"Damn!" Qin Lie didn't dare to take credit for this, he waved his hand and said, "What are you thanking me for, I didn't sell it."

"But you found the people." Ye Yuqing, "Without your vision, there would be no effect today."

Qin Lie nodded with a smile, and didn't forget to praise Ye Yuqing: "Of course, I have always had good eyesight. If I had bad eyesight, how could I have found such a good girlfriend as you."

"Ouch." Ye Yuqing was so happy today that Qin Lie's numbness became numb.

Qin Lie and Ye Yuqing were talking here, so happy they were about to celebrate.

On Makasha's side, taking advantage of the performance of the other staff in the live broadcast room, they had a chance to take a breath and get out of their seats.

She stuck her head out of the live broadcast room and asked cautiously, "Sister Ye Zi, Qin Lie, how is it? How much did you sell in the end? I'm not ashamed of you."

"No, no!" Ye Yuqing was so happy, as if she had found a treasure, she pulled Makasha from there and ravaged her dotingly, "Xiao Ma, Xiao Ma, you are really my sister's lucky star, you Today, not only did I not lose face, but I also made a big contribution to my sister. The 200,000 sets I prepared at the beginning were sold out within a second.

One set is calculated at 3,500, and your sales today will be 700 million! "


As a result, Makasha was not satisfied when she heard the sales, she frowned and pointed at Ye Yuqing and said, "Sister Ye Ye, why did you prepare 200,000 sets? That's too few!?"

"A lot!" Ye Yuqing, "You know that 600 million is equivalent to our company's turnover for more than half a year, so what's less."

"Okay." Makasha said, "It may be that your company is not large enough, but I think a product of your quality and cost-effectiveness will sell a million sets at a time."

"I went all the way to the goal of 1 million sets, but it turned out to be 200,000 sets!" Makasha shook her head and sighed.

"It's okay, it's okay." Ye Yuqing looked at Makasha's resentment and comforted her like an old mother, "This effect has exceeded my expectations. Today's live broadcast has been successful."

"No!" Makasha became serious, "I will never allow such a good product to sell only 200,000 sets through my own hands, and I only get more than 10 million commissions for 700 million sales. , I can sell more."

"Sister Ye Ye!" Makasha urged Ye Yuqing, "I'll give them another 200,000 sets!"

"Yeah, Yuqing." Qin Lie also said, "I see a lot of barrages saying that they didn't get it, or else you can add another link and buy another 200,000 sets?"

"I'll be there for sure." Ye Yuqing smiled, "You think I don't want to sell it, but there are only 200,000 sets of 'Flawless' in stock, and now the factory is still ramping up production, how can there be so many sets to sell. "

"Ouch!" Makasha frowned, "200,000 sets, too few, Sister Ye, you are wasting my Makasha's eloquence!"

"I'm sorry." Ye Yuqing touched her head and said, "How about I ask you to bring the goods next time I start broadcasting again? Guaranteed to satisfy your sales desires?"

"Hey!" Makasha had no choice but to give up in the end, "Well, that's the only way."

However, Qin Lie had other thoughts in his mind.

After hearing that Ye Yuqing only had 200,000 sets in stock, Qin Lie asked Ye Yuqing: "Yuqing, how many sets of products can you produce in seven days based on the current factory productivity?"

"One hundred thousand sets." Ye Yuqing replied, "I don't know the specifics. I have to ask the technical director, but I don't think it will exceed two hundred thousand sets."

"Then you can do this." Qin Lie thought for a while and said, "Now I have put up another 200,000 sets, which is said to be a pre-order package, and told them that once they are photographed, they can be shipped within seven days, and those who are willing to wait can shoot. If you don't want to wait, don't shoot, just ask Makasha to explain the situation."

"This is not good." Ye Yuqing said, "Live broadcasts sell products that have not yet come out. If there is a problem in the production process, and it cannot be shipped by then, it will be a matter of reputation."

"You don't spill too much." Qin Lie said, "your factory has a production limit of 200,000 sets, and you pre-sell another 200,000 sets. Generally speaking, the risk is very small, and even if there is an accident in the process , it is not impossible for you to call another factory to do the OEM.

Today's popularity is so high, and their desire to buy is so good, once they miss it, it may not necessarily be more popular in the future. "

Qin Lie uses his experience to give the safest advice.

Ye Yuqing thought about it after listening to it, but also thought that Qin Lie's idea was a good idea.

The main reason is that there are a lot of scolding buyers in the barrage of the live broadcast room. They are not complaining that the product is not good, but that the product is too poorly prepared.

Things like "It's gone in the blink of an eye", "Don't give me a chance to pay", "Can your company be productive?"

If this doesn't give them a little benefit, I'm afraid they will all blow up.

After careful consideration, I finally accepted Qin Lie's suggestion.

She ordered the staff behind her: "Xiao Ran, then add another 200,000 sets!"


Xiao Ran and Makasha responded at the same time.

Makasha was even more excited. After accepting the task, she returned to the live broadcast room and continued to sell the newly launched 200,000 sets.

After the second wave of "Flawless" was launched, the effect still exploded. Although it did not last for a second, it was sold out from the launch, and it only took ten seconds.

Even if there are 400,000 sets, there are still many people in the live broadcast room saying that they have not bought them.

However, there is no way to do this. The production limit of Qingqing Beauty is only so much. If you continue to sell with explosive numbers, it is very likely that there will be problems with subsequent word-of-mouth.

Makasha could only keep apologizing for this, guaranteeing that there would be "Flawless" launches in the future, and selling other series of Qingqingjiaren's products, these talents finally gave up.

By the time the live broadcast ended at 9:00, the 400,000 sets of "Flawless" had sold for 1.4 billion in sales. In addition to the sales of other products, this time Makasha's delivery results reached 1.63 billion. Ten thousand.

This is already a great achievement.

And Qin Lie had promised Makasha a 2% commission on sales.

That is to say, in the past two hours, Makasha made a net profit of more than 30 million by her own ability!

Damn, Qin Lie's eyes are a little jealous when he sees it, and he thinks that the money for bringing the goods is too good.

Qin Lie accompanied Ye Yuqing and Makasha to return home after finishing the final inventory.

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