It can be agreed to agree, but Qin Lie still has no idea how to solve it.

"An anchor with goods." Qin Lie muttered, thinking about the candidates who could do this.

But Shinhwa Entertainment is mainly engaged in the film and television circle and variety show circle, and the live broadcast circle does not cultivate people.

It was Su Xiaoxiao's first attempt before, it's only been an hour and a half, where can I find someone.

After thinking about it, Qin Lie finally put his mind on Wang Congcong.

This guy is in the entertainment industry, there should be someone here with live streaming, Qin Lie thought and called him.

Wang Congcong and Qin Lie have a very good relationship now. They have done a lot of business together, and they make more money and lose less.

And although Wang Congcong was a bit rambunctious, he didn't have a big problem, and he was in line with Qin Lie's taste, so he regarded him as a brother.

Wang Congcong obviously valued him too, and answered the call within five seconds after the call.

Still in a condescending tone: "Yo, Young Master Qin, if I guess correctly, did you call me this time to arrange another task for me?"

This made Qin Lie feel a little embarrassed.

"I never chatted with you? Every time I asked you for help?"

"Look at what you said." Wang Congcong responded, "Who are you, you are in charge of every day, and you can go to the Three Treasures Hall for everything. I don't dare to have a romantic relationship with Young Master Qin."

"Okay..." Qin Lie said, "If you say that, I'll really find some time to spend time with you, eat and wait until I die. You make me seem like I'm not a human being."

"So there is still something to do today?" Wang Congcong.

Qin Lie laughed and said embarrassedly, "It really does."

No more nonsense, Qin Lie finally put the words on the right track: "By the way, do you have any anchors who can bring goods? It's better to have more experience, or someone you know, introduce me to one."

"What are you going to do with the anchor, in what way?" Wang Congcong asked.

"Cosmetics." Qin Lie replied.

Wang Congcong guessed it at once: "As for cosmetics, it must be the matter of Sister Ye, and it stands to reason that if Sister Ye has something, I should go to help, but there are really not many beauty anchors under my team, and even more experienced ones. not enough.

I'm still in Sanya, and I can't come back for the time being. "

Qin Lie was speechless: "Why did you go to Sanya again?"

Wang Congcong said: "It's not easy to end this draft, and we are still making a lot of money, so don't find a time to give yourself a vacation."

Qin Lie didn't bother to care about him, anyway, this person was used to it.

He asked: "Then do you know anyone who does this? Give me some contact information."

"Ok!" Wang Congcong replied, "I know a few beauty makeup anchors, so let's go, I'll send you a few phone numbers on WeChat later, and you can contact them yourself, but in the end, will it work? , I can't guarantee it!"


Because of the lack of time, Qin Lie did not chat with Wang Congcong any more.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Congcong quickly sent several phone numbers from WeChat, with notes and names in turn.

After taking a closer look, I found that these anchors are still relatively influential anchors in China, and the most inferior ones have at least one front line.

Like Li Jiajia, Liya, these are actually listed.

But it's normal to think about it. It's unrealistic to be able to become friends with Wang Congcong.

But like this kind of anchor, there are full of live broadcast tasks every day, I am afraid it is not easy to invite over.

And as long as you invite them, it will definitely cost a lot of money.

Sure enough, Qin Lie followed Wang Congcong's call a few times, and finally got the result that he was either busy or out of town.

The only Liya who can come over in Longcheng on schedule, the opening fee is 50 million yuan, and Qin Lie was so angry that Qin Lie wanted to give her a kick.

Is your mouth inlaid with diamonds? It costs 50 million.

Li Kui is not as dark as you.

The result is of course nothing.

As a result, Wang Congcong gave a total of five anchors' contact information, but in the end, none of them came over.

So the matter fell into a dead end.

Looking at the contact list on the phone, and the time, there is still the last hour and ten minutes left before the live broadcast time that Ye Yuqing said.

Ye Yuqing called again at this time and asked if he had found it.

He can only perfunctorily say that he is still looking, don't worry, etc.

But now that the time is so short, and when it comes to the release of their company's new products, Ye Yuqing is like an ant on a hot pot, so how can he not be in a hurry.

"If it really doesn't work, I'll have to do it myself." Ye Yuqing said.

As for Qin Lie, he really couldn't find a better way, so he could only hang up the phone and rush to Qingqingjiaren's company. After seeing the scene, could he help out on the spot?

As a result, just as he was going out, a red Porsche stopped in front of him.

The door opened, and Makasha stepped out of the car with her long white legs. She was all very fashionable today.

A slim-fitting hip-packed skirt with a white shirt on top. The two buttons on the top of the shirt are not buttoned, and a deep career line is seen from the front.

On top of that, the beautiful face, the three-dimensional facial features of Westerners, and the exquisite makeup, bring all the advantages of Westerners into full play.

Especially her makeup today, it seems to be specially designed, a little smoky, but not so thick.

Qin Lie doesn't know much about makeup, but looking at it from the eyes of a man, you can still tell that her makeup is much more delicate than ordinary people's makeup.

Makasha got out of the car, took off her sunglasses, looked at Qin Lie on the roof of her car, and asked, "Qin Lie, what's the matter, I just came and you're leaving, and I'm going to come over and rub against you. Where's the meal?"

"I have something to do here, there is something wrong with Yuqing's new product live broadcast, I..."

Qin Lie was introducing the situation here, and originally just wanted to explain the reason to Makasha.

As a result, a flash of lightning passed through Qin Lie's mind, and an idea suddenly popped out of his mind.

After a bit of energy, Qin Lie immediately asked, "Makasha, did you apply the makeup on your face yourself?"

"Ah?" Makasha was very strange, who thought that Qin Lie's topic jumped three hundred and sixty degrees, "Why are you asking this, am I wearing makeup?"

"No, it didn't cost me." Qin Lie said, "Just tell me if it is."

"Of course it is," Makasha said. "I've never had a makeup artist. I do all these things myself."

"Then your makeup skills are pretty good." Qin Lie said.

Makasha waved her hand, Versailles: "It's normal."

Getting a positive answer, Qin Lie raised his brows and asked Makasha, "Lao Ma, I'll give you a chance to make money, do you want it??"

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