The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1343: Catching Turtles In The Urn

How weak is he that makes them not interested in him at all.

Fifty people are still stuck among them, and they don't care about themselves and chat with each other.

Qin Lie asked Makasha, who can speak a little Korean.

Makasha only listened to it, they were discussing how to deal with Qin Lie anyway.

Qin Lie sighed after listening, "If you can't determine who will take Lao Tzu back, otherwise, let Lao Tzu go first!"

"What's the matter, I haven't been caught yet, and I'm discussing how to deal with me. I'm so vulnerable?"

Qin Lie was speechless.

But that's fine too.

Aid is already on its way, all he's doing now is procrastinating, and the more they talk, the better his chances.

When the remaining members of the Longyan Squad arrive, and then play with them, I will not necessarily fall behind.

Not to mention that in addition to his own Longyan team, there are also the Tang family and the Cape family.

"Golden Tiger..." Qin Lie asked Chen Jinhu, "Where are the people in the team? Are they in Seoul?"

"Just arrived!" Chen Jinhu said, "I just asked about the situation just now. He said that they have already landed and are rushing over. Elder Xuan and Elder Qiu are also there. As long as we wait for them, we will have the strength to fight."

"Very good." Qin Lie nodded, feeling very calm.

Now if he really wants to fight, Qin Lie really doesn't know if he can win.

After all, the pressure from the Sanjin and Ledi groups is still very high, especially the number of personnel is very different.

Qin Lie did not know the exact number of people dispatched by the Ledi Group tonight, but there must be several hundred.

But only on the bridge, the three-row car of the Sanjin Group, twenty or thirty vehicles, the number of people is also one or two hundred.

There are only fifty people on my side, no matter how strong the combat effectiveness is, it is impossible to beat ten, this is not a superhero movie.

There is absolutely no chance of winning now.

If you wait until the remaining members of the Longyan Squad arrive, you will not suffer from the number of people first.

The most important thing is that Situ Xuan and Qiu Bai come over, and they will be guaranteed in terms of high-end combat effectiveness.

For some reason, Qin Lie felt at ease as long as there were two masters around.

What we have to do now is how to delay until the Longyan Squad arrives.

Park Eun Tae and Su Ji Hwan were yelling at each other so loudly that their voices were hoarse.

In the end, there was still no reason to argue.

The two sides refused to let each other, and they must hold Qin Lie in their hands.

In the end, I wasted a lot of time, but still no results.

In the end, Park Entai didn't want to be so troublesome, and he didn't want to offend the Ledi Group by himself.

After thinking about it, I can only say: "Boss Su, otherwise, you don't want to let go, and I can't let go, then after we start the attack later, we will each rely on our abilities, whoever catches him will take him with him. He goes."

When Su Zhihuan heard this, he also agreed: "Yes, in this case, I will not offend the Sanjin Group. When the time comes, I have a reason to ask."

"Okay." Park Entai said, "Then let's do our best."

Park Entai made this suggestion, but there was no way out.

The relationship between the three major consortiums in South Korea is ambiguous.

Compete with each other but restrict each other.

There are contradictions between each consortium, but they don't dare to kill each other too much.

In such a situation, you can only rely on your own abilities.

But that doesn't mean Park Eun-tae doesn't have his own ideas.

After talking to Su Zhihuan, Park Entai whispered to his subordinates: "We will fight later, if the Ledi Group wants to get closer to Qin Lie, they can secretly shoot at the Ledi Group, and make sure that Qin Lie Lie is in our hands."

"Yes..." Sanjin Group's subordinates responded, and then quietly went to inform the rest of the team.

Su Zhihuan's side was no exception. After putting down the loudspeaker, he also said to his subordinates: "When the people from the Sanjin Group dare to grab them, they will shoot them."

Even Qin Lie immediately guessed their plan.

After Chen Jinhu knew what they meant, he worried: "Boss, see what they mean, they are going to deal with us together."

Qin Lie said with a smile: "It's just peace on the surface. I know people like them too well. Their interests are the first. If there is a conflict of interest, there can be no real peace. It's a good thing for us to go together."

"Really?" Chen Jinhu widened his eyes.

"Yeah." Qin Lie said in a low voice, "We'll wait until after they start attacking, we'll shoot a few symbolic shots, and then hide for the rest of the time, nodding our head occasionally, and let us They fight themselves."

"Is this still possible?" Chen Jinhu was unimaginable, unable to guess the scene.

"Hmph..." Qin Lie's mouth rose, and he smirked, "Just wait and see."

After Su Zhihuan and Park Entai decided on their policies, they put down their megaphones and gave orders to their subordinates.

Soon, the thugs under their hands, holding pistols, slowly approached.

Qin Lie and the Long Yan team were lying under the car, and there was no movement for the time being.

I have been watching the gunmen on both sides.

Chen Jinhu was cautious, his hand holding the gun clenched a little.

"Brother lie, when will we start?" he asked.

"No hurry." Qin Lie said, "Let them get closer."

"Close, how close is that? If we get closer, they can break through our blockade. Is it better for us to guard against one hand?"

"It's okay." Qin Lie was calm, "If some of them get too close, someone will help."

The gunshots at the scene have not yet sounded, but the atmosphere has been sent to freezing point.

Everyone pressed the muzzle of the gun, moved lightly, and slowly approached, ready to fire.

Finally, when the people got close enough, Qin Lie asked again, "How is it? How far is it now?"

Chen Jinhu was very nervous, swallowing his saliva: "There are only less than ten meters left. If we don't do it, we will be too late."

"Ten meters?" Qin Lie calculated with his fingers, as if not too much, this distance was enough to cause chaos in the situation.

Thinking of this, he immediately ordered the Longyan team: "Everyone listens to the order and launches an attack at both ends at the same time, and the speed is faster!"


The members of Longyan Squad received orders and knew what to do.

Soon, the members of the Longyan Squad, who had huddled under the car, attacked almost instantly.

They came out, the guns in their hands had already been loaded and the safety was removed, and after pulling the trigger, the bullets rushed out of the chambers.

The gun fired, and the situation broke out in an instant.

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

The scene, which was very quiet at first, suddenly became hot as the Longyan team started to attack.

People from the two consortiums saw Qin Lie and others appear and raised their guns to fight back.

Bullets came and went between the three parties, like a gust of wind and rain.

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