Innsbruck also encountered such a block at the beginning.

The big truck was in the middle of the road, and the killer was sticking out from behind to kill them.

At that time, Qin Lie's order was to surround the car in a big circle, so that there could be a 360-degree bunker, making a battle of trapped beasts.

In the end, with the powerful combat power of the Longyan Squad, the killer on the opposite side was defeated.

Of course, there were not many killers in the Darong Gang at that time, and the total number of people was not much different from that of the Longyan Squad.

With the same number of armed forces, apart from Xuanyuan's Xuanyuan Guards, Qin Lie has yet to find a team that is stronger than Longyan's squad.

The same goes for these teams in South Korea this time.

But compared to that time, the number of people dispatched by South Korea is much larger this time.

If we were to repeat the plot again, it is uncertain what the outcome will be.

But there seems to be no other way now, so if you can delay it for a minute, it will be a minute.

Thinking like this, Qin Lie finally gave the Longyan team the same order as Chen Jinhu said: "Tell the brothers, the same as the tactics in Innsbruck before, the team head bites the team tail, make a circle, the Tang family's The team has already landed, but it will take a little time to get here, and the time can be delayed!"


Jiang Lei took the order, and immediately took out the walkie-talkie and told Qin Lie's words to go out.

Everyone executed it very quickly. After getting the order, the car at the front of the team immediately slowed down and turned around, making a big circle on the road here, and finally biting the butt of the car at the back of the team.

The second car followed the butt of the first car and circled in the same way, where the first car went, the second car went.

Then a third car will follow.

In this way, it is just an order, but the people of Longyan team executed it well.

In about ten seconds, the position made by the big circle placed by the car was ready, and everyone got out of the car and hid inside the circle.

Soon, under the Ledi Group, the boss of Xintiandi, Su Zhihuan led people to chase here.

From a distance, when Qin Lie saw Qin Lie put his car into formation, drawing the ground as a prison, and waiting for him, Su Zhihuan also stopped Xintiandi's car.

However, apart from Qin Lie in front of him, Su Zhihuan paid more attention to the people from the Sanjin Group on the bridge.

After the car stopped, formed a formation, and blocked the way, Su Zhihuan called people to his side and asked in a low voice, "Hey, what's going on on the other side, where did the people on the bridge come from, and which side are they standing on?"

The actions of the Sanjin Group were obviously not unexpected by Su Zhihuan.

The subordinates around him immediately replied: "It seems to be, it seems to be a member of the Sanjin Group."

"Sanjin Group?" Su Zhihuan wondered, "What are the people from Sanjin Group doing here?"

That subordinate didn't understand either: "I don't know, but I heard that after we started to act, the people of Sanjin Group also started to move, and it was the team led by the vice president of Sanjin Group, Park Entai."

"Park Eun Tae personally led the team." Su Zhihuan muttered, "What do these people want to do, they don't want to protect Qin Lie."

These things are not something that a small subordinate can know.

In the distance, Park Entai stood on the bridge, hiding behind a car door, putting his hands in his trouser pockets, and quietly watching the scene here.

Qin Lie was trapped in the middle, and he had become a turtle in a urn, ready to take it down at any time.

Thinking that Qin Lie was so disrespectful to him at the auction two days ago, today it is a small revenge.

It's just that his attention is not Qin Lie, but also Su Zhihuan across the street from Qin Lie.

The order he got was to grab Qin Lie from the Ledi Group.

So not only have to deal with Qin Lie, but also against Su Zhihuan.

Su Zhihuan saw him from a distance, and he didn't know where he got a loudspeaker, and shouted at him: "President Park, I didn't expect to meet you on the street in the middle of the night. It's fate, I don't know. What are you doing out so late?"

Su Zhihuan just wanted to figure out the purpose of Park Entai's side.

After hearing this, Park Entai quickly responded: "Boss Su, it's so late, and I don't want to run around on the streets, but the order given by the president has to be fulfilled. Our mine in Ulsan was bombed, and it was you who chased after it. This person, I have an order, and I am planning to take him back to see the president."

Su Zhihuan listened, somewhat relieved.

At least, Park Eun-tae is not directed at them.

After a pause, Su Zhihuan continued: "Oh, that's really unfortunate, this kid just shot and killed President Zhang Yinnan in front of us not long ago, and I want to take him back. "

Park Entai listened here, but he already knew what Qin Lie was doing.

He also called An Zhiyuan, and the death order that An Zhiyuan gave him - Qin Lie must be in the hands of their Sanjin Group, the people of the Xiao family are about to land in Seoul, the death order given by Henry Zhang, before he arrived After South Korea, you must see Qin Lie for the first time.

In this regard, the Sanjin Group did not dare to neglect, and Qin Lie could not ignore others.

"That's really fate." Park Entai also said, "It seems that our two families have a grudge against this person named Qin Lie..."

"However." Park Entai paused again and said, "Boss Su, is it okay to discuss something with you, anyway, you want Qin Lie's life, and we want Qin Lie's life, so why don't you hand over this matter? Give it to me, I'll take Qin Lie back to the Sanjin Group, I'll take care of him at that time, take a picture and send it to you, your goal has been achieved, and my task has been completed, do you think this will work?"

Su Zhihuan is not stupid.

He was also ordered by the senior management of the group. Those bosses said, Qin Lie wants to see people in life, and corpses in death. In short, he must hold Qin Lie in his hands.

If Qin Lie was handed over to Park Entai, he wouldn't be able to explain it to those bosses when he went back.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult." Su Zhihuan said, "President Park, you are a senior executive of Sanjin Group. You are different from me. You are the boss, and I am just a part-time worker. If you fail to complete the task, you will be scolded by President An at most. Dayton, if I don't finish it, those big bosses of the group may blame me for all the responsibilities, I'm going to die, in this case, how can I give people to you?"

"Hey!" Park Entai also sighed deliberately, "Boss Su, you don't know anything, I don't have a position in the Sanjin Group, and everything is up to President An."

"Just like you, I was ordered to take Qin Lie back. If I can't take him back, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep my position as vice president. Otherwise, you should be accommodating."

Regardless of Qin Lie in the middle, the two chatted in front of him.

My God, Qin Lie feels like he is an air.

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