The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1366 It Turned Out To Be A Gift From Xuanyuan!

Xuanyuan Hao couldn't figure out the file Qiu Bai gave last time.

He was the patriarch of the family, and he was also in the position when the Qiu Bai annihilation case happened, but he did not hear that there was an arrangement for this task.

Later, Xuanyuan Hao asked several elders in the clan if they had heard of this matter, but none of them had any news of this task.

The most important thing is that the file has the seal of his patriarch on it, which is something he can only touch.

Coupled with the members who performed the tasks recorded in the dossier, almost all of them died in various accidents over the years, which cast a layer of fog on this matter.

After the battle that day, Xuanyuan Hao returned to the family and began to investigate the matter.

Ji Canghai was the captain of Xuanyuan Guard, an absolute confidant who belonged to his subordinates, and one of the people he trusted the most.

This matter was handed over to Ji Canghai by Xuanyuan Hao.

Ji Canghai kept holding hands with respect, and whispered, "Patriarch, this matter is a bit complicated, and my subordinates dare not say it."

Xuanyuan Hao moved his eyelids lightly and looked at him: "Is there anything I dare not say, I told you to say it, and you say it, who dares to threaten you?"

"It's not a threat to me, it's a matter of great importance, and I'm not sure if I'm investigating correctly."

"Whether it's correct or not, let's hear it first." Xuanyuan Hao was very determined.


Ji Canghai nodded in response, and then slowly continued: "According to your instructions, I took this file and went to the family archives to find the corresponding location, and finally found the specific source of this file."

"However, when Qiu Bai forced his way into the archives and turned the archives upside down, we spent a lot of effort on restoration work and finding work, which took a lot of time."

"Finally, after we recovered, we saw that this dossier was from 16 years ago. It was placed on a shelf with other dossiers from 16 years ago, including the time when the mission was recorded on the dossier 16 years ago."

"It's just strange that I went through the family's mission travel records for so many years, and I didn't find that this mission has been traveled on the record sheet."

"Our mission travel record sheet was torn up on that day sixteen years ago, so the travel record in the Qiu Bai Miemen case is incomplete."

Xuanyuan Hao's expression did not change, but his mind was already spinning rapidly.

If things are different, then there must be an inside story in this matter.

How should I put it, every time the Xuanyuan family assigns a mission, there will be a file to record the detailed process of the mission and the people who travel.

Before the trip, there will be a family recorder to write this record on the record sheet.

The record sheet is a bit like a table of contents, and the dossier is the details.

This dossier has always been different, and as a result, if the corresponding record sheet is torn off, it is very likely that there is a problem.

It's just that there are so many files in the Xuanyuan family archives, and many of them are archives that have been dusty for many years. Usually, no one will pay attention to such a small difference.

If it wasn't for Qiu Bai making a fuss about the archives, this matter might have been sealed in dust for the rest of his life.

"So someone moved the dossier and record sheet?" Xuanyuan Hao asked.

"Yes." Ji Canghai answered in the affirmative.

He continued: "Then we followed this line of thinking and went all the way to find the person who moved this dossier."

"Because the form was recorded 16 years ago, and then we went to check the records of the personnel in and out of the archives, and asked the archivist to move out all the personnel in and out of the past 16 years, which is also easy to find."

"Fortunately, there are not many travel records every year, and there are very few personnel records. We have checked it from 16 years ago to this year, and want to see if any suspicious people have entered the archives during this process."

"It's a pity that we searched for so long, but we couldn't find any suspicious people who came in and out, and then we went to ask the old king who is in charge of the archives. The old king watched this archives for 21 years, and he never did. Resign, every day is unshakable there."

"I just asked Old Wang whether he had encountered any strange people in the process of taking care of so many people over the years, who wanted to touch the files in the archives."

"When I asked this question, Pharaoh didn't give me a clear answer. He called me after thinking about it all night, and then he told me a name."

Xuanyuan Hao knew that what Ji Canghai said had reached a critical point, so he took it seriously.


"God-sent young master." When Ji Canghai said this, he also knew that he was a little rebellious, and immediately lowered his head.

Xuanyuan Hao frowned because of this incident.

Obviously, he was also very surprised.

Xuanyuan Tianci is Xuanyuan Hao's biological son. He has been doing well over the years, and Xuanyuan Hao also agrees with his achievements so far.

He has always been regarded as the successor of the family.

Over the years, he has not interfered too much with what he is going to do.

So far, Xuanyuan Tianci has been called the number one young man in China by the outside world. Xuanyuan Hao is not particularly proud. In short, he has not fallen into the prestige of his Xuanyuan family.

At this moment, Ji Canghai linked this matter to Xuanyuan Tianci, why didn't he blame him?

"Is that what the king really said?"

"That's right." Ji Canghai buried his head deeper, "Pharaoh said, in his impression, Master Tianci went to the archives very diligently two years ago. During that time, he visited the archives almost twice a month. And every time I send him a tin of tea and let him go outside to drink tea."

"Although Old Wang finds it strange, after all, he is a god-given young master and won't do anything out of the ordinary, so he turned a blind eye, and he didn't expect to be asked this question by me two years later. "

"He thought about it for a while, and only God-given Young Master has such a seemingly strange behavior."

"And then!"

Ji Canghai paused and said, "Because Old Wang said that Young Master Tianci didn't go to the archives only two years ago, I asked someone from the family to verify the age of the file given by Qiu Bai."

"In the end, I found that although the surface of the file was oxidized to accelerate the aging process, the core of the paper is actually only two years old. This is exactly the time that Lao Wang said."

Xuanyuan Hao listened, his eyes moved lightly, and he asked again: "But just based on this, you can't conclude that Tianci is the one who changed this dossier. You need more rigorous evidence."


Ji Canghai nodded, what he was going to say wasn't over yet.

"I also know that this alone can't slander Young Master Tianci, so I reviewed the contents of the dossier again, and investigated all the people on the travel missions recorded in the dossier from beginning to end."

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