"And since you represent the Cape family, it means that this office building is what the Cape family wants, the will of your family should not be hindered, and I don't want to leave a bad impression on your family, so the office building's The godsend will no longer be involved, I hereby apologize and say goodbye!"

After Xuanyuan Tianci said this, he bowed his hands to Bruni again, and then turned to leave.

Before leaving, he squinted at Qin Lie with a meaningful look in his eyes.

Qin Lie didn't frighten him either, and looked at him directly. After a fierce confrontation between the two of them, it ended because of Xuanyuan Tianci's departure.

Xuanyuan Tianci came out of the office building and slammed the door on this floor loudly.

The sound was loud, but it did not frighten Qin Lie, but frightened his subordinates.

Those subordinates are also very embarrassed now, they are the ones who started to shout, and they are also the ones who flatter Xuanyuan Tianci.

As a result, after devaluing Bruni to nothing, only to find that Bruni is the real king.

Although they still don't know what family the Cape family is and who Bruni is, from the performance of Xuanyuan Tianci, this person must not be bad.

The characters Xuanyuan Tianci dared not provoke, let alone them.

After Xuanyuan Tianci left, several of them stood on the ground and looked at each other, their eyes exchanged, but they didn't know what to say.

According to the normal procedure, even if people like them lose in the end, they have to put down a ruthless word and walk away to have the momentum.

But after thinking about it for a long time, they really couldn't think of anything to say to the situation. In the end, they pushed each other and didn't dare to speak, so they ran away with Xuanyuan Tianci.

At this time, only Qin Lie Bruni and his real estate agent were left on the entire floor, and—the homeowner!

The homeowner was embarrassed.

When he heard that Xuanyuan Tianci wanted a house, he thought it was safe, so he directly ordered Qin Lie and the others to evict them, and even told them clearly that the house would not be sold to them, and let them find another place.

As a result, after arriving at the scene, after a lot of games, it was found that the people here are actually higher in status than Xuanyuan Tianci.

What should I do now?

Didn't the words he said at the beginning slapped him in the face!


He also wondered in his heart, how holy is this foreigner, to make Xuanyuan Tianci bow and apologize.

You are the number one young man in China, how much respect for your title!

What do you want me to do when you leave like this?

It's numb, the homeowner's brain is really numb now.

The atmosphere at the scene was very embarrassing for a while. The two sides stared blankly for about half a minute before the owner finally rubbed his hands and approached Qin Lie and Bruni.

He smiled and said embarrassedly: "Nie, Bu, Mr. Bruni, do you still have my house??"

"Yes." Bruni readily agreed to him, "Why not, I like this house very much, I want to buy it."


Only then did the owner breathe a sigh of relief, and a stone fell to the ground in his heart.

"That's good, that's good..." He tentatively asked the two of them, "Aren't the two of you angry because of what happened just now? I didn't mean it either. The Xuanyuan family is indeed very influential, and ordinary people..."

"It's alright, alright." Qin Lie interrupted him before he finished speaking. If he continued, he didn't know when the contract would be signed.

"Not everyone is Xuanyuan Tianci, you don't know our identity and background, any normal person who comes to choose, will choose Xuanyuan Tianci between us and Xuanyuan Tianci, I can't blame you for this, you go to the market and bring the contract to Bu. Sign it, Mr. Rooney, we have to go out to play after we're done, don't waste time!"

"Yes, yes..." The owner was completely relieved when he heard this, and immediately handed over the contract in his hand.

My impression of Qin Lie and Bruni was also very good.

They are all people of the same level. Xuanyuantian gave him the feeling that he was so arrogant that he did not dare to offend him, but Bruni and Qin Lie made people feel like a spring breeze and were very easy to get along with.

Once and for all, the difference becomes apparent.

He also finally realized that not everyone in the wealthy family is as difficult to get along with as Xuanyuan Tianci.

The latter thing was much simpler. After Xuanyuan Tianci was settled, the homeowner gave the contract to Bruni. Bruni signed the name on behalf of the Cape family, and sent the money to the homeowner. This matter was done.

Originally, Bruni wanted to buy these several floors of office buildings at the original price seen on the Internet, but the owner refused to accept it.

In the end, Qin Lie and Bruni didn't bother to bother, so they signed the contract.

Today, Xuanyuan made a fuss, but instead gave Qin Lie and Bruni a favor, saving an additional 100 million.

As for Xuanyuan Tianci, he was naturally very unhappy.

Although he dealt with Bruni peacefully on the surface, he had scolded Bruni a hundred thousand times behind his back.

If it weren't for Bruni, he could have made Qin Lie make a fool of himself today.

But it was because of Bruni's existence that he didn't want to offend Cape, so he let Qin Lie go, but instead made him the one who was insulted.

Xuanyuan Tianci felt that hatred in his heart!

The eldest young master of his dignified Xuanyuan family has been deflated several times in Qin Lie's hands.

It was the same last time, and it is the same this time!

Xuanyuan Tianci's hatred for Qin Lie is increasing day by day.

It turned out that he still admired and ignored Qin Lie's attitude, thinking that Qin Lie was a good opponent, but not a threat to him.

But since the conflict at the Ziyang Hotel that day, he just wanted Qin Lie to die.

If it weren't for the fact that there were internal affairs of the family to deal with recently, Xuanyuan Tianci really wanted to gather his strength to kill Qin Lie.

The only thing he didn't expect was that Qin Lie was actually involved with the No. 1 giant in Europe.

As time goes on, Qin Lie's roots are getting deeper and deeper, and his wings are getting richer and richer. Xuanyuan Tianci is really afraid that after a while, he won't be able to move Qin Lie!


This is really an annoyance, but Xuanyuan Tianci has no good solution right now.

Now within the family, Xuanyuan Guard Captain Ji Canghai has investigated him because of the dossier.

If this matter is not handled properly, the dormancy for so many years may be in vain.

With this matter on the top of his head, Qin Lie's matter, no matter how big it is, can only be placed second.

With troubles hanging in his mind, Xuanyuan Tianci was very uncomfortable. He went to the boxing gym to fight for three hours in the afternoon, and the sparring team lost two of them, so that the depression in his heart was evacuated.

And after coming out of the fighting gym, he adjusted his mentality to deal with all the current troubles.

When I went out, I told the people around me: "Arrange me the nearest flight to Taizhou, I'm going to Taizhou tonight!"

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