"Let's go!"

The young policeman was obviously very happy, and it is estimated that he had never caught such a big suspect with his own hands.

He greeted Qin Lie with a smile, and drove Zhao Xiaoying away.

When leaving, Qin Lie's eyes were always on Zhao Xiaoying in the car.

Zhao Xiaoying also looked at her likewise.

It's always been like this, from near to far away.

Qin Lie has never seen such a malicious look in her eyes. It's really like what Zhao Xiaoying said, even if she is a ghost, she may not forgive herself.

Qin Lie felt melancholy in his heart, and waited until the car disappeared from sight before he sighed in disappointment, turned around and walked into the house.

He had mixed feelings in his heart, and he was not sure if what he had done was right.

In his heart, he has a bottom line, and if he does something wrong, he should bear the corresponding consequences. From this point of view, he feels that there is nothing wrong with this matter.

But emotionally speaking, although she and Zhao Xiaoying can't talk about a deep relationship, she has slept with her so many times after all, and they are quite happy when they are together.

In the end, he really became a white-eyed wolf and handed her over to the police himself.

It is said that killing relatives with righteousness is a good moral character, but only when you really do that will you know how hard it is in your heart.

When he turned around, Qin Lie saw Ye Yuqing standing behind him, his eyes were full of concern.

Qin Lie felt melancholy in his heart, moved lightly, walked slowly to Ye Yuqing, and gently hugged her into his arms.

It doesn't feel good in my heart.

Ye Yuqing is a few years older than Qin Lie, and she is more experienced in these world affairs.

She gently touched the back of Qin Lie's head and asked, "The person you took out just now is Zhao Xiaoying, right?"

"Yeah." Qin Lie nodded and said in Ye Yuqing's ear, "Yuqing, is it right for me to do this?"

"Of course it's right!" Ye Yuqing was 100% on his side.

"But I think it's too heartless." Qin Lie said, "After all, she is actually my woman."

Ye Yuqing had already guessed the relationship between Qin Lie and Zhao Xiaoying, so even if she heard this at this time, she didn't have much reaction.

"Okay, don't feel guilty." Ye Yuqing said, "Emotions and reason cannot exist at the same time. As long as you feel that you are doing the right thing and think about it, don't care too much about feelings. There is no perfection in this world. There is no one who can handle perfect things, I believe that Zhao Xiaoying will understand you after being locked in for a period of time..."

"I hope so."

Ye Yuqing's comfort made Qin Lie feel better.

But Qin Lie is a person who attaches great importance to feelings after all, and even so, there is no way to completely pull Qin Lie out of this matter.

Qin Lie didn't want his emotions to affect Ye Yuqing and the others, so he chose not to mention it for the time being.

But it was really not so easy in his heart. He waited until the morning of the next day. He left the villa on the excuse of going to work. He called Zhang Yang on the way and asked Zhang Yang to help him to say that Zhao Xiaoying had surrendered himself, and he could consider a commutation of the sentence as appropriate. After agreeing, his heart was much better.

As for the follow-up, Qin Lie also promised Zhao Xiaoying to help her reduce her sentence as much as possible, and strive for the final sentence to be within ten years.

It's just a matter of getting her the best defense lawyer at that time.

After dealing with this, Qin Lie put the matter behind him and drove all the way to the hospital.

Chen Jinhu and Situ Xuan's injuries were almost recovered, and it was time to pick them up and discharge them from the hospital.

Originally, Qin Lie wanted them to stay in the hospital for a while longer, but Situ Xuan's mind was all about finding Song Zhe for revenge. He couldn't wait, so Qin Lie could only agree.

Fortunately, Situ Xuan was discharged from the hospital, and Makasha could finally be unemployed - this girl has cost him millions of nursing expenses these days.

All the way to the hospital, there are no other arrangements today.


Looking away, here we can pay attention to another aspect.

There is a small courtyard in the southwest of Longcheng called Chunkong Bieyuan.

As the saying goes, "A thousand cranes in the spring sky are like a dream, and a thousand birds in the evening waves are like a long cry", the first two words of this verse are from the spring sky, which is full of artistic conception.

The construction of the yard is also in line with its poetic name.

In front of the yard, there is a dense forest of maple leaves. In autumn, the maple leaves turn yellow and red, rustling and flying down, contaminating the entire promenade with a fiery red, just like the road leading to fairyland.

At the gate of the courtyard, two large stone lions are sitting, majestic and domineering.

Going inside again, the plaque is bright and the threshold is high, and the golden characters "Spring Empty Residence" are inlaid under the vermilion plaque.

When you enter the gate, it is not like an ordinary yard, which is a large yard. The gate goes inside, and there is actually a quiet bamboo forest. Under the bamboo forest, there is a winding path leading to the secluded, and there is a gurgling stream beside the path, which accompanies the path all the way to the depths of the yard.

And in the innermost part of the yard, it is not the imaginary mansion compound, but three or two small bamboo houses are built, which are verdant and leisurely.

The buildings in this pass are not luxurious, but in fact, being able to circle such a large area to build such a peaceful and far-reaching courtyard in a place like Longcheng is more proof that you don’t blame the master behind you. Majestic atmosphere, high weight.

At noon, a young man walked through the bamboo forest at the back of the courtyard and walked slowly into the depths of the courtyard.

He was wearing a traditional Chinese long gown, holding a folding fan in his hand, and he was graceful.

This kind of dress and the current scene are especially suitable.

The comer had a star-brow and sword-eyed look, with a dignified air, his head held high, and he strode away, as if he was a leader in the world, with an extraordinary bearing.

After crossing the path, the young man came to the small bamboo house deep in the yard. He first bowed to the inside of the house, and then knocked on the door of the bamboo house.

After knocking, he lowered his voice and said respectfully, "Patriarch Xiao, the junior Xuanyuan is a gift from heaven."

Yes, the two people inside and outside this bamboo house, one is the peerless genius of the world, Xuanyuan Tianci, and the other is the contemporary head of the Xiao family, Henry Zhang.

If this matter is put out to the outside world, maybe everyone will not believe it.

After all, the Xuanyuan family and the Xiao family are feuds, and the contradictions have accumulated for hundreds of years and have not subsided.

The Xuanyuan family and the Xiao family are incompatible, and the clansmen on both sides almost have to fight when they meet.

Now, the core figures of the Xuanyuan and Xiao families, Xuanyuan Tianci and the Xiao family, have found such a secret place to meet, and it is truly unbelievable that people can't believe it.

But it actually happened.

However, although the two met, Xuanyuan Tianci just stood outside the door and did not enter.

"Heavenly!" Henry Zhang called Xuanyuan Tianci rather kindly, "You have to see me once in such a hurry, what happened?"

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