"The result of the investigation is that almost all of the people recorded above have died during these years of missions."

"And the time they died was all concentrated in the past two years."

"However, after our unremitting efforts, we finally found a fish that slipped through the net among these people."

"That is the member recorded in the file who participated in this incident. His name is Ning Kun, and he is not dead yet."

"Oh?" Xuanyuan Hao heard this and knew that Ning Kun was a key figure, so he immediately asked, "How is it, have you found him?"

"Yes." Ji Canghai said, "We went to great lengths to find him. He lived in seclusion in a small fishing village near the East China Sea in Huaxia. He has changed his name to Ning Hao, and he does not stay in the fishing village all the year round."

"We found out after careful cross-examination. In fact, he has been persecuted three times in a row in the past two years, and almost every time it cost him his life. He also lived in seclusion in the fishing village because there was no other way."

"And we also asked who the persecutors were, and he said it was the Xiao family."

"The Xiao family?" Rao is such a shrewd person as Xuanyuan Hao, and he can't figure out what this matter has to do with the Xiao family, "Didn't you say that this matter has something to do with God? How did it become the Xiao family again? If the Xiao family is bullying, don't you know how to ask us for help?"

"Don't worry, I haven't finished." Ji Canghai said, "I also asked you this question, and asked him why he didn't ask the Xuanyuan family for help."

"He replied to me that he actually asked and even asked the core person of the Xuanyuan family to help him, but the final result was that not only did the core person not help him, but he also led him into the trap of the Xiao family, the patriarch. , do you know who the core person of the Xuanyuan family I am talking about is?"

"Godsend?" Xuanyuan Hao asked.

Ji Canghai did not answer clearly, but nodded heavily.

After Xuanyuan Hao heard this, his expression became solemn.

Ji Canghai cupped his hands and said, "Patriarch, that's why I said that this matter has a great impact. I don't dare to make decisions without authorization. I can only tell you. There are too many coincidences in these things.

In fact, Xuanyuan Hao is not thinking about whether Xuanyuan Tianci has changed the archives in the archives.

In Ji Canghai's description, Xuanyuan Tianci has already been involved with the Xiao family. This is a major event that overturned the whole family!

This had to attract his attention.

What is the Xiao family? It is the second of the eight great families in China, and its power is only a little weaker than the Xuanyuan family.

Over the years, the Xiao family has been very ambitious, and they have been offending the Xuanyuan family, wanting to replace the Xuanyuan family and take the top spot in China.

The two families are old enemies and incompatible existences.

And the people within the Xuanyuan family communicate with the Xiao family, which is a major event for the betrayal clan.

This person who communicates with each other is still the young master of the Xuanyuan family, the next inheritor of the Xuanyuan family, which is even more of a major event.

This made Xuanyuan Hao not concerned.

"Have you told anyone else about this?" Xuanyuan Hao asked.

Ji Canghai handed over his hands: "Xuanyuanwei has always only obeyed the orders of the patriarch. If you don't open your mouth, how dare I tell other people without permission. At present, only you and I know about this."

"Okay." Xuanyuan Hao said, "You have done a good job, so far this matter must not be known to a third person."

"And this matter has a great impact, and I still can't make a conclusion. I have to personally review it."

"You can bring Old Wang and that Ning Kun to me sometime, and I will ask them personally."

"Yes." Ji Canghai replied.

"Hey!" Xuanyuan Hao sighed, rubbed his forehead, and felt that this incident had a great impact.

Putting this matter behind his back temporarily, Xuanyuan Hao continued to ask: "What about Qin Lie, I asked you to check the background of this kid, how did you check it?"

"It's almost the same." Ji Canghai said, "but this kid doesn't have much to investigate. He has always been an ordinary person, and then he went abroad and was left on a deserted island. When he came back, he had the capital and slowly climbed to the current location."

"Where's your life experience?" Xuanyuan Hao asked again.

"Life experience." Ji Canghai said, "I don't have much to say about life experience. When I was a child, I was raised by his grandfather, but that grandfather was not his own grandfather. , nothing special."

"Can he find the discarded ones?" Xuanyuan Hao asked.

Ji Canghai Ying: "This is difficult, it should be said that it is almost impossible, not to mention his grandfather is dead, even if his grandfather is not dead, he has never seen the person who discarded it. If you want to investigate who discarded it, you will definitely not be able to find it. ."

"Okay, then I know." Xuanyuan Hao.

Ji Canghai felt strange and asked Xuanyuan Hao: "Patriarch, I want to ask you a question, this Qin Lie doesn't seem to be able to shake the Xuanyuan family. Why do you pay so much attention to him?"

"Haha..." Xuanyuan Hao smiled and asked Ji Canghai, "Canghai, how many years have you been with me?"

Ji Canghai said, "It's been twenty-five years this year."

"Twenty-five years." Xuanyuan Hao curled his lips and stuttered, "Then you just didn't see my face, if you could see me without a mask, you would be as interested in Qin Lie as I am. "

"Okay." Now Xuanyuan Hao's thoughts are all locked up by the matter that Xuanyuan gave him, and he doesn't want to think about other things, so he ended the topic, "Then you will give me a brief report on South Korea and then you will be fine. You can go out."

This is the third thing Xuanyuan Hao asked Ji Canghai to investigate.

Ji Canghai responded: "The matter in South Korea was specifically caused by Qin Lie. He bombed the Xiao family's mine. Henry Zhang was so angry that he personally took people to South Korea to settle accounts with Qin Lie, but in the end it was because of Xu Ying's conspiracy. .

Henry Zhang was injured, Xiao Yuanshan was injured, Qin Lie and the people around him were injured, and it was a lose-lose ending.

It was a big mess, but neither Qin Lie nor the Xiao family took advantage of it, but Xu Ying was killed by Qin Lie in the end. "

"Qin Lie alone can withstand the impact of Xiao's army, and Henry Zhang personally led the team?"

"No, no, no..." Ji Canghai said, "Of course he can't resist the Xiao family's iron hoofs alone. He was able to escape with the help of the Tang family and the Cape family that night."

"Haha..." Xuanyuan Hao laughed, "The Cape family has all come here. This kid is very good at forming alliances."

"Yes." Ji Canghai said, "In time, Qin Lie may really grow into a great power. Patriarch, you are paying so much attention to him now, are you planning for a rainy day?"

"Prepare for a rainy day?" Xuanyuan Hao smiled and shook his head, "I'm just really interested in him."

"Okay." After the matter was finished, Xuanyuan Hao ordered Ji Canghai to evict guests, "Canghai, you have done a good job in these things, and when the case is over, I will reward you well, go back first. Bar."


Ji Canghai completely obeyed Xuanyuan Hao's words, and after answering, he left Xuanyuan's old house like a shadow, as mysterious as he came.

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