"Then what Mr. Song means is that you can really do it?" Xu Ying's eyes showed hope.

Song Zhe listened and said impatiently, "Mr. Xu, can't you just say what you want to say? You've been going around in circles with me. I don't understand what you're talking about."

Xu Ying smiled awkwardly.

"I mean, if Mr. Song really wants to do something, help me kill those two people too."


Song Zhe finally turned his head to look at Xu Ying: "Didn't you just want to kill Qin Lie, where did you come from?"

Xu Ying said: "The Xiao family killed my son and caused my family to go bankrupt. Of course I want to kill Henry Zhang, but I didn't say it when you said you were afraid of the Xiao family."

"You want to kill Henry Zhang together?" Song Zhe glanced at him.

"This is the best." Xu Ying nodded.

"Aren't you afraid of the Xiao family's revenge?" Song Zhe said again.

Xu Ying laughed bitterly: "I have nothing now, and I don't plan to live anymore. What am I afraid of revenge?"

Song Zhe understood what Xu Ying meant.

Still, he thought for a moment.

After all, I don't want to cause more trouble.

Finally told Xu Ying: "Well, I don't want to kill Henry Zhang, I really don't want to provoke the Xiao family, I will give you the sniper rifle, whoever you want to kill, do it yourself, but you must follow my orders. "

"Is it still possible?"

Song Zhe said: "You have so many killers, don't you even have a person who can use a sniper rifle?"

Xu Ying turned his head and glanced at Heilang.

The black wolf nodded silently, meaning that he could use it.

Xu Ying finally stopped talking and silently accepted Song Zhe's advice.

Soon, Song Zhe asked Yehun's other killers to separate out two sniper rifles, one for Heilang and one for Bai Feng, and Song Zhe himself took one.

The three people they want to kill are Situ Xuan, Qin Lie, and Henry Zhang.

Soon, the sights of all three were aimed at their respective targets.

They held their breaths, ready to pull the trigger at Song Zhe's order.

In the center of the battlefield, Henry Zhang Worms and Qin Lie Tang Hongxiao were still facing off.

None of them thought that someone was looking at them in the distance, thinking about all of them.

Henry Zhang is still confronting Worms at this moment.

"Warms, the grievances between our two families will be settled later. Now I will settle accounts with Qin Lie. You'd better not interfere in our affairs."

Worms was confident and said casually: "Henry Zhang, what you said is very strange, Qin Lie had a conflict with you because of my commission, but you didn't let me take care of it, I..."

Worms wanted to express his determination to help Qin Lie.

Just when he was saying it.

The three bullets in the distance finally hit.

There is no sound, from a distance, to the body.

At that moment, Henry Zhang’s chest was hit with precision and suddenly blossomed.

Seeing Henry Zhang face to face, Worms saw blood oozing out of his chest, his expression changed, and the whole figure fell heavily to the ground as if he had no strength.


Xiao Xingyao was terrified and was the first to find out.

His eyes were round and round, and he kept running towards Henry Zhang.



Then, the rest of the Xiao family immediately exclaimed.

This is just Henry Zhang, in addition to Henry Zhang, Qin Lie's side, Situ Xuan also suffered the same trick.

The bullet passed through the chamber, and he was also injured in a completely unexpected situation, and fell heavily.

Including Qin Lie. Because Qin Lie was injured, he was helped into the crowd by Chen Jinhu. The bullets also hit him, but because there were too many people here, the bullet did not hit him, but hit Chen Jinhu next to him.

Because of his standing position, Chen Jinhu helped him block the bullet.

The bullet hit Chen Jinhu's chest, and Chen Jinhu squatted down in pain while clutching his chest.

"Golden tiger, golden tiger??"

Including Qin Lie, who didn't fully understand what was going on at the moment.

He called out Chen Jinhu twice, and then heard Jiang Lei and Li Tianlin at the front of the team shouting Situ Xuan's name loudly: "Elder Xuan!"

Qin Lie's heart froze, and he felt nervous.

Even if he was seriously injured, he quickly cleared the crowd blocked in front of him.

When they reached the front of the team, they finally saw Situ Xuan lying on the ground, clutching his chest in pain.

Situ Xuan was also shot!

Situ Xuan and Henry Zhang are not bad at all, and they have practiced their kung fu to the extreme.

But it needs to be understood that no matter how powerful they are, they are still mortal in the final analysis.

They faced a gunman head-on, and could use their movement to dodge bullets as much as possible.

But if they attacked from behind and the bullet hit them, they still couldn't hold it.

Seeing Situ Xuan lying in a pool of blood, vomiting blood from his mouth and bleeding from his nose, he couldn't even speak.

At that moment, Qin Lie felt that the world was spinning, and the whole world was darkened by three points.

His brain was buzzing, and everything around him seemed to be out of shape.

For more than ten seconds, Qin Lie's mind was blank.

He stood there blankly for more than ten seconds, and I have to say that at that moment, he panicked.

After more than ten seconds, he finally reacted.

He stumbled and ran beside Situ Xuan, squatted down, helped Situ Xuan into his arms, and shouted in a low voice, "Master... Master... How are you, Master?"

Situ Xuan clutched his chest, and blood began to ooze from his mouth.

He wanted to speak, but his breathing was too fast, probably because the lobes of his lungs were damaged, and he couldn't speak several times.

"Okay master, I understand, you...don't talk..."

"Jiang Lei!!!" Qin Lie, who had reacted, knew what the best thing to do at this time, he roared, his veins burst.

"Yes!" Jiang Lei knew that the situation was serious and responded immediately.

"Drive, take Master and Jinhu to the best hospital nearby! Let the hospital use the best doctors and the best equipment, and be sure to save the lives of both of them!!"


Jiang Lei responded and went out to do business soon.

But it wasn't over yet. Qin Lie ordered Jiang Lei to send him off, and immediately gave Li Tianlin an order.

"Li Tianlin!"


"follow me……"

Qin Lie's voice was already quite weak when he said this.

Li Tianlin noticed his body.

Quickly said: "brother lie, you have been injured so badly, let's do it."

Qin Lie gritted his teeth, his eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Other things can be left to you, but I have to do this myself."

"Xu Ying!"

Qin Lie gritted his teeth and looked forward, his eyes seemed to penetrate the universe.

He killed his heart, and the surrounding temperature dropped several degrees.

The surrounding Longyan team and others felt this murderous aura.

They were unconsciously terrified.

Everyone knows that Qin Lie like this has turned into a killing god.

It seems that Xu Ying is already a corpse today.

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