Looking back at Tang Hongxiao and Tang Zhenbei: "Tang Uncle, Uncle Tang, you see this matter is not small, and there is still plenty of time. Can you allow me to think about it for a few days, and then I will give you an answer in a few days?"

Qin Lie was still thinking, is there any other way to represent the Tang family without marrying Tang Lingxue?

Tang Hongxiao asked angrily, "How many days?"

"Five days." Qin Lie opened his mouth and replied, "Give at least five days, I'll think about it again, and I will give you an answer when the time comes."

"You'd better hurry up." Tang Hongxiao said, "This matter is not small after all. If you decide to represent the Tang family, our Tang family will also organize a special training for you for a period of time. Special training, you'd better not linger for too long."

"I see." Qin Lie replied, "I said five days is five days, it won't exceed this time."

"Okay." Tang Hongxiao said, "Then we will wait for your news."

After saying this, Tang Hongxiao and Tang Zhenbei were about to get up and leave the villa.

Before leaving, Tang Zhenbei also thanked Qin Lie: "Qin Lie, if it wasn't about Yuhuang, this matter wouldn't bother you, thank you anyway."

Qin Lie nodded and said: "Uncle Tang is very polite, in fact, it is my duty to help the Tang family, but this matter really makes me a little embarrassed, so I will think about it for a few days, but I promise you, no matter what my final Dai did not represent the Tang family, I will definitely try my best to make the Tang family get good results in this big competition."

"Yeah!" Tang Zhenbei nodded with satisfaction, "I'm relieved with your words, we'll wait for your news."

After saying this, Tang Hongxiao and Tang Zhenbei didn't want to stop anymore and walked out all the way.

Qin Lie symbolically kept them for dinner, but he definitely didn't stay in the end.

After the two took Tang Lingxue out the door, they got into the car and left the villa.

After watching their car go away, Qin Lie grabbed the hair on the back of his head and walked back little by little.

Although Tang Hongxiao and Tang Zhenbei were dealt with and left.

Speaking of which, this is really not a good solution.

Qin Lie has always known that it is not a good thing to owe romantic debts everywhere, and one day these romantic debts will come back to bite him.

But I never thought that it would turn back on Tang Lingxue in the end.

So is this marriage going to end? ?

If not, offend the Tang family.

Ended up and left again, sorry Tang Lingxue.

I'm sorry for Ye Yuqing and the others!

Why! Chicken feathers all over the place, fuck it very much.

Walking back home with a sad face, Chen Xiaoyu looked at him and asked him, "Brother Qin, what are you going to do about the matter that Tang Uncle mentioned?"

"What should I do?" Qin Lie spread his hands, looking like a dead pig not afraid of being scalded by boiling water, "What else can I do, I'm so fucked right now!"

Chen Xiaoyu said: "Otherwise, you can just do as Ling Xue and her uncle said just now, and get a fake marriage, so that you won't offend anyone, and there is still room for turning around."

Qin Lie sighed: "I think so too, but what I think about is that I and Ling Xue are both married, and then I will leave her immediately, as if I hate her very much. I'm afraid she will think too much."

"No." Chen Xiaoyu said, "I have contacted Sister Lingxue several times. She is not that careful, she knows your situation, and she has you in her heart, no matter what you do, she will understand."

"What about you, what do you think?" Qin Lie asked Chen Xiaoyu, "Would you be unhappy if I suddenly married Ling Xue?"

"No!" Chen Xiaoyu blurted out without thinking.

"Isn't there a premise, the premise is that you have a fake marriage."

"You're only getting married for something more important, and we'll all understand."

"If you really want to marry Sister Ling Xue and prefer her, I will definitely be jealous, but you are just fake marriage for more important things. I know it, and I will not be emotional!"

"Hey!" Qin Lie touched Chen Xiaoyu's face after listening, and said softly, "If a woman is like this, what can I ask for, thank you, Xiaoyu."

Chen Xiaoyu smiled, and Xing Xing could help Qin Lie to share some of it, but she still reminded Qin Lie: "But you can also call Sister Yuqing, after all, Sister Ye has a lot of experience, so she might have a better way? "

That's a good suggestion.

Previously, he would ask Ye Yuqing for advice on many things, and Ye Yuqing would often give more skilled advice from her point of view.

In addition, Ye Yuqing is also one of the parties involved, so it is best to tell her about this.

After listening to this, Qin Lie nodded and felt that he should call Ye Yuqing.

He quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed Ye Yuqing.

It's not even night yet, and Ye Yuqing is still at work.

Qin Lie thought that the phone would ring for a while before being picked up, but Ye Yuqing picked it up within a second.

Moreover, Ye Yuqing's words were very anxious, and said like this: "Qin Lie, I was just about to call you, but I didn't expect you to call. Let me ask you, can you find an experienced band from your entertainment company? Cargo anchor?"

"Ah?" Qin Lie was surprised, and what he wanted to blurt out was abruptly answered by Ye Yuqing's question.

"Anchor with goods?? What's wrong again?"

Ye Yuqing explained: "My company just launched a new set of makeup kits. It was originally scheduled to be broadcast live in the live broadcast room, but the original anchor was suddenly unwell and had a high fever today. The other anchors under my command also have live broadcast assignments, and I really can't adjust the manpower.

Now there is only an hour and a half left before the live broadcast. Do you have any experienced anchors who can fully demonstrate the advantages of the product as long as you are a little familiar with the product. Bring it over and give me a thumbs up? "

"Anchor?" Qin Lie touched his chin, thought for a moment, and finally said, "Little?"

"Nonsense!" Ye Yuqing said, "If Xiao Xiao can do it, I can still find you. They are still filming in other places. How can you bring people over to live broadcast? You can quickly find a way for me."

"It's okay to think of a way." Qin Lie said, "but you only have an hour and a half left. Isn't this time too stressful?"

"I know, that's why I found you, you are my man, who am I looking for if I don't look for you?"

Ye Yuqing said that Qin Lie didn't even dare to lose his temper.

Having said that, Qin Lie had to take the responsibility of being a man.

"Okay." Qin Lie could only agree and say, "I'll think of a way for you."

Hanging up the phone, Qin Lie spread out his hands and looked at Chen Xiaoyu helplessly. It's good, I didn't ask, and he brought another trouble to himself.

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