He already had killing intent in his heart. If this matter could be dealt with, within two days, Qin Lie would kill Xu Ying.

But the most important thing at the moment is how to leave the hospital of Ledi Group.

Bang bang bang!

Because it's not the army, it's just a gang, most people are still carrying pistols and not heavy weapons.

The scene of the exchange of fire is nothing compared to the scene of the arctic fox mercenary group and the wolf hunting mercenary group.

But this is in a busy city, and it's still in a hospital with a huge traffic flow. These pictures are still very thrilling.

Hearing the conflict between the two forces, the original ward patients and their families in the hospital were terrified.

Cowardly Shrink shivered in the ward.

The daring man stuck his head out into the corridor to see what was going on. In the end, he didn't dare to leave the ward. He retracted the room, and locked the door.

Qin Lie brought the Longyan team to confront Su Zhihuan's "Xintiandi" gang force.

Hit and back.

Xintiandi was well prepared this time, and there were a lot of people. Basically, security personnel were assigned to the upper and lower three floors of the icu ward where Zhang Chengxun was.

Qin Lie's team had a total of fifty people, and they fought and retreated, not planning to stay.

Fortunately, although the number of Longyan Squad is inferior, the individual combat ability and cooperation tacit understanding are much higher. There is no problem with the team of only 50 people, keeping Qin Lie retreating.

When Qin Lie led the team, even 300 people who hunted wolf mercenaries, were you still afraid of these little gangsters?

With the protection of the Longyan team, Qin Lie's safety is not a big problem. Now he is thinking about where to go after leaving the hospital.

When I came to the hospital before, I planned to let the people from the Ledi Group protect me, and delay with Zhang Yinnan for a while until Tang Hongxiao brought people from the Tang family, or Worms brought people from the Cape family.

Only now because of Xu Ying's troubles, this plan obviously won't work.

Where to go becomes the question.

Zhang Chengxun's ICU ward was on the tenth floor, everyone fought and retreated, and slowly retreated to the third floor.

When approaching the exit, Chen Jinhu also asked, "brother lie, where are we going after we go out later?"

The Ledi Group has deployed control throughout Seoul, and they, a foreign force, seem to have nowhere to go.

Qin Lie thought for a while, but in the end he couldn't come up with a perfect solution, so he could only say: "Let's get on the bus and leave Seoul, we've already delayed a lot of time, I'll call Tang Uncle later to see When will they arrive, we will feel better when the Tang family comes."

"Okay." Chen Jinhu nodded, so far, that's the only way it can be.

Qin Lie took the lead and led the Longyan team to fight together, and the place in front of the hospital was violently attacked by a wave of "Xintiandi" thugs.

Fortunately, Longyan Squad's military quality was excellent. After another wave of fierce confrontation with them at the entrance of the hospital, they broke out of the siege, got into the car, and drove all the way to the outside of Seoul.

Su Zhihuan led people to chase out, watching Qin Lie's motorcade disappearing into the neon, stomping his feet fiercely, very annoyed.

Holding the forearm of his left hand, he twisted his mouth, it hurt a little.

The left hand was injured in the frontal collision with the Longyan team just now, and the team led by Qin Lie was astonishingly powerful.

There were a total of 180 people under his control in the hospital, but he couldn't stop them.

The subordinate next to him also said: "Boss Su, the personal armed forces of this Chinese man are very powerful. What should we do now? Do we want to chase it?"

"Chase!" Su Zhihuan's words were fulfilled, and his tone was firm, "Instruct An Long to call out everyone in the 'home' and set up control throughout Seoul, and he must not be allowed to leave Seoul today!"

"Yes!" Su Zhihuan's subordinates got the order and quickly executed it.

They called their own gang's base camp and asked everyone in the gang to get out and stop Qin Lie's ten cars.

The members of the "Xintiandi" gang moved, thousands of people poured out, and all of a sudden, the whole of Seoul became their hunting battlefield.

Qin Lie took the members of Longyan Squad and played a cat-and-mouse game with the members of Ledi Group.

As the saying goes, strong dragons do not overwhelm local snakes, maybe this is the most appropriate explanation.


And Xu Ying, who was watching the battle from a high-rise building outside the hospital, finally showed a satisfied smile.

So far, everything is going according to his plan.

He sent someone to shoot that cold shot, originally aimed at Qin Lie, but he knew that Qin Lie was a mysterious person who could always warn of danger.

It is best to kill Qin Lie with one shot. If he can't, get Zhang Yinnan and direct the firepower of Ledi Group to Qin Lie.

In South Korea, even if Qin Lie wanted to run, he had a deadly feud with the Ledi Group.

These two preparations, Xu Ying did very delicately.

Black Wolf ordered people to finish things, and returned to the room to see everything that happened over there.

The corners of his mouth rose, this time he couldn't help but praise Xu Ying.

"Mr. Xu, this move kills two birds with one stone, and both hands are guaranteed. It's really powerful!"

"Humph!" Xu Ying said, "If you could think twice as much as I did when you were doing things, you wouldn't be fooled by that kid Qin Lie."

"Yes." Heilang also said, "I really underestimated him before, there were some mistakes, it's not as good as Mr. Xu's thoughtful thinking."

However, Xu Ying was still not so relieved, and asked Xu Ying: "But President Xu, can Qin Lie be dealt with solely by the power of the Ledi Group? I just saw that their combat effectiveness seems to be a little far behind Qin Lie's Longyan Squad. ."

Xu Ying's eyes were full of deep meaning, and he continued: "They can't help Qin Lie. Qin Lie has developed to a level that ordinary people can't deal with, but it doesn't matter, I still have third-hand preparations!"

"Third-hand preparation?" Heilang looked puzzled, "What else are you going to do?"

"follow me!"

Xu Ying didn't explain too much, waved his hand, didn't stay in this rented apartment building, left quickly, and walked downstairs.

Heilang didn't understand, but he knew that Xu Ying had made adequate preparations for today's events, so just follow him and do it.

Soon, Xu Ying, Heilang, Song Zhe, and others all left the place, went downstairs, and chased Qin Lie's team.


The third party, oh no, it should be said to be the fourth party, and also got relevant information at this time.

The chairman of Sanjin Group, Jin Zhiyuan, was sitting in his office, and he got the news almost five minutes after Qin Lie left the hospital.

His assistant quickly came to the office, knocked on the door, and walked in quickly without waiting for his consent.

The first sentence after coming in was: "President An, you asked us to find that Chinese man, and we found it!"


An Zhiyuan stood up from the chair, because under Henry Zhang's pressure, he did not dare to neglect this matter: "Where are the people?"

"It's in Seoul," the assistant replied. "But the situation is a bit complicated now. You have to think about what to do. He seems to be being hunted down by members of the 'Xintiandi' gang."

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