Qin Lie is very embarrassed now.

He was covered in wounds, blood in his mouth, and his clothes were torn.

These pictures, in front of so many people.

In front of Chen Jinhu and Jiang Lei's subordinates, in front of Tang Hongxiao.

His face can be said to be completely lost.

He couldn't beat Xiao Yuanshan, and his skills were indeed inferior to others.

But Xiao Yuanshan held revenge for a trivial matter, and as a person two generations higher than himself, he did his best, his methods were vicious, his intentions were sinister, and his tricks were fatal.

Qin Lie had heard from Lin Jiankou that Xiao Yuanshan had a very small heart and was very vengeful, and he didn't believe it when he acted indiscreetly. Today, he can be considered to have seen it.

"Xiao Yuanshan!"

Qin Lie was embarrassed, but still unconvinced, he said loudly.

"Even though I, Qin Lie, don't have the capital to be arrogant and arrogant, but you are an elder of the Xiao family, and you take action against people of the lower two generations, bullying the small and the strong, what do you think you are?"

"I'm afraid it's just that I can't beat anyone in my peers, and I can only find a sense of existence in our juniors."

"You shameless thing, remember it for me, the humiliation I experienced today, I will do it again in the future!"

"Just today's incident, your Xiao family, I'll be destroyed!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The people who laughed were not just Xiao Yuanshan, but also all the Xiao family members behind him.

They covered their stomachs and laughed as if they had heard some big joke.

"Destroy the Xiao family, hahahaha, destroy the Xiao family!"

"I'm dying of laughter, this is the funniest joke I've heard in two years."

"The mantis arm is the car, and the mayfly is shaking the tree. This kid is so crazy that he can't find his own position!"

"In front of the Xiao family, he is an ant, not even an ant. What does he use to destroy the Xiao family?"

"Dream, after all, there is everything in a dream."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Everyone laughed wildly, and Xiao Yuanshan also looked at him playfully with the corners of his mouth up.

"Qin Lie, you heard it too, and you know what a funny joke you just said?"

"Kid, do you know that for you, the Xiao family is heaven, and you don't have the ability to turn the sky."

"What's more, you are going to die today, and you have no future!"

Qin Lie took the ridicule of these people, looked around, and engraved the faces of Xiao Yuanshan and all the Xiao family in his heart.


Does the guy pretend to be god this time?

Then I really want to see how hard this day is!

At this point, Qin Lie's hatred against the Xiao family has accumulated to a climax.

For a long time to come, he will put the Xiao family in the first place.

Until the day when the Xiao family was overthrown!

never die...

Xiao Yuanshan lowered his head and looked at Qin Lie's sword-like eyes, and was running out of patience.

Snorted coldly, no more nonsense.

Go to Qin Lie, grab Qin Lie's neck, lift Qin Lie from the ground, and hold it high in the air.

"Qin Lie, your time limit has come. When you are reincarnated in the next life, think about who should be offended and who should not be offended!"

After saying this, Xiao Yuanshan didn't hold back anymore.

One hand grabbed Qin Lie, the other hand smoothed around his waist, and took out a dagger.

Aiming at Qin Lie's head, he stabbed it fiercely.

Qin Lie was seriously injured from the beginning, and there was almost no place to move his body except his lips. Even if he knew that he would die with this knife, he didn't have the strength to resist.

When the knife came out, the people around were extremely frightened, especially Chen Jinhu and Tang Hongxiao, who panicked and quickly made up for it.

Chen Jinhu rushed out almost as soon as he saw Xiao Yuanshan take out his saber.

He shouted "Brother Lie" in his mouth, like crazy.

Tang Hongxiao did not expect that Xiao Yuanshan would suddenly kill him. Seeing this, he quickly ordered the people around him: "Shoot and break Xiao Yuanshan's arm, immediately, immediately!"

At this time, he couldn't control the consequences of offending Xiao Yuanshan.

Everyone was terrified, thinking that Qin Lie was really going to die at the hands of Xiao Yuanshan.

However, finally, the remaining power that had been on the way finally came to the scene.

Situ Xuan seems to always appear at the most critical moment, and he finally arrived at the scene when Xiao Yuanshan was about to stab Qin Lie's head through a candied haws.

I saw a cold light streak across the air. After the cold light passed, the metal collided and sparked a burst of sparks in the air. .

It was a hidden weapon struck from afar, and when it fell to the ground, it was discovered that it was a small shuriken.

As a hidden weapon of Japanese ninjas, the shuriken is extremely rare in China.

Only people like Situ Xuan who have been in Japan for a long time have it.

Hidden weapons shot from a distance, invisible to the naked eye, only the cold light piercing the night sky.

After Hanmang passed, the saber in Xiao Yuanshan's hand was unsteady.

With a bang, he was hit to the ground.

You can see its strength.

Not only that, but soon, a figure shot out from a distance, and the figure arrived, forcibly squeezed into the middle of Qin Lie and Xiao Yuanshan.

He grabbed Qin Lie from Xiao Yuanshan's hand, and slapped Xiao Yuanshan on the chest with a bang.

And this time, it was Xiao Yuanshan's turn to not expect it, the whole person staggered and was forced to retreat four or five steps.

When he stabilized his body and looked at his new opponent, he whispered, "Who are you, Qiu Bai?"

"Master." Qin Lie finally called out weakly from behind.

The first person who quickly approached from a distance was Qiu Bai, but Situ Xuan was also there.

He appeared from the dark night and walked slowly from a distance, holding a hidden weapon in his hand.

Obviously, the shuriken just now came from his hand.

"And me." Situ Xuan said in a low voice.

Xiao Yuanshan frowned and looked into the shadows, and after seeing the person who came, his brows furrowed even deeper.

"Situ Xuan."

There are only a few top people in the Chinese martial arts world.

Obviously, after Situ Xuan and Qiu Bai appeared together to protect Qin Lie, Xiao Yuanshan was a little panicked.

The momentum of absolute crushing at the beginning was gone, replaced by the tension of clenching his fists.

Neither of the two people who appeared at this time was easy to deal with.

Situ Xuan and Qiu Bai came to the scene, helped Qin Lie, and handed it over to Chen Jinhu, who rushed over, and asked Chen Jinhu to take Qin Lie back to the team first.

Qin Lie was very weak, trying to squeeze a little smile on his face, and said with difficulty: "Master, you are finally here, I thought I was going to die here today."

"Good boy." Qiu Bai said, "The troubles you are causing now are more serious than the other, and you didn't tell us in advance, did you let the donkey kick your brain?"

Situ Xuan also admonished him: "Boy, you went to South Korea to bomb the Xiao family's mine and didn't tell us in advance. If the two of us are one step late today, you are already dead, you know??"

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