Zhang Yinnan raised his head, looked straight at Xu Ying, and said in surprise, "Do you know who it is?"


Xu Ying nodded again and continued: "It's the Chinese man who had a conflict with your son yesterday. His name is Qin Lie..."

"Don't worry." Xu Ying read the disbelief in Zhang Yinnan's eyes, so Xu Ying immediately added, "There should be no one in this world who wants Qin Lie to die more than me. I'm in the same camp as you."


Of course Qin Lie didn't know what Xu Ying was doing behind his back.

Not to mention that his name has caused such a big storm in Seoul.

After eating here in Seoul, Qin Lie took some Chen Jinhu Jiang Lei including Makasha and others to go to another city in South Korea, Ulsan.

There were only a dozen or 20 people who accompanied him along the way, and the rest had already made arrangements at the Ulsan Silver Mine, waiting for his orders.

After driving for about three hours, everyone arrived at their destination.

It was a remote suburban ridge under the jurisdiction of Ulsan, about 70 kilometers away from the nearest city, Ulsan.

The terrain on this side of the Korean peninsula is not as complicated as that of the Japanese island, and even if there are mountains, it is not particularly high.

After arriving at the destination, Qin Lie discovered that this place is similar to what Chen Jinhu Jiang Lei had introduced before. The mountain top is not high, only about four or five hundred meters.

Then things are two hills.

The head of the mountain in the east has been mined almost, and the traces of artificial transformation are obvious. The mountain is bare, and the coverage rate of plants is already very low, but correspondingly, there are very few people moving here - after all It's already mined.

The hill to the west is slightly more primitive, with a high coverage rate of vegetation, but the signs of human activities are particularly obvious. Occasionally, some green smoke can be seen floating out of the mountain from the deep mountain. To the roar of some engines and the pop of explosives.

The hill to the west is the hill that Qin Lie and the others are mainly targeting for action blasting today.

As promised to the Cape family before.

Because the Xiao family and the Cape family have their own corresponding achievements in new energy, and the Xiao family has had a series of unfair competition methods in the world.

The Cape family's energy mine has long been blasted by the Xiao family, and the direct losses have reached tens of billions of dollars.

This time it belongs to the Cape family's revenge operation.

This mine must be blasted, and once it is blasted, they must not be able to open again for at least half a year.

In other words, this blast must be devastating.

With such a goal, Qin Lie also knew how to do it and how much explosives to use.

At the halfway up the hillside of Xishan Mountain, Li Tianlin, who was in charge of the survey, set up a temporary command camp here, and set up several tents in a relatively hidden location.

When Qin Lie arrived, it was almost eight o'clock in the evening. The brothers of the Longyan Squad were waiting in full force. Everyone's backpacks were loaded with explosives and they were ready to go.

At that time, Li Tianlin was assigning tasks to the team members, confirming the division of the area that each team is responsible for, and performing their own duties to prevent mistakes in the blasting mission.

After Qin Lie arrived, Li Tianlin immediately greeted him and brought him into the tent of the commander-in-chief.

After Qin Lie went in, he asked straight to the point: "How is it? Have the specific blasting tasks been arranged? The internal structure of the mine, how many tunnels are there, how deep are the tunnels, the calculation of the amount of explosives, all these things have been done well. Yet?"

Li Tianlin is in charge of the action arrangements here, and these things have long been explored.

He nodded and said, "brother lie, everything has been surveyed."

"Yesterday, when you were away, our people disguised as their mine workers went inside the mine, drew the details of the tunnel deep in the mine, and then got the construction map from their office."

"Comparing with the detailed map of the tunnel we drew, with a few modifications, we have fully understood the situation in the depths of the map."

"I printed many copies of the map and sent it to each action team so that they could see it clearly and remember it clearly."

"The amount of explosives has been calculated by professional blasting experts, and it is also carefully prepared. The coverage and the degree of destruction can all meet expectations."

"If the plan is successful, this mine will cease to exist after ten o'clock tonight."

"If you want to restart it, it will take at least half a year."

"very good."

Li Tianlin said a lot, all of which were related to the action arrangement at night. It can be seen that he worked hard on this task.

Qin Lie was very satisfied, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Tianlin, you have worked hard these two days, and you have done a good job."

Li Tianlin smiled and said casually, "brother lie, we will definitely do our best to do what you ordered, but now we encounter a problem with our actions, and we still need you to come up with ideas."

"Oh?" Qin Lie asked, "what's the problem?"

Li Tianlin said truthfully: "According to our previous news, their workers worked overtime the next day. Today's normal off-duty time is 7:00 pm, and our action time is 10:00 pm. At that time, there will be no more people in their mines."

"But as a result, their leadership didn't know what plan to change, and just got the news that they have to work overtime today."

"And if they work overtime, they basically have to work until two or three in the morning. Many of our explosive leads have already been buried. If we wait for one night to blast, I'm afraid the inside of the mine will be too humid and wet. If the lead is removed, the blasting effect will not be so good."

"So the best time for blasting is 10 o'clock tonight. We don't know how to clean up the workers in the mine."

Li Tianlin's meaning is very clear.

The blasting mine is the blasting mine, but the workers who work in the mine are innocent.

They are only people who work for the Sanjin Group and the Xiao family.

It is impossible to put the grievances between the families on the heads of these workers.

So it's better to be able to carry out the blasting without those workers present at all.

This is also more in line with Qin Lie's idea.

Everyone is a low-level worker, and there are old people and children at home. It would be too vicious if they were also bombed to death.

Qin Lie has never been such a person.

Qin Lie listened, rubbed his chin and nodded to himself: "It is indeed a problem, our grievances with the Xiao family, we cannot let innocent people bear the consequences."

This issue has also been unanimously approved by the commanders in charge of Chen Jinhu and Jiang Lei.

They asked Qin Lie, "Brother lie, what should I do about this?"

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