Qin Lie smiled miserably: "Master, I didn't expect the Xiao family's reaction to be so big because of this broken incident, and I don't want to rely on you Er Lao at all times!"

"Rely on?" Situ Xuan said, "You can deal with opponents you can handle yourself, but like the Xiao family, you'd better tell us in advance in the future."

"Don't act like a fool all day long, rushing in for everything."

"Yes, I understand." Being reprimanded by Situ Xuan, Qin Lie didn't dare to say anything, and nodded yes.

Qiu Bai also persuaded: "Okay, old man Situ, don't talk about this to this kid, let's deal with the trouble first."


After all, there was Xiao Yuanshan standing across from him. The Xiao family's troubles had not been dealt with, and Situ Xuan was too lazy to talk to Qin Lie.

He waved at Chen Jinhu and asked Chen Jinhu to take the person back.

Then he looked at Xiao Yuanshan, put his hands behind his back, and said loudly: "Xiao Yuanshan, it has been decades since we last met, you were shameless when you were young, but you are so shameless when you are old, you really can't change your shit. ."

"Situ Xuan." Xiao Yuanshan said unceremoniously, "You old man are not staying abroad, what are you doing here at home?"

"I like it, so what's the matter?" Situ Xuan continued, "You old man is several decades older than Qin Lie, and your skill is several levels higher than Qin Lie. You can actually do it, you really don't know how to be ashamed. what?"

"Successful kings defeat pirates." Xiao Yuanshan said, "Since ancient times, they have been heroes of the theory of success or failure. How can there be so many morals and ethics?"

"Okay." Situ Xuan said, "What a winner and loser. After so many years, your old man hasn't changed at all. Since you are a winner and loser, why don't you play with us? "

Xiao Yuanshan looked at Situ Xuan from a distance, and put his hands behind his back, and said to himself, "Okay, you lost in my hands at the beginning of the competition, is it possible that I am still afraid now?"

"Don't say that." Situ Xuan didn't care at all and smiled, "In the first comparison, if you didn't play tricks secretly and secretly wear soft hedgehog armor on your body, you think I would lose to you. ?"

At the beginning, Situ Xuan and Xiao Yuanshan had a martial arts competition. It was at a grand meeting in the Chinese martial arts. At the beginning, both of them were about forty years old, and they had both become masters of the party.

The two met in the final, and in the end Situ Xuan lost to Xiao Yuanshan by one move.

Only later did Situ Xuan know that in the last game of the match, Xiao Yuanshan was wearing their Xiao family's special soft hedgehog armor, which could withstand at least 40% of his attack damage, which led to the loss.

This matter has always been a knot in Situ Xuan's heart.

Situ Xuan is arrogant and arrogant, and has his own pursuits in martial arts.

When he lost to Xiao Yuanshan, he always wanted to recover that loss, but he never had the chance.

Well, today, I just took advantage of this incident to settle the grievances and grievances of the past.

"I've said it all, winning the king and losing the bandit." Xiao Yuanshan said without shyness, "If I win, I win, why do you care what tricks I use."

"Very good." Situ Xuan said, "I hope you can say something like this later."

After saying this, Situ Xuan did not speak any further.

Just giving Qiu Bai a look, Qiu Bai nodded slightly, the two of them understood at the same time, and their feet moved.

One left and one right, two lights and shadows went out.

"Fuck!" This action caused Xiao Xingyao's resentment, Xiao Xingyao said loudly, "The two of them actually shot together, shameless?"

Henry Zhang said on the side: "Okay, it didn't make sense for your grandfather to bully the small at first, and now they fight two against one, and it's just a tit for tat."

"Then shall we help?"

Henry Zhang has a clear idea: "This is not the point, just stare at it first, and then we will take action later, our focus is still on Qin Lie, keep an eye on Qin Lie, don't let him take the opportunity to slip away ."


Xiao Xingyao responded again, turned around and ordered a group of people out of the crowd, led them together, and quietly walked behind Qin Lie's team, to prevent Qin Lie from escaping.

Situ Xuan and Xiao Yuanshan.

After the three people fought, they quickly got into a fight.

The three of them are the top group of people in the martial arts world. As soon as they touched each other, the wind and waves stirred up by each other swept the entire battlefield.

They struggled together, made quick moves, their hands were like light and shadow, and their movements were so strange that ordinary people couldn't understand them.

Often a person's figure is still in front of him, but in less than a second, he is ten meters away, which is very impressive.

The battle at this moment is no longer as one-sided as the previous Xiao Yuanshan and Qin Lie.

Xiao Yuanshan is not a mediocre after all, and Situ Xuan has no way to solve him quickly.

And this was the closest battle Qin Lie had ever seen to Situ Xuan's combat power.

The Xiao family is indeed the Xiao family, and there is still such an old thing like a monster.

I just don't know if the Xiao family has such terrifying old monsters besides Xiao Yuanshan. If there are, the background of this Xiao family is too terrifying.

On the battlefield, the combat power of the three people is very close, Qiu Bai's strength may be weaker than the two of them, but Situ Xuan and Xiao Yuanshan are really almost tied.

Several times Qiu Bai was pulled out of the battlefield, leaving Situ Xuan and Xiao Yuanshan to fight alone, and the two of them couldn't help each other. .

It's just that after all, two against one, even if Xiao Yuanshan can carry it for a while, as time progresses, it gradually shows a downward trend.

After about five minutes, Xiao Yuanshan seemed to be unable to hold on, and began to retreat.

Situ Xuan and Qiu Bai pressed hard and followed quickly, not giving him a chance to breathe at all.

If it was an attack by ordinary people, Xiao Yuanshan would definitely find an opportunity to start fighting back after falling into a disadvantage.

In the face of Situ Xuan and Qiu Bai of the same level, they still attacked together.

After Xiao Yuanshan is at a disadvantage, he has no chance to fight back at all.

One bad and all bad, Xiao Yuanshan kept being forced to retreat, almost retreating to the outside of the road.

Moreover, the cooperation between Situ Xuan and Qiu Bai is so tacit for some reason, like partners who have been fighting together for many years.

Quickly connect and connect seamlessly, like a person's left and right hands.

Finally, Situ Xuanfei stepped down and punched Xiao Yuanshan's defending arm. His precise blasting force made Xiao Yuanshan unable to resist.

Punch down, chest wide open.

Qiu Bai was on the side and had been crouching for a long time. Seeing that Situ Xuan smashed a flaw, he quickly approached, his hand was also on his waist, and he immediately took out a dagger.

Following the same method, Qiu Bai stuck to Xiao Yuanshan's body and stabbed a dagger into Xiao Yuanshan's chest.

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