
After thanking Worms, Qin Lie hung up the phone.

Then Qin Lie answered another call from Situ Xuan.

Situ Xuan didn't say much on the phone, he just let Qin Lie stay there and save his life, and he and Qiu Bai would come over overnight.

All in all, those who want Qin Lie's life, those who don't want Qin Lie's life, and those who want to protect Qin Lie, all flew to South Korea today.

The staff at Longcheng Airport were confused. They didn't know what was going on in South Korea. Suddenly, so many private planes chose to take off late at night, which also made them very tired.

In the car, Chen Jinhu felt worried when Qin Lie received so many calls at one time.

"Brother lie, what's the matter? Why are there so many calls all of a sudden? Did something happen?"

"Well." Qin Lie didn't hide it, nodded and said, "It was the explosion that caused a great reaction from the Xiao family. Henry Zhang rushed over from Huaxia overnight, ready to trouble us."

Chen Jinhu muttered: "What are you afraid of? It's not like we haven't done anything with the Xiao family before, just play with them."

Qin Lie shook his head, knowing that it wasn't that simple: "No, this is not the same as before, Henry Zhang not only came by himself this time, but also brought a large number of Xiao family troops from their family. In addition to the Xiao family army, they also launched South Korea's The Sanjin Group is very determined to chase and intercept them together, and it is better for us to avoid it."

After thinking about it, Qin Lie then instructed Chen Jinhu and said, "Jin Hu, let's avoid its edge first, my master and the Tang family are all rushing here, let's not go to Seoul first, and go to other places on the outskirts of the city to avoid it. Avoid."

Qin Lie is not a fool, he knows that some things can be daring, and some things should be let go.

This time, the movement brought by Henry Zhang was so big, it would be too stupid to go up to the hard top.

After thinking about it, it is better to wait for a few strong aids of your own to come to the long-term plan.

Although Chen Jinhu was reckless, he still had to listen to Qin Lie's words.

After receiving the order, Chen Jinhu used the walkie-talkie to give all the members of the Longyan Squad an order to make their convoy turn around and drive in a different direction away from Seoul.

The head of the team changed to the tail of the team, and the itinerary was changed.

But unfortunately, although they quickly changed the itinerary after getting the news, it was too late.

Late at night, on the outskirts of Seoul, about 20 kilometers away from Seoul, Qin Lie was going to go to Chuncheon, the nearest city to Seoul.

But at this time, on the road leading to Seoul, the headlights suddenly turned on in the space ahead.

And there was more than one headlight, dozens of dazzling rays of light came from the front and penetrated the night sky.

That's not a car, it's a fleet.

There are about ten cars in total, almost all of them are Audis.

Hidden in the darkness, Qin Lie and his team were getting closer and closer.

Qin Lie's team was about to turn around, but it was too late to leave, so they watched the opposite team approach.

Chen Jinhu, Jiang Lei and the others, like Qin Lie, watched those people from a distance to see what they wanted to do.

If it's just a passing convoy, it's naturally best.

Qin Lie and they don't want to conflict with anyone now.

But the result was very disappointing. In the suburbs of Seoul, there were only a few low-rise houses. This is a very desolate place in South Korea.

Most people don't come here late at night. Since they will come and form a team, they must have come prepared.

Sure enough, the cars coming from the opposite side slowly stopped beside Qin Lie and the others.

The door opened, and dozens of thugs came down in sequence.

Although these people were also in suits and ties, and wore sunglasses late at night, their skills were completely different from the four idiots they met in Seoul before.

They walked steadily, with one hand in their trouser pocket and the other quietly under their clothes.

No one knew what was in the hidden clothes pocket.

And every movement of them is well-trained, so the sunglasses are not just used to be cool, but when they are observing the situation, others will not find their eyes.

The thugs who came this time were much stronger than before.

However, Qin Lie squinted his eyes, guessing who the person who came here so soon was.

On the other hand, he gave Chen Jinhu an order, and asked him to instruct the members of Longyan Squad to prepare for battle, and conflicts might break out at any time.

One side looked at the people who came over from a distance, waiting for their reaction.

Soon, a leader came out of the men in black, and walked quickly to Qin Lie.

He can speak Chinese. Although he is not as fluent as Kim Jong-hyuk, he can still understand it.

"You are Qin Lie, right?"

Qin Lie squinted at him and asked, "Who are you?"

The man immediately responded, "I'm the director of Ledi Group. My name is Pei Junyong. The president, Mr. Zhang Yinnan, told me to come over and ask Mr. Qin to go back. He has something to look for you."


Qin Lie froze for a while, it was too strange.

Ledi Group?

Qin Lie imagined a lot of possibilities at the time, guessing that this group of people was either the Xiao family or the Sanjin Group.

Even the st group can understand something.

But this Ledi Group, what did he come to do with himself.

I just had a little grudge with Zhang Chengxun. Zhang Chengxun asked someone to trouble him yesterday, and he taught them a lesson, but he didn't make them seriously injured.

The thugs that Zhang Chengxun brought in yesterday were so stupid. Today, this group of people is well-trained. I'm afraid it's not Zhang Chengxun, but Zhang Yinnan.

Hey, the chairman of Ledi Group, I can't do it, I have to change my father?

But I really don't have such a big grudge with the Ledi Group.

Qin Lie pondered, not understanding.

Asked the man, "What did President Zhang Yinnan want me to do?"

The man was not shy, and said directly: "What Mr. Qin did, you know better than us. Young Master Zhang Chengxun is now lying in the hospital and has just been out of danger. Do I have to continue?"


Qin Lie was still full of doubts.

So according to what he meant, Zhang Chengxun was seriously injured, and then they thought it was their own doing, so they came to trouble themselves.

But I haven't touched Zhang Chengxun at all. After the thugs I called yesterday were beaten back, the matter was over. How could Zhang Chengxun still be ganked?

The result is still on your own head?

Qin Lie couldn't figure out the key inside for a while.

"What does Zhang Chengxun's accident have to do with me, I have never touched him." Qin Lie said.

The leader over there was too lazy to pay attention: "Mr. Qin, we are only responsible for bringing you back to the president. As for whether you did it or not, you should tell the president in person."

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