Facing Qin Lie's doubts, Zhao Xiaoying was no longer as bold as before, and suddenly became nervous and stammered.

"I'm pregnant, how come I'm not pregnant?" she said, "Am I, will I still lie to you because of this?"

Zhao Xiaoying's performance has proved Qin Lie's guess.

Qin Lie was impatient and disappointed.

"Zhao Xiaoying, Zhao Xiaoying, before I met you, why didn't I think that you are such a person, I think you are so scary now, in retrospect, during the time I was with you, did you say anything to me that was true? Yes, my God, my scalp is tingling just thinking about it."


Zhao Xiaoying was at a loss for words, not knowing how to continue this conversation.

Qin Lie sighed and had one last bit of sympathy: "Zhao Xiaoying, if you turn yourself in now, what I say still counts, as long as you turn yourself in, I guarantee you will be released from prison within ten years, you are still young, no No chance!"

Slap it.

Qin Lie never expected that Zhao Xiaoying's emotions collapsed and suddenly knelt in front of him.

She grabbed Qin Lie's pants and cried with snot and tears: "Qin Lie, please, please don't make me surrender, as long as I don't go to jail, I can go anywhere, you can help me Imagine a way.

I know you are very powerful, I know you are a billionaire, and I know you know many, many big people, so you can help me just once, just once! "

Qin Lie looked at her with no expression on his face, and his emotions did not fluctuate because of her.

Just to see what tricks she can perform.

Zhao Xiaoying cried and started her performance: "Qin Lie, in fact, I was also killed, the reason why I did this was because I fell in love with a man, that man likes to gamble, most of the money I make All to him to lose.

He also threatened me. If I didn't give him money, he would kill me. He was too cruel, and I was so frightened that he would do such an irrational thing! "

Hearing these words again, Qin Lie couldn't believe a word.

Looking down at Zhao Xiaoying, Qin Lie's eyes were more sympathetic at this time.

"Zhao Xiaoying, no wonder you can become a new generation of four little actresses. I thought those were all hype, but now I realize that your acting skills are really good."

"I almost believed what you just performed."

"It's a child and a man with a bad heart. I see what kind of story you can make up."

"Are you going to show me all the scripts you've acted in tonight?"

Qin Lie listened to Zhao Xiaoying's words now, and felt that no word was credible.

He didn't feel pity, he just thought it was funny.

Stubborn and unrepentant, she is talking about people like her.

There is no sympathy for such a person.

She was still defending: "Qin Lie, don't you believe me, what I said is true, if you don't believe me, I can show you a screenshot of the chat...I..."

"Okay..." Qin Lie lost her patience, and after listening to him, waved her hand to interrupt her, "Don't say it, now it doesn't matter if what you say is true or not, it doesn't matter to me, I very disappointed at you."

"But I'm too lazy to persuade you now, anyway, you don't hear what I say, we just don't see each other today, I won't report you, don't say you've seen me, and I can't help If you go to smuggle it, everyone will from now on the single-plank bridge on Yangguan Road, and the well water will not violate the river water, so you can do it yourself!"

After saying this, Qin Lie didn't stop, and regardless of whether Zhao Xiaoying heard it or not, he turned around and left.

Not reporting her is Qin Lie's last mercy.

But Zhao Xiaoying is still entangled.

She ran from behind, grabbed Qin Lie's clothes, and burst into tears: "Qin Lie, you can't do this, you've slept with me, you have to help me, you can't be so heartless, you help me go abroad, if Without you, I really don't know who to turn to, I beg you, I beg you!"

Qin Lie didn't want to pay attention to her anymore, he pulled the clothes out of her hands abruptly, and continued to walk outside without speaking.

Zhao Xiaoying saw that he really didn't plan to control it, and finally resorted to a trick.

"Qin Lie!"

She shouted loudly, a look of determination in her eyes.

Qin Lie didn't look back, just felt speechless.

Zhao Xiaoying continued: "You have to control me. If you don't care about me, I will die here today. Anyway, there is no difference between putting me in prison and letting me die, then I will die in front of you and let you live in the shadows for the rest of your life. inside!"

After Qin Lie heard it, whether it was true or false, there was no way he could not turn his head.

Zhao Xiaoying means, want to commit suicide?

This woman is also ruthless. In order to achieve her goal, she cried, made trouble, and hanged herself, and she used every trick.

Looking back, Qin Lie saw such a picture.

Zhao Xiaoying took out a pair of scissors out of nowhere. At this time, she grabbed the handle of the scissors and stabbed her neck forcefully.

Her eyes were full of determination, not joking.

Seeing this, Qin Lie had no choice but to ignore it.

Although I don't have much affection for her anymore, I can't just watch her die in front of my eyes.

Fortunately, Zhao Xiaoying's speed is not fast, and she is not too far away from her, and the speed is full, and she flashes in front of her in less than a second.

He slashed at her wrist with one hand, how could Zhao Xiaoying be able to resist Qin Lie's strength.

In just one click, Qin Lie knocked off the scissors in her hand.

With another stroke of her hand, she threw her hand to a place where it was impossible to commit suicide.

Qin Lie looked at her and said indifferently, "This is how you blackmail me?"

Zhao Xiaoying pear blossomed with rain, shook her head and said, "Why don't you believe me, why do I still threaten you, I have nothing left, you don't agree, I don't even have the right to die?"

To be honest, Qin Lie couldn't see whether what she said was true or false.

But now Qin Lie has two very clear indicators in his mind.

First, it is impossible for Zhao Xiaoying to die in front of him, neither is it possible for reason or reason.

Second, it is equally impossible to help her smuggle abroad.

The best way is to take her to the police station and let the police take charge. He doesn't even bother to take care of this mess.

So Qin Lie still has a last resort in his heart.

After thinking about it, Qin Lie finally looked at Zhao Xiaoying and said, "Okay, don't do these tricks, I'll help you!"

Zhao Xiaoying, who was still crying to the death, stopped crying when she heard the sound.

He stared at Qin Lie with wide eyes, and said in surprise, "Really?"

Just like that, Qin Lie could see that she was about to commit suicide just now, and she was also acting.

This woman is so terrifying.

But this only strengthened his thinking.

Nodding firmly: "Of course it's true."

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