"And this is just the heat of the last performance, not the heat of the finals."

"It's also just the number of votes, not the number of people watching the game."

"If you count those who watch the show and don't vote, I conservatively estimate that this number can reach 50 million."

The corners of Wang Congcong's mouth rose, and as he introduced, he was even more excited.

As for Qin Lie, he was very shocked and was frightened by these numbers.

You are joking, the attention of 50 million people, what kind of concept is this?

Huaxia has a total population of 1.4 billion, and there are 50 million people who follow this show, which is equivalent to one out of thirty people watching "I Am a Goddess".

At first glance, this ratio does not seem to be high.

But you have to know that this show was created for young people.

The main audience is young people between the ages of fourteen and thirty.

Excluding the audience of other age groups, how many people are left in the end?

Three hundred million, or two hundred million?

Let's count this group of young people as 300 million, and then exclude some people who don't usually pay attention to variety shows at all, how many people are there left?

One hundred and fifty million?

If it is calculated like this, then basically one out of every three people who have Internet entertainment methods is paying attention to "I Am a Goddess".

This is pretty scary data.

So no matter from any angle, "I Am a Goddess" is a phenomenal variety show.

Wang Congcong looked at Qin Lie's slightly open mouth, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Master Qin, our company's performance is still good."

"By the way." Speaking of this, Wang Congcong remembered again, "Qin Lie, you haven't managed this show for a while, do you know how much revenue this show has brought us now, including the naming fee? , advertising fees and various off-site income..."

"How much?" Qin Lie asked.

"Just take a guess." Wang Congcong said.

Qin Lie was impatient: "You're not a woman, I guess what?"

"Just guess." Wang Congcong was very interested.

Qin Lie was speechless. Seeing that Wang Congcong had obsessive-compulsive disorder, he told him a number: "One billion?"

This figure Qin Lie is also not without basis.

The naming fee was only released by the manufacturer before the show started. At that time, the popularity of the show was not very good, and the final naming fee was only 200 million yuan.

However, in the past three months, the show has continued to ferment and its popularity has continued to rise. It is almost the same as the income from other aspects exceeding the title fee by 200 million or four times.

One billion should be a huge number.

But Wang Congcong pretended to be mysterious and didn't reveal it. With a proud look, he stretched out a finger and shook it and said, "nonono, my respected Young Master Qin, don't be so petty, where a billion dollars will go, I, Wang Congcong, do business, can I do a business of less than one billion yuan, you dare to guess!"

Qin Lie saw him being so arrogant, and after thinking for a while, he said a number: "Two billion?"

The corners of Wang Congcong's mouth rose mysteriously, and he continued to wave his hand: "nononono, it's still too petty, I'll let you enlarge it to guess, can you be more bold?"

"Five billion?" Qin Lie said, "It can't be more, you are just a show after all."

"No, no, you're still a little short of doubling it." Seeing that Qin Lie couldn't guess, Wang Congcong finally announced the answer on his own initiative, "The exact number is 12.3 billion."


Qin Lie was rude and widened his eyes: "Can there be so many?"

This number was very unexpected to Qin Lie, which made him feel extremely shocked and delighted.

"I didn't expect it." Wang Congcong chuckled, "I didn't expect it at first, but as the popularity of the show fermented, more and more advertisements found us.

Then it is not only the economic benefits of the program, but also derived benefits in other aspects, such as various advertising endorsements for the players who have gone out, and various entertainment company cooperation projects.

The final tally was 12.3 billion.

And this number is still rising, and after this evening, there will only be more and more cooperation. "

"Damn it!" Qin Lie continued to be rude, patted Wang Congcong's shoulder and said, "Wang Congcong, you are really good, you can earn more than 10 billion income from just a variety show, which is amazing my brother. "

Wang Congcong wiped his bangs narcissistically: "Don't be obsessed with brother, brother is just a legend."

Qin Lie figured it out. If what Wang Congcong said is true, and the income from the early stage of the show has already reached more than 10 billion, if he can still win the final bet with Shentu Domineering today, then the income this time will go straight to 15 billion.

In the later stage, it will add another 5 billion yuan, and this program will bring 20 billion yuan of income to Shinhwa Entertainment.

Even if the money ends up with Wang Congcong five or five points, he can get 10 billion.

This solves a pressing need.

The previous cooperation with Shenzhou Weapons invested 30 billion, basically draining the resources in hand.

Now that there are 10 billion, it can be said that a long drought meets nectar.

Haha, this is too cool.

Qin Lie couldn't help laughing, happy from the bottom of his heart, patted Wang Congcong's shoulder again and said, "Cong Cong, as expected of you, I Qin Lie are convinced by you again."

The last time Bitcoin's wild income was to eat Wang Congcong's dividend.

The huge profit this time also came from Wang Congcong.

Wang Congcong, like a nobleman, has brought a steady stream of wealth to Qin Lie.

"Hehe." Wang Congcong smiled and said with satisfaction, "How about it, Young Master Qin, is it like I said at the beginning, follow me, I will definitely keep you delicious and spicy, brother didn't lie to you, right?"

"Yes." Qin Lie gave a thumbs up, expressing great affirmation of Wang Congcong's ability.

It is also inconvenient now. If it is convenient, Qin Lie would like to drag Wang Congcong out to drink with him all day and night.

After a short period of joy, Qin Lie and Wang Congcong's attention returned to the finals.

At this time, He Ling had almost finished introducing the rules of the finals.

Just say it.

Generally speaking, the finals are divided into four stages, the first is the team competition, the second is the team competition, the third is the individual competition, and the last one is the championship competition.

Only four players can compete for the final championship.

In other words, a total of eleven people will be eliminated in the first three stages.

But of course, those who can reach the top seven are already qualified to form a group.

The last stage is for the championship.

Then the process of the competition is about one hour and one stage. After each stage, the number of votes will be locked and announced once.

Those with the highest number of votes will advance, and those with the lowest number of votes will be eliminated.

Moreover, after the settlement of the votes for each stage, all the votes are cleared and re-accumulated.

That is to say, whether a player can advance is closely related to the corresponding performance within an hour and the assistance off the field.

What Qin Lie and Wang Congcong have to do next is to help Shentu Mingyue win the championship.

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