Taking a closer look, there are actually quite a few people from the Cape family this time.

Just standing together like that, walking out of a square, it is dark, there are hundreds of people at least.

The gunshots ahead were just warnings.

When they got close, the submachine guns they were holding almost hit the head of Xiao Jiajun.

A group of people came over and pressed the Xiao family in the middle, making the Xiao family army fall into the embarrassing situation of being attacked by the enemy.

Worms stood at the front, looked at Henry Zhang from a distance, and said loudly: "Henry Zhang, long time no see."


Henry Zhang gritted his teeth and became more angry: "You ran out to intervene again? Is this something you can interfere with?"

"Sorry!" Worms said with a smile, "I didn't interfere in this matter. I asked Qin Lie to do this in the first place?"

“You let Qin Lie do it??” Henry Zhang didn’t understand.

Worms continued to say indifferently: "You Xiao family's methods are vicious. I don't know how many mines of the Cape family have been bombed in the world. After we contacted Mr. Qin Lie, we quickly formed an alliance with Mr. Qin. This is also the result of our discussion with Mr. Qin, otherwise why do you think Qin Lie bombed your mine for no reason?"

Henry Zhang became more and more angry.

He said why Qin Lie went to South Korea for no reason to bomb their mines.

This is simply an illogical operation.

Now when Worms and the Cape family arrive, all the mysteries will be explained.

However, this did not reduce Henry Zhang's anger by half, but made him more and more hated Qin Lie and Cape.

Qin Lie has joined forces with the Cape family, so this kid can't stay.

It's just that now Worms is present with the Cape family, and this matter has to be weighed.

Henry Zhang was very upset, but there was nothing he could do.

This is the first time Qin Lie has seen Worms. Most of his previous contacts were with Bruni by phone, and he had two phone calls with Worms.

Seeing Worms now, Qin Lie feels that he is much younger than he thought.

He was well maintained, and there was not the slightest wrinkle on his face.

His eyes were bright and glorious, and he looked like he was in his thirties. He didn't look like someone with a daughter as big as Makasha.

Let alone temperament.

Very indifferent, Taishan collapsed in front of it and did not change color.

Even standing on the battlefield, standing in front of so many muzzles, he did not frown.

In Qin Lie's impression, only Xuanyuan Hao, who left a deep impression in his mind that day, could have such a bearing.

Such people never put their emotions on their expressions.

Beneath the calm exterior is an unfathomable city.

People who can lead such a big family have never been ordinary people.


After seeing Worms, Makasha shouted loudly for the first time.

Makasha was terrified of fleeing with Qin Lie today.

The situation was ups and downs, and she felt that she had walked many times before the gate of hell closed.

Qin Lie did a good job and protected her well, but in the end she still felt how dangerous a force could rise and how dangerous it was.

Seeing Worms now, he came to the battlefield like a savior.

She realized that her father was not easy. Of course, with her father around, she also felt an unprecedented peace of mind.

For the first time, she thought her father was so handsome.

Worms heard Makasha's cry, but did not respond to Makasha immediately.

Looking at Qin Lie from a distance, he greeted Qin Lie first.

"Qin Lie, how are you, can you hold on?"

Qin Lie was beaten hard by Xiao Yuanshan, so he could only respond with a miserable smile: "Thanks to the patriarch, I can't die for the time being."

After listening to Worms, he smiled: "That's not bad. People like us can live. My country is too far away from the UK. It took me a long time to come here. I'm sorry."

Qin Lie smiled: "Mr. Worms is very kind."

"Well..." Worms' attitude was very confident, "Don't worry, Henry Zhang can't move you when I'm here today..."

Worms laughed heartily, and the laughter was out of place in the entire solemn battlefield.

But the laughter also made Qin Lie feel more at ease.

In the beginning, there were only his Longyan team and the Tang family. In the face of the oppression of the Xiao family and the Sanjin group, I really didn't know if they could win.

Now with a strong support from the Cape family, the situation is set.

Unless the Xiao family has a backer, they will never dare to fight with themselves.

Sure enough, after Worms brought the Cape family to the scene, Henry Zhang’s expression became particularly ugly, like eating shit.

The previous things were all in Henry Zhang's expectations.

But the presence of the Cape family was indeed beyond his expectations.

Now Xiao Yuanshan's neck is still bleeding, he wants to get rid of this matter as soon as possible and send Xiao Yuanshan to the hospital.

But now that there is an additional Cape family, it has become quite troublesome to deal with.

How annoyed he was?

But the current situation does not seem to allow him to take so many people from the Xiao family to die together.

so what should I do now?

And for Henry Zhang, these are just crises on the surface.

Things today are far from being as simple as they appear on the surface.

Don't forget that in the dark, there is another force that is just about to move.

Xu Ying, black wolf Song Zhe and others were still observing the situation in the dark.

When the Xiao family arrived, Song Zhe didn't dare to stay on the side of the road with Ye Hun's people blatantly.

But they didn't get far.

Song Zhe was afraid of the power of the Xiao family and did not plan to deal with the Xiao family.

But later, more and more people appeared, but he changed his mind.

The one who changed his mind the most was Situ Xuan.

Song Zhe had a master-disciple relationship with Situ Xuan in the early years. Later, he turned against Situ Xuan because of his own affairs. Situ Xuan used the excuse of clearing the door several times, and almost killed him several times.

Now he and Situ Xuan have completely turned their faces, and there is no teacher-disciple relationship anymore.

Situ Xuan wanted to kill him, and he wanted to kill Situ Xuan even more.

Situ Xuan's appearance aroused his murderous intention.

As for Xu Ying, among the several forces present today, there are two people he wants to kill most, Qin Lie and Henry Zhang.

No matter it was either of these two people, he could not wait to peel off the skin, eat meat and drink blood.

With both in front of him now, this is a great opportunity for him.

No one thought that things could be so turbulent today.

Just the power has come to more than six or seven parties.

However, the more chaotic the situation, the more favorable it would be for Xu Ying and the others.

From a distance, Song Zhe took out his sniper rifle, held it in front of his chest, and took aim again.

Xu Ying watched, his heart moved, and he asked, "Mr. Song, are you ready to do it again?"

Song Zhe focused on his scope and responded casually: "There is someone I want to kill, let's see if I can find a chance to spy..."

"But you're not afraid that the Xiao family will trouble you?" Xu Ying asked quickly.

Song Zhe smiled: "Now that the Xiao family can't protect themselves, how can they still have the energy to deal with me?"

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