Makasha was speechless by Qin Lie's words.

With a look of disgust: "What old ma, do you really think that I am your Chinese??"

Qin Lie threw his hands away and didn't bother to care about her: "Do you want this opportunity to make money?"

"Yes, how much can I earn?" Makasha asked while holding her shoulders.

Qin Lie replied: "It depends on how much you can sell. It's calculated at 1% of the sales. You are our acquaintance, and I'll give you 2%."

"How much to sell?" Makasha already had a specific idea in her mind and guessed, "Bring the goods?"

"bigo!" Qin Lie snapped his fingers and said excitedly, "How about it, can you do it?"

"About makeup?" Makasha asked again.

"Yes." Qin Lie replied.

"What about the price of the products launched this time? If the level is too low, I can't live broadcast, because I am not familiar with their performance. After all, the cosmetics I usually use are the world's top."

Makasha said, another wave of Versailles.

Qin Lie believes her, after all, the eldest Miss of the Cape family, how bad the cosmetics can be.

And it just so happens that the products launched by Ye Yuqing and the others are in a light luxury style. A set costs 3,500 yuan for a complete set, which is considered to be a medium-to-high price in China, and should meet the requirements of Makasha.

After telling Makasha this information, Makasha finally reluctantly agreed.

"Then I'll go take a look." She said, "After all, when I first came to Huaxia, only Sister Ye was the best to me..."

So it was decided, Qin Lie asked Makasha to put her Porsche down and get into her own BMW together, and the two of them rushed to Qingqing Beauty Company.

Qin Lie was still very worried when he was on the road. He asked Makasha while driving: "Have you seen the live broadcast with goods? Are you familiar with the specific process and operation methods?"

As a result, Makasha, who was under suspicion, performed a wave to Qin Lie in authentic Longcheng dialect.

"Hey guys, today our official live broadcast room is going to launch a new product for you. Remember, there are discounts that are only available in our official live broadcast room. It won't be available anywhere else, please remember, Our official live broadcast room of Qingqingjiaren, please remember this trademark."

"We have a limited edition of 1 million sets today, first come, first served. If you miss this opportunity, if you want to buy our products again, you have to buy them at the original price! So the babies must be Seize the opportunity that is live now, because this offer is really super big!"

"Come on, this is our first product. After the first link is the detailed introduction of our product. Babies can watch the product introduction and watch me try it out for everyone."

"Our main product is..."

In that instant, Makasha opened her mouth and said a lot to Qin Lie, all of which were in the live broadcast room.

Its provocative and interactive nature is a must.

Qin Lie was stunned when he heard it from the driver's seat next to him. His eyelids were raised, and his eyes were big and small. It was very strange: "How many live broadcasts have you watched recently?"

"Boring." Makasha said, "My dad unblocked my bank card. When I was bored, I only did shopping and playing. Then I saw those live broadcasts. It was very interesting.

"Okay... let's..." Qin Lie nodded, and had nothing else to say.

When people are bored, they buy things to pass the time, what else can you say?

Although Makasha has become more accessible to people after the change, her hobbies are still incomprehensible to us mortals.

A genius like Makasha is proficient in four languages, and learning these things is nothing but sprinkling for her.

But that's fine. In this way, it will be more convenient to bring goods today.

With the bottom line in mind, Qin Lie and Makasha didn't speak any more, and finally arrived at Qingqing Beauty's company building.

After arriving downstairs, Qin Lie contacted Ye Yuqing first, and learned that Ye Yuqing and the others were on the eighth floor, Qin Lie took the strong man Makasha up.

On the eighth floor, as soon as they got out of the elevator, Ye Yuqing blocked the door of the elevator, opened her mouth and asked, "How is it, people, have you found it?"

It's not that Ye Yuqing didn't see Makasha behind.

It's just that she is too familiar with Makasha. She knows Makasha's identity, so she knows that Makasha is not the kind of person who can act as an anchor with goods, so she selectively ignores it.

In the end, Makasha reminded her: "Sister Ye, the person you are looking for is me!"

"What?" Ye Yuqing looked at Makasha up and down as if she had heard it wrong, and blurted out exactly the same words Qin Lie said at the beginning, "Xiao Ma?"

Makasha rolled her eyes and couldn't help complaining: "Sister Ye Zi, you two are really a husband and wife, one old ma and one small ma, do you have such a tacit understanding of nicknames?"

But Ye Yuqing still didn't believe it, grabbed Qin Lie and Makasha's arms and said at the same time: "I said, you two, today's live broadcast is not a joke, my new product is my main product this year, today The first shot must be played very loudly, and I don’t rarely use anchors who are not high enough, so don’t make fun of me.”

Qin Lie listened, the corners of his mouth rose, and he pointed at Makasha with a thumbs up and said, "Lao Ma, come here, show her your business ability!"

"Ok!" Makasha cooperated, opening her mouth as a tongue twister, "Eat grapes without spitting out grape skins, and if you don't eat grapes, spit out grape skins..."

Hearing Ye Yuqing stunned for a moment: "What's the matter, why are you telling me a tongue twister?"

Qin Lie rounded up the game: "Let you see our comrade Lao Ma's strong Chinese language ability, and let you know that she can do this live broadcast without any problem."

"But the live broadcast doesn't just need to know Chinese, you guys..." Ye Yuqing was so anxious that her face changed color.

Seeing Ye Yuqing like this, Qin Lie walked backstage in the live broadcast room with her shoulders on her shoulders, and said with relief: "Wife, you have to believe in your man's ability to do things, I have done so many things, which one is like this? Unreliable?

I said she can do it, you can just wait and see the results later, go and introduce your products to Makasha! go Go! "

"Hey!" Ye Yuqing couldn't beat Qin Lie, mainly because the time was too short, and in the end, she could only compromise according to Qin Lie's words, "Qin Lie, I can tell you, if today's live broadcast is broken, I can follow up with you. You're not done!"

Qin Lie didn't care about her and assured her, "Don't worry, there will be no accidents. If you lose today, how much I lose as a man, and how much I will pay you!"

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