“I heard that when you were in South Korea, your game with Qin Lie was plotted and you were injured. I wonder how your injury is now?” Xuanyuan Tianci asked Henry Zhang.

Henry Zhang replied: "The bullet pierced, it did almost kill me, but fortunately I was rescued in time, and nearly 20 days later, there is no serious problem."

"That's good." Xuanyuan Tianci said, "Patriarch, you are in a high position, and the great cause has not yet been completed. You must not have an accident."

"I know." Henry Zhang said, "But this time I was playing against Qin Lie, and I was only injured because of Xu Ying's side plotting. It has nothing to do with Qin Lie. Now that Xu Ying is dead, you don't have to worry so much. If If it's just a Qin Lie, he can't help me."

"Okay." After explaining what happened in South Korea, Henry Zhang turned the topic to Xuanyuan Tianci, and asked Xuanyuan Tianci, "Tianci, you are so anxious to ask me to meet, I'm afraid it's not so simple to ask me a question or two, okay? If you have something to say, hurry up, after all, we both have special status and it is not appropriate to meet each other."


Xuanyuan Tianci nodded, and then he started talking about the business: "Patriarch, since the last time Qiu Bai broke into the Xuanyuan family's archives, the case of Qiu Bai's annihilation sixteen years ago has returned to Xuanyuan Hao's line of sight, he is now An investigation into that matter has already begun."

"Qiu Bai..." Henry Zhang gritted his teeth when he read these two words, his eyes were full of viciousness!

"This old man's whole family is gone, and people in their 50s and 60s still don't stop, and dare to come out to provoke right and wrong!"

Xuanyuan Tianci also asked: "Patriarch, I also find it strange, since the whole family of Qiu Bai was decided to be wiped out, why did you put a Qiu Bai and make him a ticking time bomb to bomb us at any time!"

"You think I don't want to destroy him?" Henry Zhang said angrily, "But this man is too strong, and the dragon can't see the end, even if we have so many people, we can't stop him from escaping. Quiet, who would have thought that it has become active again in the last year."

"Okay." Henry Zhang lost his patience, and asked Xuanyuan Tianci back, "I will find a way to solve it on Qiu Bai's side. What matters now is your side. What step has Xuanyuan Hao sent people to investigate?"

Xuanyuan Tianci said: "This time Xuanyuan Hao basically used his confidant Xuanyuan Guard. I can't pry the mouths of these guards, and I don't know the exact step of the investigation, but I went out of the archives two years ago and changed the dossier. They should be a little concerned about the matter, because I saw that Xuanyuan Guard's captain Ji Canghai had at least five times approached the management of the archives."

Henry Zhang: “If you just find out that you might change the dossier, Xuanyuan Hao will not treat you like that. After all, you are in a high position in Xuanyuan’s house now, and he will not move you casually. What you should be afraid of now is That person, Ning Kun!"

Ning Kun was the key person who was originally designated by the Xiao family to participate in the extermination of Qiu Bai, whose dossier was recorded.

He didn't actually participate in Qiu Bai's extermination, he was just the one who was written into that dossier by Xuanyuan Tianci and then tried to kill him.

The other people recorded in that dossier were all killed, but this Ning Kun, like a loach, was able to escape every time, so he stayed until now.

"Are you still looking for that Ning Kun?" Henry Zhang asked.

Xuanyuan Tianci replied, "I have never given up searching in the past two years."

"Do you have any eyebrows?" Henry Zhang.

"There are some." Xuanyuan Tianci, "I now know that he is in a fishing village in Taizhou near the East China Sea. This is what I heard from Xuanyuan Wei's mouth, but I don't know exactly where."

"You must find it!" Henry Zhang said, "This person is a very, very important person. You'd better find him first with Xuanyuan Wei, and silence him. This person is immortal and poses a considerable threat to your identity."

"I know, I will definitely do it." Xuanyuan Tianci said.

After the business was finished, Xuanyuan Tianci and Henry Zhang fell into a relatively long silence.

After a while, Xuanyuan Tianci said: "Patriarch, when will this matter end? After so many years, when will it end?"

Henry Zhang listened and sighed in a loss in the bamboo house.

"Why don't I want you to end this matter, but Xuanyuan Hao still holds the power and is far from our goal. It's not over yet, so you can't give up."

"Let's do it." Henry Zhang thought for a while, comforting Xuanyuan Tianci and said, "Now because of Qiu Bai's appearance, your identity information is slowly being discovered by Xuanyuan Hao, we can't be too indecisive, and beware of Ye Changmeng too much."

"August, that is, the great family competition two months later. At that time, all the people from the eight great families will be present. At that time, the situation is chaotic, and it is the best time for us to do it."

"In the family competition, I will try to bring down the Xuanyuan family. When our plan is successful, you will no longer have to be wronged by the Xuanyuan family!"

"And our great cause will be completely completed on that day!"

"Two months..."

Xuanyuan Tianci repeated this time a little bit, but he still seemed a little dissatisfied.

But it was better than the previous plan, and he also saw the end of this mission.

After all, he nodded and responded: "Okay, then for two months, I will be careful in Xuanyuan's house and try my best to climb up."

"Well." Henry Zhang said in the bamboo house, "Then it's hard for you."

"Yeah." Xuanyuan Tianci just hummed softly.

After this sound, Xuanyuan Tianci didn't stop at this place anymore, bowed his hands respectfully, took two steps back, shook his folding fan, and walked slowly in the direction he had come from.

At the entrance of Chunkong Bieyuan, Xuanyuan Tianci carefully looked at the maple leaf forest on both sides to see if there was anyone.

After confirming that there is no tail, he stepped out of the yard and walked to the left.

However, no matter how careful Xuanyuan Tianci was, he still couldn't count this matter to 100%.

After he left the Maple Leaf Forest, a dark shadow slowly appeared in the forest on the right. He appeared, looked at the direction Xuanyuan Tianci was leaving from afar, and narrowed his eyes.

This person is none other than the No. 1 figure in the Kyushu Bureau, the core member of the Xuanyuan family, Xuanyuan Hao's absolute confidant, Guan Hai!

Speaking of which, it was also an accident that he met Xuanyuan Tianci today.

He had nothing to do, and originally planned to go back to the Xuanyuan family headquarters to integrate the latest information about the Xuanyuan family in the Kyushu Bureau into the archives.

As a result, when he walked to the manor on the outskirts of Xuanyuan's family's Longcheng, he saw that Xuanyuan Tianci left the manor through the back door of the manor alone, and he did not bring anyone else with him.

Even if Xuanyuan Hao gave it to him, Xuanyuan Wei, who was protecting his safety, did not bring it with him.

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