Tang Hongxiao is angry now.

Qin Lie is so angry that he is still not calm when he does things.

A person who achieves great things must never act with anger.

Tang Hongxiao was very disappointed because of this.

However, despite being disappointed, he is still very worried.

After all, Qin Lie and his favorite baby daughter are already married. Qin Lie has also passed the test of all the senior elders of the Tang family, and is also a junior recognized by the Tang family.

Tang Hongxiao didn't want to see his daughter heartbroken and even widowed in the future.

He still has to guarantee this.

So tell Qin Lie.

"Qin Lie, you are staying in South Korea right now, don't move around, don't do things randomly, I'll call the airport right away and arrange my private jet to take off, and I'll talk about everything when I get to South Korea."

Qin Lie didn't quite understand the significance of Tang Hongxiao's actions, and responded.

"No need, my own plane is also parked in Seoul. When I return to Seoul from Ulsan, I will go straight to the airport to board the plane and fly back, so I won't bother you, Tang Uncle."

"It's not that simple." Tang Hongxiao said, "Since Henry Zhang is going to South Korea, he has made up his mind to get rid of you in South Korea. The Sanjin Group in South Korea is their affiliate, and it is estimated that the nationwide control has already begun. Do you think you can leave South Korea so easily and come back to China?"


The Sanjin Group still has a subordinate relationship with the Xiao family, which Qin Lie did not expect.

In this way, when I came to South Korea this time, I underestimated the difficulty of this task.

In the past, Qin Lie always had Xing Feng by his side.

This time Qin Lie misjudged the difficulty of the task and didn't even bring Xing Feng.

In fact, as long as Xing Feng was there and used their Yanwang Island intelligence system, these things should have been known long ago.

It's just that this time he underestimated the enemy, thinking that the mining farm in South Korea was just a small place, and if it was destroyed, it would be destroyed, and the Xiao family should not interfere too much.

Who would have thought that blowing up a Xiao family mine would cause such a big disturbance.

"Haha, now you know the seriousness of the problem?" Tang Hongxiao asked.

Qin Lie didn't answer and could only say: "Well then, Tang Uncle, I'll try not to move around after I go back to Seoul, and I'll talk about it when you get to South Korea."

"Well." Tang Hongxiao emphasized again, "I can't act rashly anymore, I'll come over immediately."

After saying this, Tang Hongxiao hung up the phone.

Qin Lie put down the phone and frowned, Chen Jinhu, who was watching, was very worried.

Even Makasha, a little princess who doesn't care about world affairs, saw the abnormality and asked, "Qin Lie, who did you talk to just now? From your appearance, something happened?"

As a result, before Qin Lie could answer him, the second call came.

Still a rare visitor - this call is from Xingtian.

Xing Tian's side is the boss of Hades Island, and his intelligence is very sharp.

He also emphasized the seriousness of the incident like Tang Hongxiao, and also said that Xing Feng would bring the remaining members of Longyan Squad to South Korea.

In addition to the Xiao family's question, Xing Tian also provided another key piece of information.

He told Qin Lie that Song Zhe had brought more than a dozen top killers from Yehun to South Korea these days, including Xu Ying, who had also disappeared in South Korea these days.

Only now did Qin Lie know that now, in such a small South Korea, so many people want his life.

A few days ago, there were very few things, Qin Lie was too bored, and wandered around playing.

What the night soul stopped, Xiao family stopped, Xu Ying stopped, now it's okay, this is so special, if it doesn't come, it doesn't come at all, and when it comes, all of it comes.

"Oh shit!"

After getting the complete contextual information of the matter, Qin Lie couldn't help but scolded: "My dear, these enemies have formed a group to come to trouble me."

"It seems that South Korea is really an unknown country. If I can go back in peace today, I will never come to this broken place again."

Chen Jinhu listened to his words, heard the clue, and asked in detail what happened.

Qin Lie told him all the truth.

Chen Jinhu is more reckless than Qin Lie, and after listening to it, he said loudly: "What's the matter, isn't it a Xiao family, isn't it a three gold group, it's not that they have never fought before, let them come!"

"One to kill one, two to kill one pair. If you want Brother Lie's life, step over my body first. I don't believe they can really kill us in South Korea?"

Qin Lie smiled, still much calmer than Chen Jinhu.

He did not respond to Chen Jinhu, but compared the strengths of the two sides horizontally and vertically.

I have a few cronies in South Korea and fifty members of the Longyan Squad.

Makassar is just a vase, it is not useful.

Let's look at the opponents, the top killer of Night Soul, the former killer group of Black Wolf, the local killer group of Sanjin Group, and the Xiao family army of Xiao family.

Any of the above forces, I am afraid that he is not able to fight against this little power in his hand.

There's not even the Ledi Group here.

Waiting for Tang Hongxiao is one aspect, and waiting for Xing Feng is another aspect.

Qin Lie is thinking now, even if the Tang family is here, Xing Tian and Xingfeng are here, and the Long Yan team is here, I am afraid that it will be difficult to resist this impact.

After thinking about it, he turned to look at Makasha, and when he turned his head, another thought came to his mind.

It seems that at the critical moment, this vase really has to be used.

The distance from Seoul was getting closer and closer, Qin Lie took out his mobile phone again, and this time the target of the call was the one far away in the UK, the head of the Cape family, Worms!

As of now, the only thing I can do is ask him for help.

Worms once promised that as long as Qin Lie encountered trouble with the Xiao family, he could ask for the protection of the Cape family.

This time seems to be the best time.

"Mr. Qin." Worms answered the phone quickly, and what Qin Lie said was far beyond Qin Lie's expectations.

After saying hello, he immediately said, "Mr. Qin, I'm guessing that the purpose of your call may be the same as the purpose of my trip to South Korea this time."

"Huh?" Qin Lie's jaw dropped in shock, "You're already on your way to South Korea?"

Worms: "Actually, four hours ago, when you told me you were going to do it at 10 tonight, I was already up from the UK, I had been in the sky for four hours, and I was close to South Korea."

"That's great." Qin Lie listened, heaved a sigh of relief, and finally calmed down a lot.

"Thank you." Qin Lie said, "Thank you for being so thoughtful."

Worms spoke, thinking more clearly than anyone else: "You helped the Cape family to bomb the Xiao family's mine this time, and you touched the foundation of the Xiao family. I have long guessed that the Xiao family would come to South Korea to trouble you as soon as possible. , so I set off early, just in case."

Qin Lie's heart was wider: "Mr. Worms has a foresight and caring, which makes me very moved."

There was a little laughter on the other end of the phone from Worms: "I have said long ago that you are a friend of our Cape family, and as long as my Cape family is here for a day, no family friend will suffer any grievances. "

"Don't worry, Henry Zhang today can't move you!"

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