If there is an opinion, Park Eun-tae thought that he would like to have an opinion too.

But the problem is, you are leading so many people, with so many guns, and you run over aggressively.

Even if we have an opinion, we dare not say it.

Just when Tang Hongxiao was questioning, the people from the Tang family and the Longyan team raised their guns high and aimed them at his team members.

He glanced at it now, and the road across the bridge was full of gun muzzles and human heads.

He felt that if he said a word of opinion, the bullets on the opposite side would be shot densely, smashing them all into a sieve.

They have already foreseen the danger behind, how can Park Entai dare to have any opinion.

Thinking like this, Park Entai shook his head, and finally said: "No, no opinion."


Tang Hongxiao was very satisfied, and smiled at Park Entai again: "Very good, you are still a good guy who can do things."

For people in South Korea, the title of the stick is very insulting, just like the sick man of East Asia in China.

If you are an ordinary South Korean, you will explode when you hear this title.

But now Park Eun-tae dare not.

Even if I hear this, I can only listen and bear it, and I can't even look up at Tang Hongxiao.

Tang Hongxiao raised the corners of his mouth with a playful expression on his face, and then turned around leisurely, ignoring Park Entai and Sanjin Group at all.

He turned his back, turned his back to Park Entai and his gunman, waved at Qin Lie and the others in the Tang family, and said loudly, "Since no one has an opinion, let's go, don't waste time here."

That casual calm, I feel that what I experienced here is not a fierce battlefield, but a supermarket shopping.

Seeing that Tang Hongxiao was so relaxed, Qin Lie also relaxed.

Not caring about Park Entai's people, everyone turned around and walked all the way to the back.

Qin Lie quietly gave a thumbs up in front of Tang Hongxiao and said sincerely, "Tang Uncle, you are awesome."

Tang Hongxiao squinted at him, smiled slightly, and said nothing.

This is really domineering, right?

Qin Lie sighed from the bottom of his heart.

Don't look at how many things you are doing now, and you have two money in your hand.

But compared with these super families, it is still a hundred and eight thousand miles away.

Your uncle is still your uncle.

Any strong dragon that doesn't overwhelm the local snake is all nonsense.

In the face of true strength, no matter where or when, there should be a lot of influence and oppression.

Before, the people who brought the Longyan team by themselves were run over by a Ledi group and ran all over Seoul. They were also blocked on the bridge by the Ledi group and the Sanjin group, unable to move.

Although he can rely on various strategies to deal with them.

But if it is possible, I also want to put my name on it, and the other side will respectfully send myself away without daring to say a word.

Too bad he doesn't have that level of influence yet.

There is a long way to go, there is still a long way to go!

Qin Lie sighed in his heart, followed Tang Hongxiao all the way and left, ready to get on the bus and go to the airport.

However, things didn't end so easily.

Just when Tang Hongxiao took Qin Lie back, ready to leave this place of right and wrong.

In the rear of the crowd, where Tang Hongxiao and the others came over just now, a crowd of people came over.

It was late at night and the surroundings were very quiet.

The people who came hardly spoke, only the sound of their dense footsteps could be heard.

When it was near, someone said to this side: "Tang Hongxiao, your Tang family is so domineering, come directly to South Korea to protect the people, break up the Ledi Group, and rub the Sanjin Group on the ground, making people envious!"

The sound was so loud that it rang directly above the entire street.

He has a lot of qi and is a trainer.

It's just that the compliments are full of ridicule, and it is obvious that the comer is not good.

It wasn't until their people were close that Qin Lie saw who was in the lead.

Also an old acquaintance.

There were several conflicts before, but in the end it was all over.

It will come eventually.

The person standing opposite Qin Lie at this time is none other than the head of the Xiao family, the father of Xiao Xingyao and Xiao Xingyuan, Henry Zhang!

And not only that, in addition to Henry Zhang, the son of Xiao's family, Xiao Xingyao.

The older generation of the Xiao family, the Dinghai Shenzhen of the Xiao family, Xiao Yuanshan also came.

And these people all have deep contradictions with Qin Lie.

Coupled with the Xiao family's army with hundreds of people behind him, the pressure was even stronger than when Tang Hongxiao came.

The two sides faced each other here, about twenty meters apart.

Jiang Yu could see Henry Zhang's expression, his face was grim, his mouth was tightly closed, and his eyes were all murderous.

His brows became "chuan" and he was very determined.

Like this time I have to deal with myself.

Qin Lie's heart tensed, and he just wanted to say something to Tang Hongxiao.

It's just that Tang Hongxiao patted his arm quietly, so that he didn't need to be nervous.

From a distance, he looked at Henry Zhang and responded loudly: "Patriarch Xiao, you are so destined to meet you here, what a coincidence."


Henry Zhang had no patience at all: “Tang Hongxiao, I’m not in the mood to talk nonsense with you today, you know what I’m here for, give Qin Lie to me, and I’ll let you leave alive!”

Tang Hongxiao listened and sneered.

"Henry Zhang, you are so powerful, I wonder when your Xiao family is qualified to say such things to my Tang family!"

"Let me leave alive, what are you?"

Tang Hongxiao narrowed his eyes, still not giving any face.

"Tang Hongxiao, it seems that your dad and your brother didn't teach you well."

"Now it's up to you to dare to talk to me like that."

"Even if the two of them are here, they have to call me Patriarch Xiao."

"How many pounds and how many taels does your Tang family have? You don't have a clue in your heart?"

After saying this, Henry Zhang's eyes shot over like a sharp sword.


Tang Hongxiao looked at him and said loudly, "What if I don't give him to you?"

Henry Zhang also said loudly: “I’m sorry, you have to be buried with Qin Lie today.”

"Okay, okay." Tang Hongxiao kept nodding: "Awesome, your Xiao family is really amazing, ask me to be buried with you, okay, then let me see how you want to be buried with me."

Henry Zhang has been troubled a lot recently and has no patience.

Seeing that Tang Hongxiao was so rigid, he gritted his teeth and didn't want to talk nonsense.

With a wave of his hand, he is now ready to let his people do it.

With an order, the Xiao family's army was ready to go, and Wu Yangyang pressed up like a city wall.

The people behind Tang Hongxiao saw the situation and raised their guns.

The two groups of people faced each other at a distance, and the atmosphere instantly became tense again.

Qin Lie didn't say anything, quietly observing the situation.

At present, Henry Zhang is indeed very angry, and he has no plans to let him go.

Under the influence of the Tang family, he has to do it with himself.

If you look at it this way, this battle is inevitable.

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