Xiao Yuanshan was expressionless.

Pretending to know nothing, he asked in a low voice, "How can you see it?"

Qin Lie continued to laugh, looked at him and said, "Then let me ask you, after I leave today, will your Xiao family never trouble me again?"

"how is this possible."

Xiao Yuanshan also laughed.

"The grievances between you and my Xiao family can't be counted with two hands. So many things, just because of three punches, you want to completely solve them. How can there be such a cheap thing in the world?"

"Yeah." Qin Lie said, "Since there is no way to solve everything, let me ask you, what's the point of letting me go, and how do I know if you'll find another place and time to come again after you go back? "

"What's the point?"

Xiao Yuanshan said, "If you can take my three punches, I can keep you alive."


Qin Lie said loudly.

"Xiao Yuanshan, you are really playing me Qin Lie as a sb!"

"Am I that stupid?"

"One, even if you fight with us today, we won't necessarily lose!"

"Secondly, accept your method. I have to accept your three punches and stand still before letting me go. You Xiao Yuanshan have practiced martial arts for many years, and you have almost no opponents in the army. I know how strong you are!"

"You have three punches with all your strength, and you still haven't fought back. There are a few people in the world who can do it."

"I'll just stand and take three punches from you. If you do your best, I'll die, so what else can I take?"

"I can still fight without eating your three punches."

"Three punches from you, I can't eat it, die, eat it, don't solve the fundamental problem, there will still be trouble later, I ask you, then why should I accept your solution?"

Qin Lie's thoughts were clear, and he said all Xiao Yuanshan's calculations at once.

When everyone listened, they suddenly realized.

It turned out that Xiao Yuanshan said fairness on the surface, but behind his back was such a sinister calculus.

Yes, everyone is thinking, since accepting his three punches does not solve the fundamental problem, then why should they accept it.

"Ha ha……"

Xiao Yuanshan smiled, even if he was exposed, he would not be embarrassed.

"You have no confidence in your own strength? You were not like this when dealing with Xingyao and Xingyuan before."

"The most important thing is to have self-knowledge." Qin Lie said, "Although I am very upset with you, I know the gap between your strength and mine."

"I have two good masters. They taught me how to recognize the strength of my opponent. I can't be stupid enough to stand there and let you fight."

Xiao Yuanshan's level is almost the same as that of Situ Xuanqiubai.

He had seen Xiao Yuanshan's strength at the bidding conference of Shenzhou Weapons.

At that time, the pressure of just one person made him breathless.

According to Qin Lie's knowledge of kung fu, he felt that Xiao Yuanshan's strength was on the same level as Qiu Bai Situ Xuan.

He is more powerful than Qiu Bai, but it is unknown who is higher and who is lower than Situ Xuan.

So Qin Lie imagined Xiao Yuanshan to be Situ Xuan, assuming that he stood in front of Situ Xuan and took Situ Xuan's full three punches, would it be possible to come back alive.

The final conclusion is that it is impossible.

So Qin Lie thought of this one step faster than others.

Seeing that he really had no intention of accepting it, Xiao Yuanshan said in a low voice, "Then you must drag the Tang family into the water?"

Qin Lie rolled his eyes and was speechless.

"Xiao Yuanshan, as I said, don't use these aggressive tactics."

"It's my blessing for Tang Uncle to come to help me, but even if he doesn't come today, do you think I'll stand here and be slaughtered by you?"

"So you don't have to put the Tang family on my head, put pressure on the Tang family, put pressure on me, this matter has nothing to do with the Tang family, if Tang Uncle wants to help me, you don't need to talk too much, you have to do it. Just do it, do you think my Qin Lie will be afraid of you?"

"good very good!"

Xiao Yuanshan kept nodding and said: "You Qin Lie is a man to some extent, the old man has been waiting for you to say this, the Tang family has nothing to do with this matter, right? It's good, then I'll see if you can stand it alone. Can withstand the impact of my Xiao family!"

After saying this, Xiao Yuanshan didn't stop, he strode forward, and flew towards Qin Lie.

In an instant, everyone in the Longyan Squad raised their guns.

Including the Xiao family army behind the Xiao family, also put up the gun.

Tang Hongxiao waved his hand violently when he saw this picture, very annoyed.

"Qin Lie, Qin Lie, you are so stupid, you are following his way!"

"How can you tell him that the Tang family has nothing to do with this matter?"

"You said that, I can't find a reason to do it?"

"Now that I intervene in this matter, it becomes my Tang family's nosy business, and my Tang family is at a loss!"

Although the grievances and grievances between the aristocratic family and the aristocratic family can't be explained clearly with just one or two sentences.

But a lot of times you have to find a plausible reason on the table.

Even when Japan invaded China, they had to blow up their own buildings to find a reason for them to invade.

This reason is important.

With this reason, it can stand on the side of the media public.

Even if things get bigger at that time, for example, if it comes to Mr. Hua, there is a reason, and you can ask for more benefits when defending.

In the previous situation, Tang Hongxiao took Qin Lie back and walked away on his own. The Xiao family came to ask for trouble. It was the Xiao family who were provoking their Tang family.

But now, after Qin Lie said that, and the Tang family made another move, it was their Tang family that had a lot of trouble.

This is just one reason, but it is very important.

Speaking of which, Qin Lie was still too young to avoid Xiao Yuanshan's trap, but he couldn't escape his words.

Seeing that the situation broke out again, the people from the Tang family next to him asked Tang Hongxiao: "Mr. Tang, should we take care of this matter or not?"


Tang Hongxiao became ruthless after thinking for a moment: "We are all here, it is impossible to watch."

However, he still reminded: "Let's look at the situation first and see how Qin Lie handles it. If he can't hold it anymore, we'll take another shot."


The person next to you responded.

On Qin Lie and Xiao Yuanshan's side, the situation had already erupted.

After Xiao Yuanshan teased Qin Lie for saying that, he flew up and dealt with Qin Lie alone.

He also doesn't want his old face, a current generation, his strength is still so much higher, and his strength is fully utilized as soon as he comes.

Flying from a distance, a palm fell from the sky.

The momentum was heavy, the feet seemed to take root, the chassis was very stable, and the strength in the hands was much heavier, and one palm hit Qin Lie's Tianling cover.

Qin Lie watched him move, and the slap came over like a mountain, and he couldn't resist it.

Don't dare to carry it hard, and quickly tap the ground and step back.

But after all, the gap in strength is there, and the gap in combat experience is also there.

Xiao Yuanshan seemed to have already thought that he was going to step back.

The footsteps over there followed, and they quickly followed.

This palm still caught Qin Lie's body.


Just like that, Qin Lie's whole body was hit hard.

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