The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1359 Xu Ying And Song Zhe Were Captured

Song Zhe was still talking to Qin Lie when Qiu Bai fell from the sky.

Before he finished speaking, he saw a white shadow fall in front of him.

It was too late, but Qiu Bai had just landed when a light and shadow flashed, and the dagger flashed a cold light in the air, piercing the night, and stabbed Song Zhe's neck directly.

Song Zhe was surprised.

However, under the tutelage of Situ Xuan, his talent is not bad.

In terms of kung fu alone, Song Zhe's ability is actually much higher than Qin Lie.

Seeing Qiu Bai slashing over, Song Zhe reacted quickly, one bent backward, and folded his body almost 90 degrees.

But in the end, it was far from Qiu Bai's skill.

Even though Song Zhe had already reacted quickly, Qiu Bai hit him in the chest with an elbow, and hit him hard on the speedboat.

As for Xu Ying, he has almost no effort.

Seeing Qiu Bai's first reaction was to turn around and run, but how could Qiu Bai give him a chance.

One hand grabbed his arm and twisted it in the opposite direction, twisting Xu Ying's arm into a twist. Xu Ying screamed and was knocked again, and the whole person knelt on the speedboat.

After the black wolf on the speedboat and the other killers of the night soul reacted, they collectively turned around to deal with the sudden appearance of Qiu Bai.

However, the actions on the surface and the sniping in the dark have completely different effects on the masters of their level.

Situ Xuan was shot completely because Xu Ying and the others acted behind their backs.

Now face to face, Qiu Bai knows where their guns are and where the people are, how can they be hit?

One of the gunmen raised his gun to deal with him. Just as the gun was raised, he was cut into two pieces with a sharp knife.

The experience of other people is similar. After shooting, they are either dodged by his quick movement, or they are hit by his sharp knife, which damages the gun. All in all, they are not hit.

And with the skills of these killers, they are not even Qiu Bai's opponents.

Qiu Bai's appearance turned the entire speedboat upside down.

On Qin Lie's side, he knew Qiu Bai had succeeded when he heard the sound of gunfire in front of him but no bullets came from around him.

He gave Li Tianlin a wink, and everyone understood the meaning.

The first time he rushed out of the container, he faced Xu Ying, Song Zhe and others, and supported Qiu Bai with gunfire.

The morale of the battle changed, and Qin Lie and the members of Longyan Squad strode forward.

Even the marksmanship is inexplicably accurate.

The formation of the gunmen on the speedboat was broken up by Qiu Bai, and there was no way to fight against Qin Lie and the others. The bullets were shot out, and the killers fell one by one, and one by one fell into the bottom of the sea.

The small area of ​​the sea was dyed red by the blood of those people.

With this move from the sky, Qin Lie broke through Xu Ying and Song Zhe's defense and established the victory.

Those defensive forces were destroyed, Qin Lie jumped up, strode across the sea nearly two meters, and stepped on the speedboat.

At this time, there were not many people on the speedboat.

The black wolf symbolically resisted Qin Lie a few times.

Qin Lie is very murderous and doesn't want to waste time on these irrelevant little characters.

He grabbed his neck with one hand and twisted it, with a strong force twisting his neck.

Throwing it to the side again, the big man weighing more than 100 pounds was thrown to an altitude of nearly three meters like a lump of garbage, and then fell heavily into the bottom of the sea.

As Xu Ying's subordinate, Heilang was fairly loyal, but when he met Qin Lie, he could only die in the line of duty, ending his life.

In normal times, Qin Lie may also talk nonsense with them, tease and tease.

What's the name of that sentence? Before eating a mouse, the cat has to tease it to show its high status.

This sentence is used here to impress Qin Lie.

But today's Qin Lie doesn't have the mind to pretend, and there is only one word in his heart - kill.

Situ Xuan was injured and his life and death were uncertain. He just wanted to end all this and go back to see Situ Xuan's situation.

As the initiators, Xu Ying and Song Zhe would definitely kill.

After killing the gunmen around them, the two of them have lost their right-hand man, and now they are alone, and they are definitely not the opponents of Qin Lie, Qiu Bai and Longyan Squad.

Qin Lie approached Song Zhe. Song Zhe had just been killed by Qiu Bai on the yacht. When he saw Qin Lie, he rushed up from the yacht like crazy and rushed towards Qin Lie fiercely.

"Qin Lie, I'm really fighting with you!"

Song Zhe's life was actually quite carefree. From the very beginning, he joined Situ Xuanmen and later joined Yehun, growing into one of the three giants of Yehun.

It has always been beautiful and has almost no twists and turns.

Even if he betrayed Situ Xuan, he never regretted it in his life.

He did all kinds of calculations, but he never calculated that he would be planted on Qin Lie's head.

But being caught by Qin Lie today, he must not be able to leave.

With Qiu Bai on the side, he is not quite Qiu Bai's opponent, and his current purpose is very simple, if he can pull a point back, he will count as a point.

After all, as the old saying goes, killing one is enough, and killing two will earn you one.

So he looked very fierce.

But will Qin Lie fight him recklessly? Of course not!

Now Qin Lie is seriously injured and has no intention of fighting with him at all.

He gave Qiu Bai a wink and said in a low voice, "Master, I'm in trouble."

Qiu Bai understood, grabbed Song Zhe's shoulder with one hand, knocked his right foot on the corner of his foot, and kicked him directly to kneel in front of Qin Lie.

Qin Lie's complexion was calm, and his face seemed to be covered with a layer of cream.

Looking down at Song Zhe kneeling in front of him, Qin Lie had no emotion in his eyes.

Leaning over to look at him, Qin Lie slowly took out the golden knife Qiu Bai had given him from his waist.

Qin Lie murmured in a low voice, as if talking to himself: "Song Zhe, I have always been curious about what kind of psychology and what kind of mood would make you have such a big hatred for your master."

"He raised you and nurtured you back then, and gave you everything, but in exchange for your betrayal."

"It's okay to betray. Now you're showing no mercy to him at all, sniping from a distance, hitting all the points, and forcing people to death. I'm curious, under your face, are you a human or a beast!"

"I think you're not even as good as a beast. You're a wolf, a tiger, a leopard, and you're grateful, but your heart is only revenge. Song Zhe, what words should I use to describe you?"


Song Zhe spat fiercely and was very upset: "Qin Lie, don't be so beep! Don't use your high moral standards to criticize Lao Tzu, you have never experienced Lao Tzu's affairs, you are not qualified to do it for Lao Tzu. Decide.

No matter what I have done in this life, I will never regret it. I fell into your hands today, I admit it, and if I want to kill or cut it, hurry up, I don't want to listen to your nonsense. "

"Okay!" Qin Lie was indifferent and just followed his wishes, "If you want to die, I will fulfill you."

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