While applying makeup to herself, Makasha introduced the advantages of "Flawless", focusing on its cost-effectiveness.

There is also the content of glycyrrhizic acid, and how these products are best matched with each other.

In addition to these, she also taught a lot of makeup skills to the girls watching the live broadcast when she put on makeup.

And these skills, the setting is something they have never seen before, unheard of.

Are you kidding me, what's Makasha's status? When she doesn't usually wear makeup, what makeup artist is doing her makeup? ?

Almost all the makeup skills she knows are the existence of the ceiling of the makeup industry.

Just putting on a complete makeup look will benefit those girls who like makeup.

Qin Lie doesn't know much about makeup, but judging from the content of those barrages, it's basically "Is it still possible?" "Why don't I know?" "If I knew this skill before, I wouldn't be able to transform into it. That!" "My God, this is too powerful." And so on.

All in all, Makasha's makeup skills are amazing.

The anchor "Sasha", who has been sought after for a while, has become the object of devaluation.

"This young lady is amazing, much better than Sasha!"

"Damn it, Qingqing beauty has such a powerful beauty expert, but she has only brought it out now. It's too bullying."

"I waited until today to release people. It turned out to be a big move."

"I announce that I am a Makasha fan from today!"

In this way, with her own technology that is so powerful that it is like a hang-up, her reputation has continued to rise and explode.

This is not over yet. After she used "Flawless" to make up half of her face, she started to make up the other side of her face with other brands of cosmetics to compare with "Flawless".

She has transformed this half of her face twice, that is, the cheap cosmetics that Ye Yuqing first prepared, and the most high-end Armani "Red Se Lover" suit.

The final effect I saw was that the makeup effect of the "Flawless" suit was almost exactly the same as that of Armani's "Red Se Lover", throwing away that inferior cosmetic product by a thousand miles.

And finally, she concluded.

"Now, I'll announce the prices of the three products I'm using today. First of all, the ordinary cosmetic product with the worst makeup effect is priced at 1,700 RMB.

And this Armani 'red se lover', a set will cost 28,000 US dollars, which is almost 200,000 yuan.

Of course, we have also seen the effect, right? The effect of 'Flawless' is almost the same as that of the top luxury brand Armani, and its price, tonight, at this moment, we only sell 3500 RMB! "

"Yes, my babies, you heard it right. The effect is almost the same, but the price is seven times lower. This is our 'Flawless', and this is our ace of the year."

"I don't know what you guys think now. Anyway, if it were me, I would definitely buy ten sets and save them. Even if I can't use them up, it would be very good for them to give away."

"Today we will use facts. If you have any questions about the product, you can send me a bullet screen or private message to ask me. If you have any questions about beauty makeup, you can also send a message to ask me."

"But at this moment, our lowest price and our most generous benefits are all in the live broadcast room. If you like it, just pick up your mobile phone and order it!"

"Now, we are ready to link, limited-time benefits, first-come, first-served, are you ready!"

"Three! Two! One! Link up!"

Makasha was clear about the various procedures for bringing goods, and it was all the way up and down. At the end of the comparison and summary, after inciting a wave, she began to let the staff link up.

At this time, it was also the most tense and exciting moment of the entire live broadcast process.

It took so long to lay the groundwork for the final sale.

No matter how good it is at the beginning, failing to sell in the end is the same as doing nothing.

After the link went up, Ye Yuqing and Qin Lie began to pay attention to the sales data in the background.

According to their initial plan, only 200,000 sets were prepared for tonight's product. Considering that the price of 3,500 yuan is considered a medium-high price in the domestic cosmetics market, according to Ye Yuqing's experience, 200,000 sets can be sold. It's all good.

After experiencing the turmoil of temporary replacement, Ye Yuqing was still somewhat worried that the 200,000 sets could not be sold out.

She clenched her fists and looked nervously at the sales data behind her.

As a result, the margin of 200,000 became zero after only one second!

At that moment, Ye Yuqing even felt dazzled!

Even Su Xiaoxiao's live broadcast was extremely popular, and the sales speed did not reach this level.

This is, this is, it's been seconds!

"No..." Ye Yuqing rubbed her eyes and asked the staff on the side, "What's the situation, there is something wrong with your statistics?"

But the staff member was holding the mobile phone and looking at the data report, his face flushed and excited: "Mr. Ye, there is no problem, yes, it's our 200,000 product, and it was sold out in one second!"

"What?" Ye Yuqing said in disbelief, as if he had heard it wrong, "What did you say??"

"It's sold out, Mr. Ye, it's sold out!" the staff member emphasized, "You heard right, our products are sold out in one second tonight!"

"200,000 sets?" She still didn't believe it.

The staff was very determined: "Yes, 200,000 sets!"

All of a sudden, Ye Yuqing froze in place.

Qin Lie turned his head, looked at her, reached out and touched her face, and said happily, "What's the matter, because the product sells too fast, you're scared stupid?"

"No..." Ye Yuqing said, "Impossible, this is a new product, and I haven't been verified by the market. No one has used it before. How can it be sold so fast?"

The staff member couldn't believe it when she saw it, and finally he could only slap the data report on her face: "Mr. Ye, if you don't believe it, you can read it yourself."

Ye Yuqing saw the report and saw that every order had real statistics. Finally, she was ecstatic and laughed.

"Hahahaha...hahahaha...this is too powerful."

"My God, I've been through so many live broadcasts, and it's the first time I've been swept away in one second!"

"Hahaha, it's sold out, my God, it's too exaggerated."

Qin Lie saw Ye Yuqing laughing, and he was happy too.

He comforted Ye Yuqing and said, "Okay, be happy now, the stone in your heart is finally put down."

"Well, let it go, let it go!" Ye Yuqing was so happy as a child, grabbing Qin Lie's hand and shaking it, "Qin Lie, thank you, thank you very much."

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