Originally, Makasha did not live with Qin Lie Ye Yuqing after the bank card was unblocked.

However, Makasha's fierce record tonight made Ye Yuqing overjoyed, and she insisted on pulling her over to make plans for future live broadcasts.

Makasha followed excitedly and slept on the same bed with Ye Yuqing.

Poor Qin Lie rolled to the other room by himself and went to sleep.

Looking at the excitement of the two of them, it seems that they want to make a big sales plan of Qingqing Beauty.

But it's okay, Makasha has been staying in Longcheng recently and has nothing to do. It's a good thing to let her cooperate with Ye Yuqing to do some sales work.

After the small disturbance of Qingqing beauty ended, Qin Lie's heart was also much more stable.

However, the stone in his heart still hasn't hit the ground, that is, whether to participate or not to participate in the family competition.

I originally wanted to ask Ye Yuqing's opinion, but the live broadcast was not completed today.

When Qin Lie remembered it again, Ye Yuqing lay down with Makasha.

Give it up for the time being, and find another opportunity to ask her another day.

After sleeping like this, Qin Lie woke up the next day at about nine in the morning, got up to go to Ye Yuqing, only to find that Ye Yuqing and Makasha had left the villa again.

Listening to Chen Xiaoyu, the two of them went to the company again.

Hey, forget it, it seems that the two of them are in a hurry, and I'm afraid they won't take care of other things in a short time.

Qin Lie wanted to talk to Ye Yuqing about marrying Tang Lingxue and let it go.

Putting this on his mind, Qin Lie drove out the door after eating and headed straight for the airport in Longcheng.

Today he has to pick up someone at the airport, and this person is quite important to him.

It was eleven o'clock in the morning, and about half past twelve noon, the man walked out of the airport.

Dressed as a gentleman, he was meticulously groomed from top to bottom, without any hair on his face.

People in their 40s look in their early thirties at most.

His eyes were as restrained and warm as always, which left a good impression on Qin Lie.

Seeing the visitor, he took the initiative to walk forward and greeted with a smile: "Mr. Bruni, welcome to Huaxia."

Yes, the person here is Bruni, the second person of the Cape family, and the person Qin Lie met in Innsbruck when he first came into contact with the Cape family.

Bruni's impression of Qin Lie has always been very good, or the entire Cape family has a particularly good impression of Qin Lie. Anyway, Qin Lie can't help but feel good when he sees the members of the Cape family.

Besides, the main purpose of Bruni's visit to China this time is to help Qin Lie.

After blowing up the mine in South Korea last time, the conflict between the Xiao family and Qin Lie has risen to the point of incompatibility, and the Xiao family may launch a devastating blow to Qin Lie at any time.

The Cape family once promised Qin Lie that as long as the Xiao family finds Qin Lie trouble, the Cape family will definitely help.

The armed forces of the Cape family who were originally in South Korea returned to China with Qin Lie, and there was one less person to lead them. Bruni came here this time to lead the group, assist Qin Lie in his work, and protect Qin Lie.

So with allies like this, how could Qin Lie have any reason not to like them?

The two approached and gave a hug like a Westerner.

Bruni's Chinese is also very good. Looking at Qin Lie, he said, "Qin Lie, have you waited for a long time??"

"It's okay." Qin Lie said with a smile, "I have nothing to do today. I got up and ate dinner and came over slowly. I'm not in a hurry."

Bruni listened and joked: "Then from today, in the next few months, I will rely on you to help in China..."

"Hahahaha..." Qin Lie laughed, "Mr. Bruni is really good at joking, with the influence of the Cape family, no matter where in the world it is, I will benefit from you. Where can I help you, you It's too much for me."

"Not always."

Bruni said: "Now you are a treasure in the eyes of our patriarch. He said that in the future, your development may surpass the Cape family, so I will take good care of it and deal with it."

"Hahahaha..." Qin Lie still laughed, "It's also that Mr. Worms flattered me too much."

After a little politeness, Qin Lie picked up Bruni, took Bruni into the car, and drove to the Century Palace Hotel.

While driving, he said, "Mr. Bruni, I'll take you to the hotel first. Let's have a meal together when you're rested. I'll take you to meet the subordinates of the Cape family later."

"Okay." Bruni had no problem with the arrangement.

But he had other things in his mind, reminding Qin Lie: "By the way, Qin Lie, before you take me to see those subordinates of our family, you can help me find an office building, it doesn't need to be too big, there are four It looks good on the fifth floor, I want to buy it."

"Office building?" Qin Lie asked in surprise, "Why are you looking for an office building?"

"This is also the meaning of the patriarch." Bruni said, "What he means is that our Cape family's influence in China was almost zero before, and it was not until we met you that we had our first ally in China.

We value our relationship with you.

I just thought that since I want to help you, why not set up an office in Huaxia, just like the office in South Korea.

In this way, it is convenient to contact you, and it will be easier to carry out business in Huaxia in the future. That office building is a temporary office. "

Qin Lie understood what he said and nodded, which was still a good thing for him.

He quickly agreed: "Okay, we'll have dinner later, let's see if there is a place that meets your requirements, and leave it to me."


The two finalized the afternoon's itinerary and went to the Century Palace Hotel together.

After a simple settling, the two had lunch in the exclusive restaurant of Century Palace. Qin Lie asked the hotel chef to serve Bruni with the most authentic Chinese dishes.

The last meal cost a small tens of thousands, of course, your money is no longer money for Qin Lie.

After eating, according to the plan, Qin Lie helped Bruni choose a few office buildings with good locations and decent prices.

Among them are several places recommended by Wang Congcong - after all, his father is an expert in this field.

I ruled out a few more options on the phone, and finally settled on three buildings. Only then did the two people drive to these three places.

The two people in the first two office buildings were not very satisfied. It was not until the third place that this place finally met the requirements of Qin Lie and Bruni.

It's just that although the requirements of this place are met, Qin Lie Bruni has had unpleasant things with some people here.

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