The plot of Xu Ying and Song Zhe changed the whole situation dramatically.

The two important figures of Henry Zhang and Xiao Yuanshan from the Xiao family were both seriously injured.

On Qin Lie's side, Situ Xuan and Chen Jinhu were also shot.

The whole situation was over in an instant.

The Xiao family didn't know who did it. They originally wanted to put this account on Qin Lie's head, but after seeing that Qin Lie's side was also injured, they also knew that it was a third party. Dry.

Someone was injured, and of course the first person was taken to the hospital.

The Xiao family was injured by their patriarch, and of course this should be the case.

The two forces that were originally facing each other, Qin Lie and the Xiao family, all of a sudden dispersed because of this incident, and there was no longer any idea of ​​fire.

Both sides got into the car and took people to the hospital.

The scene that was supposed to be extremely hot was dissipated because of Xu Ying's troubles.

But that doesn't mean today's events have less impact.

Instead, things have gotten very big today.

The two major figures of the Xiao family are in crisis, which also means that the conflict between Qin Lie and the Xiao family is endless.

But that's all for later.

What Qin Lie wants to do most now is to find out whoever did it and smash his corpse into pieces!

Qin Lie instructed Li Tianlin to gather more than a dozen experts from the Longyan Squad. He led the team and chased after the deserted suburbs on the side of the road that day.

Besides them, Qiu Bai also spontaneously followed.

After all, no one knows who Xu Ying is around, and even a master can make sure he is safe.

Qin Lie's injuries are not light now, but because of Situ Xuan's incident, he doesn't know where the strength came from.

His eyes were condensed, there was only one target in the whole line of sight, and there was only one idea in all his mind.

That is to take Xu Ying's life.

He quickly chased to the side of the road, glanced at the wilderness here, but didn't see anyone, thinking that he should have left immediately after doing something, which is also the usual method of professional killers.

I looked around to make sure no one was there.

He lowered his head to search for relevant clues around here.

Qin Lie noticed that the bushes under his feet had obvious signs of being crushed, which should have been someone lying or lying on it.

And at this position, Qin Lie noticed the footprints on the soil under the bushes.

It may be that Xu Ying and the others were in a hurry to deal with these traces. This is the basis for their tracking.

This is a deserted suburb, and it is a dirt road that stretches all the way. This footprint also extends along the dirt road all the way to the distance.

Qin Lie and Li Tianlin took the Long Yan team to track them, and they walked in this deserted suburb for about twenty minutes.

Finally reached the end of the wilderness.

But what is strange is that after Xu Ying's people started, they did not run far away, but ran into Seoul.

The footprint disappeared on a street to the northeast on the side, and I don't know where it went.

After tracking here, Li Tianlin lowered his head to search for the missing personnel, so he asked Qin Lie: "Brother Lie, the footprints have disappeared here, what should I do now?"

Qin Lie lowered his head and thought for a while, then looked up and saw the street sign standing at this intersection.

Glancing sideways, he glanced at a surveillance camera at the door of the convenience store next to him.

I have a number in my mind.

To search for a person's trace in South Korea, it is always necessary to rely on the power of the government.

Although he has little influence in South Korea, he knows influential people in South Korea.

Soon, Qin Lie took out his mobile phone and made a call.

Although it was more than three in the morning, the other side picked up the phone quickly.

This call is none other than the young owner of the st group, Kim Jong Hyuk.

During his entire trip to South Korea, this South Korean was the only person who made him feel happy to be in touch.

There was a lot of trouble tonight, and two of the three major consortiums in South Korea were involved.

Although st is out of the picture, it is impossible to have no news.

After Kim Jong-hyuk got on the phone, he immediately asked, "Mr. Qin, what do you want to tell me?"

Qin Lie said, "You should have heard about today's events, right?"

"Yes..." Kim Jong Hyuk replied.

He thought for a while and then explained: "Mr. Qin, it's not that I don't want to come out to help you, but the situation is really too serious. I need to ask the above for permission, so it's been delayed for a long time..."

"Okay..." Qin Lie doesn't care about this matter at all. There are so many top-level forces in the world today, and his st group can't play a role in turning things around.

"I didn't call to ask you to blame. I have something to ask for your help."

"What?" Kim Jong Hyuk said immediately.

Qin Lie said: "I will take a picture of a street and send it to you right now, you can help me identify where this street is, and then find me the surveillance cameras near this street. I saw a camera here, I want this The picture of the street, at most ten minutes ago, there should be someone running over here, and there are a lot of them."

"These people are mortal enemies with me. After you find them, help me track their tracks, and then tell me their tracks. You don't have to worry about the rest."

Kim Jong Hyuk heard Qin Lie's urgency.

Without hesitation, he responded quickly: "Okay, then you can take a picture, and I will give you the result in ten minutes at most."


Qin Lie hung up the phone and quickly took a picture of the street name and sent it.

And about ten minutes later, Kim Jong Hyuk returned the phone.

"Mr. Qin..." Jin Zhenghe said, "People have found it. About seven or eight people ran into Seoul from the wilderness ten minutes ago at the place you posted."

"The last footage we captured by surveillance shows that they are on their way to the East Sea Port. I don't know what they are going to do at the East Sea Port, but if you are looking for it, hurry up, or you won't be able to catch up."


Qin Lie responded, hung up the phone, and sent the location to Li Tianlin.

Li Tianlin took the position, quickly commanded, and asked the members of the Longyan team to drive two cars over. After getting in the car, they followed the positioning all the way.

The car drove very fast, and it took about twenty minutes to arrive at the East Sea Port.

Donghai Port is a relatively large seaport with a lot of traffic. Early morning is the peak period for loading and unloading goods at the seaport.

There are not many people, and there are many ships.

Fortunately, Qin Lie followed closely and found Xu Ying's trace almost as soon as he arrived at the harbor.

A speedboat about ten meters long was parked on the dock. When Qin Lie arrived, he saw Xu Ying and everyone boarding the speedboat, including Song Zhe. The people on the shore were unwinding the ropes.

Qin Lie walked closer and roared, "Xu Ying! Poisonous scorpion!"

Xu Ying looked surprised when they saw Qin Lie chasing after him. They didn't expect Qin Lie to chase so fast.

Startled, he stepped up and urged the people on the shore to move faster.

At the same time, he directed the killer next to him to shoot Qin Lie.

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