"What happened next?"

Several of the thugs told the truth: "The Huaxia man is very weird, the four of us didn't win the fight, and came back today to report to the young master, the young master was very angry, he fired a lot of fire at us, and ordered us to go to North Korea to find someone. Going to get that Chinese man again, I didn't expect that we only left the young master on the front foot, and the young master was actually killed!"

"So, that Chinese person does have the possibility to do it?" Zhang Yinnan said.

Several thugs nodded and said: "Not only is it possible, but we also think it is very likely. That Huaxia person may have a high status in China and act very arrogant and domineering. Yesterday, not only the young master, but also the vice president of Sanjin Group, Park Entai. He can do these things when he is bumped by him."

Slap it!

Zhang Yinnan's expression became ruthless, and the strength of holding the string of beads in his hand increased by three points.

The thread of the bead was snapped off, and the bead on it fell to the ground and bounced to every corner of the corridor.

"Huaxia people!"

Zhang Yinnan's eyes narrowed: "How dare you be so arrogant in my South Korean territory."

"Director Wu!" Zhang Yinnan immediately ordered Wu Zhengshi, "Go out and investigate immediately, to find out the details of this Chinese man, and when the young master was in an accident, let me investigate where this Chinese man is and what he does.

If it is confirmed that he did this, then notify Su Zhihuan and leave it to him! "

Su Zhihuan is the boss of the local gang "Xintiandi" in Seoul, and he is also a gangster deacon supported by Zhang Yinnan all the way. Even in other cities outside Seoul, he is quite influential.

When Zhang Yinnan decided to dispatch Su Zhihuan, he already wanted to kill.

Anyone who dares to move his son and move his Ledi Group, whether it is a South Korean or a North Korean, or a Chinese or even an American, is useless.

In South Korea, he is the boss.

No matter how big the background behind that person is, he has to pay the price for that bastard.


Wu Zhengshi took the order and quickly backed out.

The conversation between the two of them also aroused heated discussions among other top executives of the Ledi Group at the scene.

"Huaxia people are too bold, they actually ran to the borders of our South Korea to be wild!"

"Yeah, these dogs are getting more and more arrogant recently."

"Hmph, dogs from China have always been bold, but this time they have gone beyond our bottom line."

"Assie, if you don't give these dogs some color, they'll be riding on our heads in no time!"

Such words are endless.

And just when they were complaining about Huaxia and were full of dissatisfaction, a Chinese person quietly came to Zhang Yinnan's side - Xu Ying.

Things were well designed, and now it's only one last step away.

Because he didn't know Korean, Xu Ying brought an interpreter by his side.

He walked to Zhang Yinnan's side and nodded slightly as a salute.

He continued: "President Zhang, I have some news here. You may be interested. I wonder if you are interested in listening to it."

Zhang Yinnan was in a fit of anger at the moment, and when he heard Xu Ying speak Chinese, his expression became tense.

"Huaxia?" He frowned and looked at Xu Ying.

In an instant, all the people in the Ledi Group in the corridor turned their attention to Xu Ying.

The smell of gunpowder was also pulled up in an instant.

It was not long ago that I talked about Chinese people, but I didn't expect Chinese people to come here at this moment.

What, sent to death?

"Who are you? What are you doing here? My son's business has something to do with you?" Zhang Yinnan was very rude and asked three times as soon as he exited.

Xu Ying was very calm, even if he was threatened by Zhang Yinnan, he didn't panic at all.

With a smile on his mouth, he said neither humble nor arrogant: "President Zhang, don't be nervous, although I am from China, I have nothing to do with Master Zhang Chengxun. On the contrary, I am here to provide the president with clues about this matter. "

"Clues?" Zhang Yinnan narrowed his eyes, "What clues?"

"I know who is the one who killed Young Master Chengxun." Xu Ying said with a sullen face.

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