Now Qin Lie does have the ability to say such things.

Now his assets are many times that of Ye Yuqing, and he is very arrogant.

But even though Qin Lie had promised this, Ye Yuqing was still worried.

After all, Makasha is a novice in bringing goods. A novice has to control so much live broadcast content, and the preparation time is only half an hour. This is a very difficult and almost impossible task.

But now to catch the ducks on the shelves, I can only bite the bullet.

Ye Yuqing stopped talking nonsense, and took Makasha to the backstage all the way, and asked the staff to take out the products that were to be sold today, and carefully introduced Makasha to her.

It was a whole line of products in a small box, called Impeccable, which was the name of their line.

While taking it out, Ye Yuqing introduced: "Sister, remember, this is a series of products we are going to introduce to the audience today, the name is Wuxia, you can say it is a gift box, or you can say it is a complete set Makeup set.

Our name is flawless, and the meaning lies in the four words "life is flawless", which means that people are born without flaws, and our products will make women's faces return to the most primitive baby skin. "

"Then our product set includes a bottle of skin toner, a bottle of liquid foundation, two sets of concealer powder, a brow pencil and an eyeshadow palette and two lipsticks, basically including all the cosmetics used in one makeup.

Among all the products, what you want to introduce to the customers are the highlights of two products, the first is our liquid foundation, which adopts the most advanced manufacturing technology and adds…”

"Glycyrrhizic acid?" Before Ye Yuqing could say it, Makasha blurted out first.

"You know this?" Ye Yuqing was very surprised and stared at Makasha with wide eyes.

While looking at the liquid foundation, Makasha said: "The top international brands, many whitening cosmetics contain glycyrrhizic acid. The extraction of glycyrrhizic acid is quite difficult and the process is complicated. Once added, the cosmetic effect will be improved qualitatively. , but again, the price will increase exponentially.”

"How much did you just say for your suit?" Makasha asked again.

Ye Yuqing said: "3500 RMB."

Makasha is very strange: "In my opinion, a single bottle of beauty products with glycyrrhizic acid is almost your price. You only need 3,500 for a set. Are you sure you can make money?"

To be honest, Ye Yuqing was shocked by Makasha's recognition ability.

She didn't say anything on her own side, she took a look at her hand and smelled it, and she could directly see what ingredients were in it.

Her research on cosmetics is too deep.

Could it be that as Qin Lie said, she is really a senior beauty expert.

In the face of Makasha's doubts, Ye Yuqing explained patiently: "Our company has always been doing business with word-of-mouth, we make profits through overselling, rather than making huge profits individually like other cosmetics.

Profiteering in the cosmetics industry is the norm, but we don't want to be a company like that, so our products have always made small profits.

But in fact, even if there is a glycyrrhizic acid process in it, we can make a profit at the price of 3500. "

"Well." Makasha said, "Companies like you should be promoted more, and your products should be introduced to the world, wait for me!"

Saying that, Makasha immediately became serious when facing the box of cosmetics.

She took them out one by one and tried them one by one, identifying the pros and cons of these cosmetics one by one.

Because she often uses high-end brands, she can immediately recognize the advantages of these cosmetics as soon as they arrive in her hands.

"Honey is added to this loose powder, which is more effective in moisturizing the skin, and effectively avoids the problem of dry card powder."

"The lipstick contains tulipin, which makes the whole lipstick emit a faint tulip fragrance, and the adhesion ability becomes stronger, which greatly increases the use time of the lipstick!"


Makasha was full of praise for the "flawless" suits launched by Ye Yuqing and her company.

Finally, she concluded: "Sister Ye, as far as the quality of this product is concerned, even if the selling price goes to $3,500, I don't think it's a problem, but you only need 3,500 RMB, your company is really conscientious.

Don't worry, I will definitely sell you such a good product so that its sales are worthy of its quality and cost-effective! "

As for Ye Yuqing, the original worry was relieved by Makasha's performance.

At first, I was worried that Makasha was unfamiliar with their products for the first time and didn't know how to introduce them.

As a result, looking at it now, Makasha is a super beauty expert.

With this background, combined with the atmosphere of the live broadcast room, today's delivery should not be such a big problem.

Then the only thing left is to play on the spot while watching the live broadcast.

Looking at the time, Ye Yuqing asked Makasha, "Sister, how do you think you understand now? The time is up, can you prepare for the broadcast?"

Makasha nodded, the whole person is very calm and calm.

"It can be broadcast, but Sister Ye, I need you to help me get a batch of high-end cosmetics. I want Armani's red se lover series, and in addition to Armani's, I also want a set of inferior cosmetics in China. I will wait. I'll use it later when I'm going live."

"Okay!" Ye Yuqing quickly agreed, considering Makasha's momentum of pointing the country, it seems that she already has a good idea of ​​how to live broadcast.

She has a bottom line in her heart, and she is safe on her own side.

Ye Yuqing asked her assistant to help Makasha find what she needed, while she still followed the progress of the live broadcast in the live broadcast room.

Makasha looked at the time and went to the bathroom to wash off all the makeup that had already been put on today.

After she was completely without makeup, she took the position of the anchor of the live broadcast room.

I gave the staff an ok gesture, and as the director cut out the live broadcast signal, this temporary replacement live broadcast officially started tonight.

I thought Makasha would be nervous when doing live streaming for the first time.

As a result, this girl behaved more calmly than anyone else.

The princess of the Cape family seems to be born with absolute confidence. When the live broadcast signal goes out, she is like at the home court, the corner of her mouth rises, and she immediately starts to heat up.

"Good evening to all the babies who are paying attention to our Qingqing Beauty live broadcast room. I am the anchor of today. My name is Makasha. You can just call me Xiaoma."

"Sister Sasha, the anchor who was originally scheduled for today, was temporarily replaced by me to live broadcast for everyone because of a temporary incident."

"Many babies may look at me a little bit familiar, unfamiliar, not used to it! But it doesn't matter, if I don't look good, please bear with me, we mainly look at the product, right?"

A set of operations is smooth and smooth, and all the words and sentences are said all the way without lag, not like a European at all.

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