The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1358 The Trick Of Falling From The Sky

Qin Lie hated Song Zhe and Xu Ying a lot.

To sum it up, the hatred for Song Zhe was even stronger.

Without him, today Situ Xuan, Chen Jinhu and Henry Zhang were shot together, and Chen Jinhu's shot was counted on his head.

With his toes, he knew that the two shots against himself and Henry Zhang were fired by Xu Ying, and the one against Situ Xuan was fired by Song Zhe.

Qin Lie's biggest fault and advantage are both, that is, he is too emotional.

Xu Ying's attack on him can still be calculated slowly, but Song Zhe's attack on Situ Xuan is an unforgivable crime.

Even if Qin Lie died today, he had to kill Song Zhe first.

The scene was very hot when we met. The surrounding people shot Qin Lie together. The bullets shuttled on the water and the shore as usual, and the air was tight, so Qin Lie was not allowed to get close as much as possible.

Qin Lie found a corner to dodge the bullets, waited for the gap between their firepower, and ordered the members of Longyan Squad to fight back.

The target of the counterattack is also very clear - the man who unties the rope on the shore.

As soon as a person dies, Song Zhe Xu Ying's boat will not be able to sail.

Longyan Squad is not without combat experience, and they also know Qin Lie's purpose.

Taking advantage of the gap in the exchange of fire, they shot together, all aimed at the person on the shore, the bullets were fired in unison, and the person on the shore was quickly shot into a sieve.

The people on the shore fell to the ground, and Song Zhe and Xu Ying, who were already about to set off, felt tight in their hearts and felt troublesome.

They instructed another man to run ashore from the speedboat, continuing what the man who had started did not finish.

It's just that Qin Lie commanded everyone to fight, just like encircling the point to help, the firepower was not aimed at the speedboat for the time being, but aimed at the anchor point on the shore.

One comes up and kills one, and another comes up and kills another.

In the same way, Qin Lie killed the four of them.

Song Zhe and Xu Ying were not stupid. After seeing so many corpses lying on the shore, they also changed their strategy, no longer went ashore to untie the rope, and took out their saber with their backhands.

While calling the gunmen around him to suppress the fire, he started cutting the rope with his saber.

However, the nylon rope that binds the speedboat is quite strong, and it is not a matter of a second or two to cut it with a saber.

Qin Lie hid behind a container, saw their movements when he probed, and knew that the next speed must be faster, otherwise they would really run away.

But they had fire suppression while cutting the rope, which was not the same as the anchor point on the shore.

You have to think of a way to do this elsewhere.

Using the phone's probe to probe out, Qin Lie took a photo at the speedboat's position, which is a photo of Xu Ying's speedboat and the surrounding environment of the speedboat.

Qin Lie took it back and took a look at it, and noticed that there was another fishing boat that was much higher than their speedboat docked on the side of Xu Ying's speedboat.

If they jumped from the position of the fishing boat, it would be difficult for them to find it, and they could achieve the effect of a shocking soldier from the sky.

It is precisely because of this configuration that Qin Lie came up with a plan.

He quickly showed the photo to Qiu Bai, who was on the side, and told Qiu Bai what he thought. He was talking here to attract Xu Ying's attention. Qiu Bai circled around to the fishing boat, and then fell from the sky and rushed to the boat. Their interiors break up their formations.

As long as they disperse their formation and launch a frontal charge on their own side, it will not be difficult to take them down.

After Qiu Bai heard this idea, he raised his hand and made an ok gesture.

Soon, Qiu Bai went out from the other side of the container, avoiding Xu Ying and Song Zhe's sight, and made a big circle to approach the speedboat.

And Qin Lie also followed the original plan, while firing and shooting at them, while talking to attract their attention.

"Xu Ying and Song Zhe, if you two are still men, don't even think about running."

"The feud between the three of us will never be settled in this lifetime. Instead of dragging it on forever, it's better to just settle it today."

"I'm here today, don't you want to kill me so much, then come up and fight me for the last time and see who can have the last laugh."

Gunfire erupted, and there was a commotion all around.

Qin Lie's words were sent to Xu Ying and Song Zhe's ears intermittently.

Xu Ying listened and was very impulsive. Killing Qin Lie was what he wanted to do most when he came to South Korea.

Agitated by Qin Lie, his emotions were even stronger, and he was about to take the black wolf ashore immediately.

But he was stopped by Song Zhe and shouted loudly: "You are stupid, you go up when he asks you to go up, who knows what else he has arranged on the shore, this man is very cunning, did you know him on the first day?

"Stay well, wait for the rope to be cut, and let's slip away first."

"To be able to hit Henry Zhang and Situ Xuan today means that as long as you wait patiently, you will definitely find an opportunity to deal with them. You will have a long time in Japan, Xu Ying, you are so old, you can't play this abacus?"

Song Zhe wasn't really worried about Xu Ying either, for Xu Ying's sake.

The biggest reason was that the four people who had just been ganked on the shore were his subordinates.

Now there are only seven or eight people in his hands. If Xu Ying's brain is hot, he rushes up and is killed by Qin Lie. With the seven or eight people in his hands, he really doesn't know if he can leave South Korea alive.

After hearing this, Xu Ying also felt that it made sense, so he gave up the idea of ​​going up.

"Qin Lie..." Song Zhe responded loudly on the speedboat, "You really think we are fools."

"Going ashore? We're leaving soon, and you still let me go ashore. There are hundreds of people in your Longyan team, the Tang family, and the Cape family in South Korea. Let's go up and die."

"If you want me to say, it's not us but you that are afraid. You saw Henry Zhang and Situ Xuan were killed by us today. You are afraid that we will leave, and there will be such a chance to kill you in the future?"

"Your worry is right, Qin Lie, wait, as long as there is a night soul, your head will only be temporarily hung around your neck, and we will come and take it at any time."

"Poisonous scorpion..." Qin Lie's mouth rose, everything was in his plan.

Continue talking to buy Qiu Bai time.

"The three giants of the night soul are really majestic, aren't they?"

"With my head hanging around my neck for a while, I was really scared."

"Poisonous scorpion, you killed your master with your own hands and lost your conscience. Do you think I will let you leave alive today?"

"Then what else can you do?" The poisonous scorpion laughed wildly, "Now jump out and kill me, Qin Lie, I know you're angry now, but you can't do anything about me. When the rope breaks, you'll..."

The confrontation between Qin Lie and Song Zhe was originally to buy Qiu Bai time and to draw their attention to him.

Taking advantage of this time, Qiu Bai dashed on the pier and circled the fishing boat all the way from the side.

Almost without a pause, he jumped off the fishing boat and landed from the sky into their speedboat, among their crowd.

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