"Xintiandi?" An Zhiyuan was very strange, "Isn't that a subordinate of Ledi Group?"

"Yeah." the assistant said, "It's from the Ledi Group, which means that the Ledi Group is also looking for trouble with him."

An Zhiyuan touched his chin: "This kid is amazing. He went to South Korea and provoked everyone here. Do you know what happened?"

"The specifics are not clear." The assistant said, "The place where the conflict happened was in a private hospital of Ledi Group. I heard that the conflict was related to Zhang Yinnan. Zhang Yinnan seems to have been shot."

"This Qin Lie went straight up and killed Zhang Yinnan?" An Zhiyuan couldn't believe it.

However, the assistant did not understand the details of the specific situation so clearly: "I don't know, anyway, people from Xintiandi are now besieging Qin Lie in the whole city. I'm afraid the situation is more serious, so I came to ask you what to do."

An Zhiyuan kept rubbing his chin and thinking.

If, as the assistant said, Ledi Group went to Qin Lie because Zhang Yinnan had an accident, then Ledi Group would not let Qin Lie go so easily.

Henry Zhang called him before and asked him to catch Qin Lie.

If Qin Lie falls into the hands of others and cannot get it on his own side, he is afraid that Henry Zhang will blame him again.

This can't be the case.

"No." An Zhiyuan said, "People can't fall into the hands of the Ledi Group. The Xiao family will blame me for not doing things well, and they have to find a way to snatch people over."

The assistant lowered his head in response and said loudly, "Yes, then how exactly?"

An Zhiyuan thought for a while, and then officially ordered: "The people who go down and notify us will start to act now, and let the tracking team figure out the route they want to escape. We will intercept them on their only way in advance, and let's act!"


The assistant got the order and immediately went down and ordered someone to go.

In this way, another force joined the melee tonight.

Although the Sanjin Group did not control the underground forces in Seoul, with the support of the Xiao family, they also raised a large number of private armed forces.

These people are the dead men of the Sanjin Group, and they are even the elites who have been sent to the Huaxia Xiao family for rigorous training.

Although the combat power is not comparable to the Xiao family army, it is much stronger than the rabble group of "Xintiandi".

If the Ledi Group wants to fight them head-on to grab people, An Zhiyuan is confident that he can do it better than the Ledi Group.

Qin Lie side.

Qin Lie has already started a chasing battle comparable to a Hollywood movie with the people from "Xintiandi".

"Xintiandi" dispatched a large number of manpower and vehicles to chase and block Qin Lie.

Qin Lie and others will encounter new vehicles when they run almost one street, and several new cars when they run another street.

Fortunately, the members of the Longyan Squad have good driving skills. In addition, there are not many vehicles on the streets of South Korea at this time of night, and all roads are unobstructed, so that they were not stopped by Xintiandi in a short period of time.

While driving, Qin Lie and the others were also fighting against the people from "Xintiandi", and they overturned no less than ten vehicles on the road along the way.

Although he has been walking through the streets of Seoul, Qin Lie also has a purpose.

That is the suburb in the south of the city!

South Korea is different from China. China has a large area, and there are wild countryside ridges that can hardly be run far from the city.

But South Korea is different. South Korea's urbanization is very high. Almost all cities are connected together. It is hard to see places like undeveloped places.

To the south is the only undeveloped wilderness in the entire Seoul. There is a mountain there. If you can go to these places, the time can be delayed for a long time.

This is Qin Lie's idea!

They are also strictly in accordance with this implementation.

Although the ten-car convoy would sometimes be broken into pieces, each fighting for each other, but the same destination, the destination of everyone was the mountainous area in the south.

The scene was very hot, everyone and the Ledi Group trembled in Seoul for about an hour, and finally got closer and closer to Nanshan District.

At the end of the road leading to Nanshan, there is a super avenue of seventy or eighty widths.

After everyone was broken into pieces, they regrouped on this avenue.

At this time, it completely turned into a picture of Qin Lie and the others running in front, and the Ledi Group chasing behind.

The avenue leaves Seoul and is intercepted by a big river, and there is a bridge over the big river, which is the only bridge that leaves from this direction.

Crossing this bridge, you can leave the city of Seoul and enter the uninhabited wilderness.

At that time, the safety factor was much higher.

But things didn't go according to people's wishes. When Chen Jinhu and the others drove outside, from a distance, they saw that the bridge was full of parked vehicles.

All of these cars were parked sideways on top of them, stacked at least three layers in front and back, and they were designed to block the road.

Chen Jinhu was in front, watching all this, and hurriedly said: "Brother Lie, no, there are people in front of them. They have sealed the bridge, and we can't drive through!"

"Yeah!" Jiang Lei also said, "This bridge is blocked, how can we go?"

"And there's no other way to go. Brother lie, we can't get out of Seoul."

Qin Lie naturally saw this situation and watched it all from a distance.

Looking left and right, there is only one way to go out, the surrounding is close to the wilderness, and there is no other way to go.

The car they rented in South Korea this time was basically a commercial car with a low chassis, and it was impossible to drive in the wilderness.

There seemed to be nowhere to go.

The other side had already pre-judged that they were going to take this road, and that they were on the only road, and there was a blockade on the bridge. I was afraid that this place would really not be able to get out.

Circumstances are ever-changing.

Everyone knows that in this case, there are interceptions in front and chasing troops in the back, and it is impossible to run away.

Rather than that, stop and fuck with them.

However, Qin Lie found that the people who were encircling in front were different from those who were chasing after them.

The people behind Xintiandi drive almost all cars in black Audi.

There may be other cars, but the color is basically black.

But the people who set up the blockade line in front of them are different. The cars they drive are almost all white or light gray.

Dark cars are almost invisible.

Qin Lie doesn't think it's just a coincidence.

The choice of these cars is basically a personal preference of the leader.

With such a large group, the company's cars are basically purchased collectively.

The model and color of the car all depend on the likes and dislikes of the leaders.

That's why they are completely different.

Qin Lie probably guessed that the person who was chasing after him and the person who intercepted him in front should be two forces.

Just not sure yet.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Chen Jinhu asked loudly, "brother lie, we can't get out, or we will fight with them!"

"They're not high-level, and if they fight hard, they will definitely not be able to beat us."

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