After Wang Congcong and Wang Congcong finished speaking, Qin Lie turned his attention to the stage.

During the process, He Ling briefly introduced today's guests, including Qin Lie and Wang Congcong.

But I don't know if it was because the program was shortened or He Ling forgot about this part. Anyway, Qin Lie didn't stand up and talk like he did during the rehearsal.

I got up and said hello and fooled the past, and I was quite happy.

Then the first stage of the game officially began.

The first stage is the team competition. The rules are that the top five players in the performance last week will automatically become captains, and then two members will be selected to form a team in the remaining players.

Five groups took turns taking the stage and were voted on by the 500 spectators present.

The top two teams will advance directly, the bottom three will be announced with the votes of the audience outside the venue, and the bottom three in popularity will be eliminated directly.

That is to say, three players will be eliminated in the first stage, and after officially entering the second stage, only twelve of the fifteen players will remain.

Each group rehearsal program on the stage has its own theme, and the theme is formulated by the competition party.

The contestants will rehearse the program of whatever theme they draw.

Of course, that's all from last week.

Just look at the results of their rehearsal on the spot.

No matter what, it is a pleasing thing for a young and beautiful girl to sweat on the stage and give back to the audience with a beautiful stage.

Besides, today's final team did a good job, and the choreography was particularly good.

Even people like Qin Lie who don't appreciate girl groups think today's show is particularly good.

Of course, his attention was more on the off-court votes of the players.

Since 6 o'clock, the voting channel has been opened. Half an hour later, Qin Lie saw the voting rankings. Shentu Mingyue ranked first with a super high number of 5.57 million votes.

Feng Momo is not bad, ranking second with 4.88 million votes.

The third is Yang Chaoyu's 3.6 million votes.

As for the latter, they are all below 2 million votes, which is hardly a threat to the top three.

Judging from the current number of votes, the top three are basically determined on the three of them.

After getting the votes from the backstage, Qin Lie and Wang Congcong discussed again.

He turned his head to Wang Congcong's side and asked, "Cong Cong, according to your judgment, is there any possibility for Feng Momo to come back tonight??"

Wang Congcong said without thinking: "There must be. The most dangerous thing is tonight."

Qin Lie didn't understand these hype, and asked, "How do you say it."

Wang Congcong waved his hand: "I won't tell you the specifics, anyway, since you handed me the task of public relations, I have been fighting wits and courage with the Shentu family's public relations team for the past month and a half, and the group of dog thieves on the opposite side are also very professional. , if you are not careful, they will overtake Shentu Mingyue's votes."

"They used fewer tricks in the last two weeks. I wonder if they are secretly holding back some big tricks to use tonight, so they must not be taken lightly."

"Ultimate move." Qin Lie wondered, "What other big move can there be."

"Then I don't know..." Wang Congcong spread his hands, "Anyway, the Shentu family is so rich, and there is a professional team behind it. Who knows what operations they can come up with."

"But now Shentu Mingyue's votes are still in the first place, and I don't see any means they use." Qin Lie said.

"Where is this going?" Wang Congcong said, "Isn't there four stages today? The first two stages of the competition are actually to hit the top seven team positions, and the last two stages are to hit the championship C position.

I guess they have to wait until the last two stages before they can exert their strength, so don't worry, just put your heart in your stomach and watch the performance first. "

With Wang Congcong's words, Qin Lie felt a lot more at ease.

Looking at Wang Congcong's confidence, he also remembered the secret weapon he said.

Too lazy to think about these things, Qin Lie turned his attention to the stage.

It's just that occasionally the staff in the background will be urged to report the fact of the vote count results - you can't see the list of votes on the open channel, only the staff in the background have data - fortunately, he is the boss, he privileged.

When the tickets were finally locked in the first stage, Shentu Mingyue finally ranked first with 10.23 million votes, followed by Feng Momo with 9.07 million votes. The difference between the two was more than one million votes.

It stands to reason that such a large gap should not be easy to catch up in a short period of time.

But after the second stage, Qin Lie found that something was wrong.

He asks for the results almost every ten minutes.

The number of votes for the second stage is cleared, and all votes start from zero.

So Qin Lie found out that although Shentu Mingyue and Feng Momo were the first and second in the first stage, the difference in the number of votes between the two was actually widening, and Shentu Mingyue had been pressing Feng Momo to go.

But in the second stage, Shentu Mingyue's lead was not that big.

The number of votes of the two people is almost neck and neck, the gap between each other will not exceed 100,000 votes, and they are almost neck and neck from beginning to end.

There are even occasions when it exceeds Shentu Mingyue.

Seeing this, Qin Lie immediately asked Wang Congcong.

"Cong Cong, what's going on? Feng Momo's votes followed inexplicably. Didn't you say it's not time to exert force yet?"

Wang Congcong listened and paid attention to the number of votes.

After taking a look, he muttered: "It seems that the Shentu family is not as calm as I imagined, and has already begun to move. If you exert force so quickly, you are not afraid of exhaustion later."

"What force?" Qin Lie asked.

After a little thought, Wang Congcong guessed the routine of the Shentu family.

He said: "You can open and take a look at those mainstream live broadcast platforms now. I estimate that they have invested a lot of resources on live broadcast channels to attract traffic. The current number of votes is catching up. The result of their drainage."

According to Wang Congcong's statement, Qin Lie took out his mobile phone and took a look.

Otherwise, Wang Congcong is the king of public relations.

After watching the content of those live broadcast platforms, Qin Lie was full of admiration for Wang Congcong's sense of public opinion.

Because of the super popularity of the "I Am a Goddess" program, platforms such as Longya, Douyu, Penguin and other platforms like the mainstream live broadcast platforms currently on the market have all acquired the broadcast rights.

Each of these live broadcast platforms has an official live broadcast room for "I Am a Goddess".

Of course, some of the people watching the live broadcast are concerned about "I Am a Goddess", and some are not concerned.

As a result, after Qin Lie opened the Longya live broadcast platform, he saw those live broadcast rooms with lol divisions, dnf live broadcast rooms, and those big anchors were actually broadcasting the finals.

The way they broadcast is also very simple, that is, go to the official live broadcast room to watch, and then project the picture of the official live broadcast room into their own live broadcast room to complete the dissemination of information.

And these big anchors guide the topic intentionally or unintentionally when watching the live broadcast of the game.

The ultimate goal is to let people in their respective live broadcast rooms vote for Feng Momo.

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