"No face to meet anyone?"

Qin Lie was very surprised. He didn't expect that Zhao Xiaoying was not thinking about how to deal with this problem, but to save her last face.

"Could it be that what you do is just for that little face, just to make others look up to you?"

"What can't you do!!" Zhao Xiaoying struggled and said, "I have been poor since I was a child, and I have been looked down upon since I was a child, even in my backcountry, those children my age didn't want to look at me, I grew up, I don't have a friend who really looks up to me."

"So I swear since I was a child! I want to make money when I grow up, I want to make a lot of money, I want to show all those who looked down on me, I, Zhao Xiaoying, can stand out, you used to look down on me, I want you to climb higher now No way!"

"Then I succeeded!"

"Qin Lie..." Zhao Xiaoying's eyes flashed with stars, "Do you know how those who looked down on me have treated me since I became a domestic first-line actor and star? They call me Sister Ying, They came to me one by one, nodded and begged me to do things, kneel and lick me!"

"Do you know that feeling, do you know how happy I feel when I see this!!"

"I just like the feeling of being a superior person. I like to see them kneeling in front of me with flattering faces. All these days have proved that my Zhao Xiaoying's hard work for so many years has not been in vain."

"I don't want to end this feeling, but my popularity has declined in the past two years, and my money has not come as much as it has passed. I was thinking, when I grow old, will I go back to the days before, so , so I thought of this trick."

"But I really didn't want to lie to them completely. They were too anxious. They wanted to give me time, and I was right."

Qin Lie feels that the growing environment is sometimes really scary, and it can change a lot of people.

After learning about Zhao Xiaoying in the afternoon, Qin Lie kept thinking about why she did this.

In the end, after thinking about it for a day, I couldn't come up with a reason.

Now that I see Zhao Xiaoying, Qin Lie finally knows.

As Ye Yuqing said, she just had a problem with her mind.

Normal people don't have such a strong utilitarian heart, she is nothing more than a distorted mind because of the living environment when she was a child.

She feels that money is the capital to become a superior person, and money is the most important thing in the world.

For this thing, she can give everything, even the moral bottom line.

Qin Lie can understand her thoughts. Just talking about this kind of thing here will definitely not change her thoughts in a short time, so leave everything to the police.

Without any thought of helping her, Qin Lie said, "But no matter what the reason is, you can't change the fact that you are breaking the law. Listen to me, turn yourself in, and I will accompany you."

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!!!"

Zhao Xiaoying's mood suddenly became very excited, she gasped heavily, kept backing away, shaking her head as she backed away: "Qin Lie, this is not what I want, this is not what I asked you to come out to see, you must help Me, you can't help me, you are capable of helping me, why don't you help me, why?"

Zhao Xiaoying's words are not wrong, Qin Lie does have the ability to help her now.

Isn't that just smuggling out alone? Now Qin Lie can easily do it without even the help of other families.

But still, there is something wrong with Zhao Xiaoying's thinking, and her whole person has a problem, Qin Lie can't help the chaos.

"Xiaoying." Qin Lie said rationally, "Don't you know that I'm helping you to the greatest extent possible by doing this?"

"You are calling me to help me!" Zhao Xiaoying growled, "Send me to the police station, so that I can't get out for many years, I have been humiliated by outsiders, I have become a sinner in the world, even if I am released from prison You can't even raise your head, you still think this is helping me?"

Qin Lie shook his head: "I can't explain the truth to you now. Your thinking is not right now. You have been confused by your vanity. Believe me, as long as you turn yourself in, you will understand what I think in a short time."

"Ha ha……"

Zhao Xiaoying stood far away at the moment and sneered: "Qin Lie, it seems that I still misread you, I didn't expect you to be such a ruthless person, you are in the same camp as those police officers.

Qin Lie, let me tell you, if you ask me to turn myself in, you, me, and your children will never see each other for the rest of your life. "

"What do you mean?" Qin Lie's heart skipped a beat when he heard this.

Zhao Xiaoying said: "What do you mean, what else do you mean, what does it mean that I am pregnant?"

As soon as these words came out, Qin Lie froze in place again, like a thunderbolt hitting his head.


real or fake!

However, Qin Lie clearly remembered that he had taken safety measures during the few times with Zhao Xiaoying, so how could he be pregnant? ?

"Really or not? When did it happen?" Qin Lie asked.

"Just a month ago!" Zhao Xiaoying said, "I went to the hospital for a checkup, and the doctor said I was pregnant, just one month ago, hehe, Qin Lie, you won't even deny that you've been in my bed. Right."

"This..." Qin Lie hesitated.

If it is really like what Zhao Xiaoying said, the whole thing will be different again.

Also noticing the change in Qin Lie's expression, Zhao Xiaoying added with a sneer: "Qin Lie, no matter how cruel you are, you won't let your child be born in prison, right? You'd better find a way for me to extradite it now. Go abroad, or else you won't think about it as a child!"

Qin Lie narrowed his eyes again when he heard Zhao Xiaoying's words.

Not right!

If she has a child, she should mention it from the moment they meet, because this matter will obviously increase her bargaining chip to go abroad.

But she didn't mention it at first, and she didn't say it until she saw that she really had no idea to help her.

Obviously, seeing that there is nothing he can do, he threatens himself with this matter.

Qin Lie is not stupid and quickly understood Zhao Xiaoying's thoughts.

"Are you pregnant?" Qin Lie raised his eyelids and asked again.

"Yes!" Zhao Xiaoying replied confidently, "Is it possible that I can still make up this matter?"

"Ok!" Qin Lie asked her again without giving her another chance, "Then tell me what the pregnancy test list looks like. At the same time, if you are pregnant, one of the hormones will be high in the blood test, which hormone is it? ?"


Zhao Xiaoying responded in surprise, apparently not expecting Qin Lie to ask this.

She was not ready, lowered her eyebrows, and swept her gaze under her feet, clearly panicking.

She responded: "Those hormone names are so complicated, how can I remember them, why are you asking this?"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qin Lie immediately pressed on: "You're not pregnant at all, right?"

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