The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1396 The Genius Of Bringing Goods

Qin Lie and Ye Yuqing were both watching, waiting to see what Makasha would do next.

The live broadcast room started at seven o'clock, and there were not many onlookers.

There were about three to five hundred people.

It's just that most of the information sent on the barrage is about the anchor.

"Hey, what about my Miss Sasha, shouldn't it be Sasha's turn to live stream today?"

"Yeah, I just love watching Salsa."

"Sasha is beautiful, has a good voice, and has high business ability. I'm afraid other anchors don't have this ability?"

"What do you mean, didn't the beautiful lady say that there is an important product to be released today, how can a new anchor come to broadcast on such an important day?"

Everyone did not pay attention to the live broadcast room, but went to follow people.

As for Makasha, she also saw that almost all the people on the barrage were talking about the anchor problem, she was not embarrassed, she responded with a smile: "It seems that I, a newcomer, can't be in the eyes of your babies, I know you like Sister Sasha. , But today, Sister Sasha did have a high fever and couldn't come!

Please take care of the special circumstances, and if everyone really likes Sasha so much, you can also call me Sasha. From now on, I will be a little Sasha. After all, I also have the word Sa in my name. It still doesn't matter. "

The humorous response easily resolved the embarrassment of personnel replacement.

The information sent in the barrage also began to be adjusted with entertaining words like "hahahaha".

The audience said: "This young lady is also okay."

"Although she looks like a foreigner, she seems to speak Chinese better than me."

"Don't say it, this young lady is also super beautiful."

"It looks better than Sasha!"

Most of the people who watch beauty live broadcasts are girls, and their requirement for the anchors is to look good, preferably to look good.

After all, it is to introduce the product, and customers also hope that they can be as beautiful as the anchor.

Having a good foundation is very important.

And Makasha, even though Qin Lie met so many beautiful women, she was still shocked by her facial features.

Moreover, she is only 20 years old this year, and she is in her youth. To speak of the basics, I am afraid that there are few people in the world who are better than her.

The super high appearance and relaxed live broadcast mood quickly overcame the embarrassment of the substitution, and everyone quickly stopped discussing the substitution, but began to pay attention to the content of today's live broadcast.

Seeing this, Qin Lie slightly turned Ye Yuqing outside the live broadcast room and asked in a low voice, "How is it, I didn't spoil you."

Ye Yuqing looked at it and nodded sincerely: "It's not bad, she doesn't have stage fright, and she can joke with the audience. The live broadcast effect has been achieved, so let's see how the product introduction will be."

Qin Lie nodded without saying anything, and continued to look back.

Of course, Qin Lie didn't want anything wrong with Makassa. After all, he found the people, and he certainly hoped that Makassa would be a little stronger.

It seems that Ye Yuqing's new product release for Qingqing Beauty has been warmed up before.

Although the popularity of the live broadcast room was not high at the beginning of the broadcast, as time progressed, the audience of this live broadcast room also increased.

At first three to five hundred, then three to five thousand, then three to five thousand, and finally the number stabilized at 470,000.

But don't look at the hundreds of thousands of viewers and those big live broadcast platforms, which are just a few million, tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions.

But you must know that those hundreds of millions of viewers are all based on data. Now the link to sell goods in Makasha's live broadcast room has not yet been launched. These hundreds of thousands of viewers are real, and the popularity is already very high.

Then, Makasha began to introduce the series of suits to be promoted today.

"Come on, dear family members, chat and talk, talk and talk, laugh and laugh, little Sasha is about to enter today's main topic."

“Dang Dang Dang Dang!!!”

Makasha also has her own dubbing, and the pronunciation of each of the four "dang" characters is different. Then she put the suits to be sold today on the live broadcast platform, and started the self-selling and boasting mode.

"It came out after a long call, still holding the pipa and half covering my face, this is the latest product that we are going to launch, our super protagonist today, definitely the C position, a cost-effective set that you have never seen before, we 'Flawless'!"

"Yes, our new product is called Wuxia, which means 'life is flawless'. There is an old saying in Huaxia that human nature is good. Since we first came to heaven and earth, our whole body is the cleanest and most spotless. ."

"And our 'flawless', what we want to do is this, let us return to the most pure state of self."

Makasha's memory is so strong that Ye Yuqing only told her a lot of things, but she actually repeated it to the audience in the live broadcast room.

And in the way of speaking, citing scriptures and classics, citing various historical famous sentences, what comes out after a thousand calls, people are inherently good at the beginning, etc., and so on.

It's as if her education level is higher than most people in Huaxia.

Her solid cultural foundation refreshed the audience in the entire live broadcast room.

A pure Westerner, good-looking, super-speaking, and has cultural connotations, and has a deep grasp of Chinese culture.

People watching the live broadcast will feel that their country's culture is respected, and the strong contrast itself is a program effect.

And as the live broadcast time progressed, this effect became more and more fermented, and the popularity of the live broadcast also increased.

Many people have heard that a foreigner is doing live broadcasts in Chinese, and he speaks Chinese so well that they are rumored to each other, which has brought the popularity of the live broadcast room again.

Half an hour after the broadcast, the number of viewers started a new round of improvement.

Although the increase is not much, in general, there is steady progress, and it is slowly approaching 600,000.

So naturally, even if a live broadcast room becomes popular, as a live broadcast room with goods, the most important purpose is to sell things.

This comes to the question of conversion rate.

With so many people watching, how many people want to buy it?

This tests the anchor's ability to carry goods.

Either the language spoken is extremely provocative, or it can fully demonstrate the advantages of the product.

All domestic anchors with these two characteristics are first-class masters in bringing goods.

After watching the live broadcast room was almost warmed up, Makasha began to officially demonstrate the advantages of "flawless" products.

The specific display method is to apply makeup on one's own face, so that the audience can see the effect of this product of Qingqing Beauty.

At this time, Makasha's amazing makeup skills came to the home court.

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