The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1391 Representing The Tang Family

Yeah, there's nothing wrong with Qin Lie asking this.

No matter how powerful your family is, no matter how big the family is, and how influential it is, that's your family's business.

The eight major families have all been fixed, and I Qin Lie are only a marginal figure after all, what can I compare with you.

Qin Lie couldn't understand what they meant by coming to find him.

Looking at this operation, is it possible that you want to replace their Tang family to fight?

After hearing Qin Lie's question, Tang Zhenbei and Tang Hongxiao immediately looked at each other, embarrassed to each other and didn't know what to say.

Mmmm ah ah, after a long period of sluggishness, Tang Hongxiao said: "Qin Lie, the reason why we are here to tell you this today is because the time for this aristocratic competition has been confirmed, and it will be on the twelfth of August. There are still more than 70 days from now, we just want you to replace the Tang family to participate in this family competition."

Qin Lie's eyes narrowed after listening, and it was exactly the same as what he had guessed.

After tilting his head, he finally looked at Tang Hongxiao and said, "Uncle Tang, although Ling Xue and I have established that relationship, it's still a bit inappropriate for me to represent the Tang family like this, isn't it?"

Tang Hongxiao raised his eyes and said, "What's wrong?"

Qin Lie said: "Those who can represent the Tang family must not be surnamed Tang, but they have to enter the Tang family. I don't have any identity, so I just said that I want to represent the Tang family. In principle, it is not reasonable. "

"Yes!" Tang Hongxiao said, "Then you will marry my daughter!"

As soon as these words came out, it immediately swept the entire hall like a storm.

Not only Qin Lie, but Tang Lingxue and Chen Xiaoyu were all stunned.

Tang Lingxue came here today with her father and uncle, and only knew that she wanted to inform the Qin Lie family of the big competition, but she had never heard of marriage!

Tang Lingxue blushed a little after hearing this, but she still stood on Qin Lie's side rationally and helped Qin Lie think about it.

"Dad, you didn't tell me to mention this to Qin Lie when you called me over today!"

Chen Xiaoyu's side is a little bit vinegary, but as an outsider, it's hard to say anything.

She was pregnant, and her face was a little wrong.

Qin Lie's eyelids moved, and he squinted at Tang Hongxiao and said, "Tang Uncle, are you kidding me?"

Tang Hongxiao said: "Of course there is no joke."

Qin Lie looked at Chen Xiaoyu on the side, and continued: "Tang Uncle, I seem to have made it clear to you a long time ago, Ling Xue and I have feelings for each other, but I have no way to give her a name.

I don't think it's right for you to say such things to hurt their mother in front of my two children. "

Tang Hongxiao waved his hand and said, "Don't use this to talk about me, I'll just ask you whether you will help or not."

"And this matter is also good for you. If you can shine in the family competition, it will also be of great benefit to your future development."

Qin Lie nodded and acknowledged what Tang Hongxiao said.

"Tang Uncle, for a long time, especially since I came to Longcheng, the Tang family has really helped me a lot, and I have always been grateful to you. There should be a better solution to the matter, and it doesn't have to be marriage, so I'm carrying too much sin."

Tang Zhenbei sighed, feeling very melancholy in his heart.

Originally Tang Yuhuang should be the most suitable candidate to represent the Tang family to participate in the competition.

It's just that he was criticized by the people of the aristocratic family because of his sexual orientation. Originally, many people from the aristocratic family looked down on him. If he went to participate in such a formal and large-scale competition again, I don't know what it would be said.

The Tang family didn't want to lose face in front of so many people from the eight great families.

As a last resort, they thought of Qin Lie.

As a rising star, Qin Lie is outstanding in all aspects, and his excellence is comparable to Xuanyuan's arrogance.

If he goes to participate in the competition, he can definitely get a good ranking for the Tang family.

The problem now is that Qin Lie has no official status with the Tang family.

If you can marry Tang Lingxue and participate in the name of the Tang family's son-in-law, you can avoid talking about it if you want to come.

It was this matter that was difficult for both the Tang family and Qin Lie.

Tang Zhenbei also thought that this visit would not be so smooth.

"Dad, uncle..." Tang Lingxue said, "Don't make it difficult for Qin Lie, brother Qin, he also has something to hide, you are really hard to be strong!"

"Ling Xue!" Tang Hongxiao said, "We are trying to help you fight for your status, but now you are talking to this stinky brat, what the hell is your brain?"

"But that's not what you said!" Tang Lingxue said, "The big competition of the aristocratic families is a matter of our eight great families. It's not fair to Big Brother Qin if you forcefully drag Big Brother Qin in."

"Then you can think of a fair way for me to come out?" Tang Hongxiao said angrily.

Tang Lingxue was at a loss for words after hearing this, and didn't know what to say.

It's just that Tang Zhenbei remembered something, changed his mind, and said in a low voice: "Then Qin Lie, otherwise, I know that you have a hidden secret, and it's not good for Xueer Mingmei to marry, we can do this.

When the big competition is approaching, you and Ling Xue go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to register and get a marriage certificate to prove that you are from our Tang family.

The big competition lasted for a total of seven days. After you have dealt with these seven days, whether you will keep Ling Xue's marriage certificate is up to you, and we will not interfere.

As long as we don't get caught in the process of the Great Competition, it's fine.

I am afraid that people like the Xiao family will deliberately find fault with your identity, so you need to have a proper certificate. "

Qin Lie's inner thoughts, it is not impossible to do so.

The key is that if you do this, first register with Tang Lingxue, and then divorce her again not long after, which will hurt Tang Lingxue a lot.

But after the matter is done, if the divorce is not registered, it is very unfair to Ye Yuqing, Chen Xiaoyu, Bai Xianglan and the others.

Going back 10,000 steps, if he raised this matter at the Tang family, but he did not agree, he would end up in the name of being ungrateful.

Qin Lie suddenly realized that there seemed to be no perfect solution to this matter.

Constantly scratching his head, Qin Lie has a headache now.

Tang Lingxue even comforted him by saying, "Brother Qin, otherwise, just follow the method that the uncle said, it doesn't matter to me, as long as you have me in your heart, I don't care so much about those who are not named. ."

But the more Tang Lingxue said that, the more Qin Lie felt that he couldn't do it.

He patted Tang Lingxue on the shoulder, stroked her face and said, "It's okay Lingxue, I'll consider this matter."

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