Henry Zhang was very angry and crazy.

What happened to Xiao Xingyuan half a month ago made him unable to deal with it calmly.

The matter at the mine was the last straw that broke him.

As the head of the Xiao family, he always felt that he was too tolerant of these small characters.

Xu Ying dared to fight against him.

After all, relying on the Xiao family, he has grown up for so many years.

Now even Qin Lie dares to ride on his head.

If this is not dealt with again, he, the head of the Xiao family, will become a joke.

If this person does not deal with it, more and more Qin Lie will stand up and oppose his Xiao family later.

So, what is the majesty of the Xiao family? Can it be considered a family?

This is an operation to kill one hundred and one hundred, and this has to be done.

Henry Zhang lost his mind because of Xiao Xingyuan.

But not everyone in the Xiao family is irrational.

Xiao Yuanshan saw that the Xiao family and the Tang family had a disagreement and were about to fight.

Immediately walked out of the crowd.

As one of the three five-star generals in China, Xiao Yuanshan is even more senior than Henry Zhang.

Although he is not the owner of the house, his words still carry a lot of weight.

Stepping forward, he stretched out his hand to signal, and gently stopped him to let Henry Zhang not do it for the time being.

Henry Zhang was also very respectful to Xiao Yuanshan, bowed his hands at Xiao Yuanshan, lowered his head and said, “Second uncle, what do you think.”

Xiao Yuanshan only said one sentence: "For a Qin Lie and the Tang family to start a full-scale war, there is no need."

"But Qin Lie destroyed our mines and moved our energy. The energy industry has always been the cornerstone of our Xiao family's home. Qin Lie is so arrogant, and if you don't give him a look, it won't shock my Xiao family's prestige."

"I know." Xiao Yuanshan said, "but we want Qin Lie, not the Tang family."

“But Tang Hongxiao protects Qin Lie, what else can we do?” Henry Zhang.

Xiao Yuanshan put his hands behind his back and didn't say it clearly.

Instead, he went to the front alone.

Looking at Tang Hongxiao, he said, "Tang Hongxiao, you know me."

Tang Hongxiao was expressionless, his eyes turned and said: "Uncle Tang is in a high position, he is a five-star general in the military world, and when he stomps his feet, the whole China trembles, how can the younger generation not know it?"

"That's good."

Xiao Yuanshan spoke softly.

"Since you know who I am and my status in the military world, then you know that if you fight recklessly today, your Tang family's armed forces will definitely not be my Xiao family's opponent."

"If your father, Tang Feng, came out to protect Qin Lie today, I would have to face it, but just your words can't shake the majesty of my Xiao family. You should know the outcome after you do it."

"If it leads to a full-scale war between the Xiao family and the Tang family, you cannot afford this responsibility."

A paragraph of Xiao Yuanshan's words silenced Tang Hongxiao.

Without him, it was just because Tang Hongxiao felt that Xiao Yuanshan was right.

But even if he knew the outcome of his actions, he would not turn back.

Qin Lie is Tang Lingxue's sweetheart, and the man he has identified in his life.

He could not hand over Qin Lie to the Xiao family, leaving his precious daughter heartbroken and widowed.

The Tang family is weaker than the Xiao family, and he doesn't want to send the Tang family into the abyss.

But there is no way, this is a dead end.

Seeing Tang Hongxiao thoughtful, Xiao Yuanshan continued: "Look, you are not an irrational person. When you are in your 40s or 50s, you have too many things on your back. It's not when you do things willfully, for Qin Lie and our Xiao family. It's not worth it to fight against, or even want to start an all-out war."

Tang Hongxiao looked at him and waited for him to continue.

"But I also know your relationship with Qin Lie. I don't force others to be difficult. Why don't I give you another solution. Listen to it and see how it goes."

Tang Hongxiao didn't want to really fight with the Xiao family.

There is also a three gold group behind it, and it is not good for them to really do it.

Seeing that Xiao Yuanshan also had this idea, he finally responded and asked, "What's the solution."

Xiao Yuanshan didn't say any more, and turned to Qin Lie.

"Boy, don't stand behind and don't talk all the time. You do things. If you have the courage to do it, then you must have the courage to take it. If you are still a man, stand up and solve it head-on."

Following Xiao Yuanshan's words, everyone, including Tang Hongxiao, turned their attention to Qin Lie, waiting to see Qin Lie's reaction.

Qin Lie was not afraid, Xiao Yuanshan dared to name him and he dared to go out.

Pushing aside the crowd in front, he also came to the front of the team.

"Old man, don't use any aggressive tactics. I have never been hiding behind me. I just want to see what the hell your Xiao family is thinking about."

"Henry Zhang wants to fight, so I will fight with him. What kind of bird do you suggest, even if you say, I will accompany him to the end!"

Qin Lie said, many people were very surprised.

His eyes widened and his mouth opened, surprised.

What the hell!

Qin Lie's attitude was a little too rigid.

I won't say anything else, but the person opposite is Xiao Yuanshan.

Not to mention that he is currently the oldest person in the Xiao family.

Let's just say that his influence in the military world is a proper superhero.

His power, not to mention the top ten in China, definitely has the top one hundred.

It is terrifying to be able to rank among the top 100 of the 1.4 billion people in China.

Even Tang Hongxiao would call Xiao Yuanshan an uncle.

Qin Lie actually called the old man directly.


It's no wonder that the Xiao family must engage him.

He was really too sharp at times.


Xiao Yuanshan was also a little unhappy when he heard this.

Whispered: "Qin Lie, you really don't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick."

"I've always heard that you are arrogant, but I didn't see it. Today I finally saw it."

"But that's fine, then let me see if you can match this arrogant strength."

"If you have something to say, just let it go, and if you have a fart, say it directly." Qin Lie said impatiently, "You talk about it, do you just want me to know that you can speak and you are not dumb?"

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, even more shocked by Qin Lie's arrogance and didn't know what to say.

Xiao Yuanshan snorted again, shook his head and said, "Forget it, I'm too lazy to get angry with you."

"Today you are weak, even if you add a Tang family, you are not our opponent. I don't want to have a deadly feud with the Tang family. I will give you a solution. If we don't do anything, if you do things by yourself, then stand up and take it upon yourself. ."

"You take my three punches. If you can still stand on the ground after three punches, I will let you go today. On the contrary, then you Qin Lie will have to stay and wait for our Xiao family's disposal."

Hearing Xiao Yuanshan's request, everyone looked at each other, feeling that this was a good solution.

There is no bloodshed, it is simple and clear, and it can't even cause people to die. It is simply a benefit sent to the face.

But only Qin Lie and Tang Hongxiao knew that Xiao Yuanshan's abacus was too good.

Almost instantly clarified his logic in his mind, and sneered: "Xiao Yuanshan, are you treating me as SB?"

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