Qin Lie pondered for a while, and some ideas came to his mind.

Just need to confirm.

Li Tianlin, who asked first: "Tianlin, how long can the leads you buried in earlier last?"

"It's hard to say." Li Tianlin said, "Because the pits inside this silver mine are too deep and complicated, if you want to blast it, you need to place explosives at many points."

"Then the lead is mainly for guiding, connecting those blasting points in series, so as to ensure that the placed explosives explode at the same time."

"This thing is afraid of moisture, because underground mines are always humid, and if there is groundwater infiltration, it will be more difficult, even if the lead has been waterproofed, it is still afraid of infiltration."

"Generally speaking, it can last for a few hours at most. At about one o'clock in the morning tomorrow, those leads will fail on a large scale."

Only now did Qin Lie know that the reason why Li Tianlin had to arrange it at 10 o'clock this evening was well-founded.

If you can't blast it tonight, you need to re-check and set the lead wire. If you don't talk about the delay, you may drag it down and cause unnecessary trouble.

The action plan cannot be changed.

Under this premise, Qin Lie quickly thought of a trick in his mind.

To force those workers out, either start with the management, or directly cause some accidents to their mines.

But ordinary accidents can't stop their entire mine.

If there is to be a major accident, the members of the Longyan Squad will have to go in to install explosives in the later stage, and their safety will also have problems, which obviously won't work.

So, it seems that the only way to start is from the management side?

"Do you know where the office of the person in charge of this mine is?" Qin Lie asked.

"I know." Li Tianlin said, "The location is easy to find, and I also know that the person in charge of this mine is a foreigner of the Xiao family. What's wrong, what are you going to do?"

"How can I do it? What else can I do?" Qin Lie joked. "What I hate most in my life is the boss who asks to work overtime for no apparent reason. He directly ordered the person in charge to revoke their decision to work overtime tonight."

"You want to threaten them?" Li Tianlin.

Qin Lie shrugged: "That's not the case."

Li Tianlin added: "But if you directly threaten the person in charge of the mine, they will know that today's action was done by our Longyan team. If you go back to China, the Xiao family is afraid that they will trouble you again."

Qin Lie sneered after listening to Li Tianlin's words: "Tianlin, your worry is unnecessary. Since I have agreed to the Cape family to do this, I will not be afraid of the Xiao family knowing."

"The conflict between me and the Xiao family has long been irreconcilable. In recent weeks, the Xiao family has stopped because of dealing with Xu Ying."

"Xu Ying may not be able to carry it for long. When Xu Ying falls, it will be my turn next."

"It's already like this anyway, I'm still afraid that he will trouble me?"

"And the people of the Cape family once promised me that as long as I get into trouble with the Xiao family because of their affairs, and the Xiao family dares to touch me, they will protect me."

"The background of the Cape family is comparable to that of the Xiao family. The Xiao family can't help me for the time being."


After listening to Qin Lie's introduction, Li Tianlin was stunned, and his heart became a lot more stable: "In this case, the problem will be simpler."

"We first take people to the office of the person in charge of the mine and ask them to call out all the workers in the mine, and then our people will go in and install explosives and blast them directly."

Li Tianlin thought that Qin Lie wanted this action to be carried out secretly and quietly.

In order to hide his identity, he dare not do many things on the bright side, which is really troublesome.

Who would have thought that Qin Lie had no such idea at all.

Since it can be done directly in front of the Xiao family, this matter is more than ten times easier.

The defense force around this mine could not stop the infiltration of their Longyan team.

After several discussions, Qin Lie waved his hand and said boldly: "Go, let them go!"

Just like that, Qin Lie set off with everyone, Chen Jinhu, Li Tianlin, Jiang Lei, and fifty members of the Longyan Squad, all the way to the mine in the deep mountains.

I had thought that a little girl in Makasha was not suitable to participate in their operation, and planned to send a few team members to stay to protect her, and come to pick him up after the operation was over.

But this little girl insisted that she didn't listen, and felt that this matter was very exciting, so she wanted to follow.

Qin Lie couldn't help her, so he asked her to follow.

A group of people came to the gate of the mine site in a mighty manner.

There were originally several security personnel from local South Korean security companies at the entrance to protect them from entering.

As a result, they saw Qin Lie and others, and asked loudly in Korean: "Who are you, what are you doing here..."

Before he could finish speaking, Qin Lie slapped the wall with a slap, hit his head, and lay on the ground dizzy like noodles.

The other guards were also quickly captured by Chen Jinhu and the others.

The members of the security company were nothing more than Zhan Wu's scum, and they did not stop Qin Lie and the Longyan team.

Arriving at the construction site, Qin Lie did not immediately let the members of the Longyan team go to the mine, but first let the team responsible for blasting wait for the order, and he took Chen Jinhu and a few people to the board room office of the person in charge here. rush.

Fortunately, at this time, there are still a few people in charge in the office.

And Qin Lie heard from their conversation that these people are all Chinese.

Several people rushed in aggressively, which immediately aroused the resentment of a group of people in the office, who stood up and asked, "Who are you and what do you want to do?"

Especially in Korean.

Qin Lie said rudely in Chinese: "A few Chinese people said South Korean bird language in front of Lao Tzu, and when they came out, they forgot where you were from, didn't you?"

Qin Lie didn't answer their questions, but raised his head and said rudely: "Please ask, who's talking is the most useful here?"

When those people saw that the troublemakers were still Chinese, they were even more dissatisfied.

They didn't know Qin Lie's strength yet, and they dared to shout: "Hey, I warn you not to be wild here, the Xiao family's industry is not something you can make trouble for, give you ten seconds to get out of here!"

"Oh! The Xiao family!"

Qin Lie sneered and muttered: "It seems that you haven't seen who is in control now!"

After he finished speaking, Qin Lie was rude, ran to the person who was talking, grabbed his head, and slapped the desk in front of him fiercely.

Then he took out the golden knife from his waist and pressed the golden knife blade directly on the man's neck.

At the same time, Chen Jinhu, Jiang Lei, and Li Tianlin, who were behind, immediately took out a pistol or a submachine gun and aimed the muzzle at these people.

For a moment, the entire office was silent.

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