Tang Hongxiao brought people to the scene and instantly crushed the Ledi Group.

Including Xu Ying, Song Zhe and others on the side, seeing this pupil also began to tremble.

"Tang Hongxiao!!"

Xu Ying looked at Tang Hongxiao from a distance, and he naturally recognized it.

Tang Hongxiao, the No. 2 figure in the contemporary Tang family, is also one of the representatives of the peak of power.

Xu Ying has always known about the relationship between the Tang family and Qin Lie.

Tang Hongxiao's daughter Tang Lingxue and Qin Lie have always had an unclear relationship, and Tang Hongxiao has always regarded Qin Lie as his son-in-law.

He just didn't expect that today's events would be so turbulent, Tang Hongxiao rushed over from Huaxia overnight, just to protect Qin Lie.

Qin Lie bombed a mine, and the follow-up reaction caused by it was so strong?

And looking at the fighting members behind Tang Hongxiao, they are obviously the elites of the Tang family.

Regardless of the reason for the time being, it is said that Tang Hongxiao is here, wouldn't today's assassination be difficult?

Xu Ying squeezed his fist and waved his hand, feeling extremely aggrieved in his heart.

He scolded angrily: "Those rice buckets of the Ledi Group, if you want to do it, you should start it early. You have to grind and dawdle, and you can't solve it for a long time. When you fight, you still compete with the people from the Sanjin Group. Are you sick?"

Heilang also understands the situation, and at first glance it can be seen that Tang Hongxiao brought people here to protect Qin Lie.

"Mr. Xu, why is this Tang family here, how can this be good!?"

Obviously, this situation exceeded everyone's expectations.

Xu Ying was not in the mood to explain, so he scolded after a few words: "You ask me, who should I ask?"

However, he was still very polite to Song Zhe.

Seeing that Song Zhe came back with someone from the roadside, he immediately asked for help: "Mr. Song, why are you back? Are you still waiting for Qin Lie with a gun over there? Mr. Song, there is only one last step left in all plans. You can't help me..."

Song Zhe never took this matter seriously.

It has always been seen from his attitude.

He put the gun behind his back and said casually, "Mr. Xu, I won't stop you if you don't want to live, but I still want to live."

He paused, then continued: "Mr. Xu, before you did this, you didn't know the information well. You didn't know about such an important matter as the Tang family went to South Korea. Now the Tang family has brought so many people here to protect Qin Lie. What do you want me to do?"

"This..." Xu Ying was speechless, he wanted to say something but didn't know what to say, his expression was bitter, "Then are you going to just forget about it today?"

Song Zhe looked indifferent, patted Xu Ying on the shoulder and said, "President Xu, listen to my advice, today's situation is not something you and I can control. The killers have to be weighed when they come, just a few of us, not opponents at all, it will be long in the future, this matter, take your time."

There is ample time?

Really go to his mother's future.

Xu Ying cursed.

If it weren't for being hunted down by the Xiao family, Xu Ying would not have many days, why would he be so anxious.

If you can't deal with Qin Lie today, go back to Huaxia and go to the Xiao family's territory again.

He didn't know when and where the Xiao family took his life.

Where did this come from?

Xu Ying was more than a little angry in his heart, but there was nothing he could do about Song Zhe.

He could only ask Song Zhe with kind words and said: "Mr. Song, otherwise this is the case, today, at this moment, when Tang Hongxiao is here, you don't do anything, we will continue to follow Qin Lie, hold on, and see how the situation develops. , I think Tang Hongxiao is here today, things are definitely not as simple as imagined, we will observe in secret, wait for the opportunity, and I will ask you to take action when there is a chance?"

Song Zhe originally wanted to refuse to leave directly.

But Xu Ying pleaded in a low voice: "Mr. Song, I have no other demands in my life, just this matter, I beg you to help me!"

"After I finish this matter, I will commit suicide. After I die, all my property will be transferred to your name. That's it, I beg you to help me!"

Song Zhe rolled his eyes and thought about his income and contributions, and finally agreed: "Well, I'll wait and see if there is a chance to make another shot, if there is no chance, I will definitely not go out of my mind. Death, do you understand?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Xu Ying nodded quickly and thanked, "Thank you, thank you very much."


On Qin Lie's side, knowing that Tang Hongxiao had arrived, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

First, I cautiously used the reflector to see if there were any snipers in the grass by the side of the road.

After confirming safety, he instructed the blockade line, that is, the team members in the middle of the big circle formed by the car to get up and leave, and came to Tang Hongxiao's side.

Seeing this situation, Park Entai did not dare to stop it.

At the beginning of the melee with Ledi Group, he lost a lot of people.

Seeing Tang Hongxiao's turbulent pressure, and the fighting strength is fierce, how dare you do more things.

Watching Qin Lie go to Tang Hongxiao's side, he was annoyed, but he didn't dare to put a fart.

Qin Lie walked to Tang Hongxiao's side, and the stone in his heart fell to the ground.

He even had the mood to joke: "Uncle Tang, I've known you for so long, and today is the most handsome time I've seen you."

Tang Hongxiao sighed, rolled his eyes at him, and said angrily: "You kid is too embarrassed to flatter you, as long as you think about it before you do things, I won't run all the way to save you in the middle of the night, you think I want to be handsome I didn't come here to save you..."

"Hey..." Qin Lie laughed, "So you are handsome, your speed is okay, but the first wave came to the scene faster than the Xiao family."

"Is that old man Henry Zhang not here yet?" Tang Hongxiao was surprised.

Qin Lie said, "Uncle Tang, just look at the situation today. If Henry Zhang arrives, can I still live to wait for you?"

"Hmph..." Tang Hongxiao snorted coldly, "It's good to know, don't let Lao Tzu worry about this next time!!"

It's like caring, and it's like giving Qin Lie an admonishment.

Tang Hongxiao brought the situation under control.

The last person came to the front of Qin Lie's position.

Without a gun or body armor, he stood in front of Park Eun-tae.

Very confident.

He glanced at Park Entai up and down with disdain on his face.

"Who are you? Which of the three major consortiums in South Korea belong to?"

Park Entai's status is not low, and in South Korea, he is also considered to be a group of people at the top of the pyramid.

Usually, no matter who you meet, you can talk with your back straight.

But this time, looking at Tang Hongxiao, panic was written on his face.

This aura is too strong.

He looked around, not daring to look at Tang Hongxiao.

Finally: "Park Eun Tae, Sanjin Group."

"Sanjin Group." Tang Hongxiao didn't know much about the situation in South Korea, only the relationship between Sanjin Group and the Xiao family.

He said: "Sanjin, that's the lackey of the Xiao family, I'm going to take Qin Lie away now, do you want to?

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