The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1404 Invitation From Skull And Bones Headquarters

What Xuanyuan Tianci is doing now is what he must deal with first.

In Taizhou, there was a person who had to move.

Because the existence of that person is related to whether his identity can continue to be retained in the Xuanyuan family!

That person was called Ning Kun, hiding in a fishing village on the far side of Taizhou, near the East China Sea.

And this name also appeared in one place - sixteen years ago, in Qiu Bai's case of extermination - this is also the most important thing for him to deal with now.

If this person is not dead, then his forgery of the dossier cannot be hidden.

Once this matter can't be hidden, his other identity will be revealed.

And this is the consequence that he cannot bear.


Qin Lie has been less troubled recently.

At first, when he provokes the Xiao family and Xuanyuan Tianci, he panicked and was afraid, and didn't know how to solve it.

But now with the advancement of time and the progress of the situation, he has more and more methods and more and more power. It has been found that the Xiao family is not as terrifying as imagined.

During the trip to South Korea, Henry Zhang assembled the elite forces of the Xiao family to kill him, but in the end, it was resolved by the double protection of the Cape family and the Tang family.

It was also because of the violent conflict in South Korea that Qin Lie also found that he already had the strength to challenge the Xiao family.

Henry Zhang really didn’t get himself done that time.

Even if it happens again in the future, I can also deal with it myself.

So now Qin Lie is in a very happy mood. While doing his own business, he enriches his pockets, and at the same time develops his power and gradually plumps his wings.

He found that there are really not so many troubles in this world.

After finishing the office building with Bruni that afternoon, Qin Lie took Bruni to play around in Dragon City.

The main thing is to let Bruni experience the national culture and heritage of China.

Bruni also has a strong interest in Chinese culture, and he was very interested in the whole process.

The two of them had been wandering outside until more than eight o'clock to see the Cape family armed forces, and they simply handed over power.

Qin Lie invited the core armed forces of the Cape family to the hotel for a meal.

Nothing else, just because they are stationed in China for themselves.

When one day I start a full-scale war with the Xiao family, I have to rely on them for help.

Then he must have coaxed them a little better.

By the time Qin Lie got home, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening.

When I got home, I took out my phone and looked at the information on my phone, only to see that there were two missed calls.

And these two missed calls were all from Blaze of Skull and Bones.

Now let's talk about Skull and Bones.

Since the last incident at Xiaoyao Villa, Qin Lie has successfully gained the trust of Skull and Bones.

Including Caesar's coming to China, Qin Lie received it. From Caesar's words, it can also be seen that he has won the trust of the Skull and Bones Society.

At first, Qin Lie joined the Skull and Bones Club, in addition to agreeing to Han Qi, part of the reason was to contain the Xiao family.

Now that Qin Lie is full of wings, the idea of ​​letting them contain the Xiao family is not so strong, so Qin Lie still maintains an ambiguous relationship with the Skeleton Club, more to help Han Qi.

Han Qi has been supporting himself a lot these days, and he has also helped him in a lot of things. Qin Lie is a person who values ​​friendship. Since Han Qi has spared no effort to help him, he will naturally help Han Qi in turn.

After meeting with Caesar last time, Qin Lie asked someone to set up a genetic laboratory, which was also the first stronghold of Skull and Bones in China.

Now more than a month has passed, and the laboratory has basically been completed.

At the beginning, I had an agreement with Blaise and Caesar. After the laboratory was completed, Caesar would take him to the United States to meet the core members of Skull and Bones.

Qin Lie may also find Han Qi's enemy because of this.

Thinking about it now, the time has indeed almost passed, and Blaze called now, most likely for this matter.

Sure enough, when Qin Lie was thinking about these questions, Breez's third call came again.

Picking up the phone, Qin Lie immediately adjusted his mood and looked familiar - after all, Blaze likes to play this game.

"Yo, old cloth, you gave me three calls in the middle of the night, a series of deadly calls, did you miss me?"

"Haha!" Blaze had the same attitude as him, smiling, "Yeah, we haven't seen each other for over a month, can I miss you? You're a busy person, and it took three calls to get the answer. , where did you go to talk about big projects?"

"How could it be!" Qin Lie said, "I just wanted to make people smile, and I was almost beaten by Xuanyuan Tianci in the afternoon. Do you think I'm suffering?"

"Hey!" Qin Lie said, "there's still time, why don't you come to my place, let's have two drinks."

"I'll talk about the drinking later." Blaze said, "I'm calling you this time to let you know what Mr. Caesar means. Now that the base is almost ready, he's going to return to the United States soon. The time is probably set in a week, and I ask you if you want to go back with him, this is a good opportunity for you to contact the senior management of the Skull and Bones, let you think about it."

"Together, definitely together!" Qin Lie responded without thinking, "How could I not seize this good opportunity, you tell Mr. Caesar, as long as he informs me the day before he goes back, I will arrange a private plane to send it to you. he."

"Yes." Blaze said, "Qin Lie, you have made a very correct choice. As long as you get close to the Skull and Bones Society, you can slowly approach the core of the Skull and Bones Society. With the Skull and Bones Society supporting you, your future path will be very wide. ."

"Hahaha..." Qin Lie laughed, "Of course, this is what I'm doing now, but of course, the most important thing is to thank you, Lao Bu, without you, I wouldn't have the chance to get close to the skeleton. meeting."

"It's easy to talk about." Blaze also smiled, "As long as you are promoted in the future, you can promote me again."

"That's natural!"

This wave of conversations between Qin Lie and Blaise exemplifies what is fake courtesy and what is duplicity.

Eighty percent of the conversation between the two is not true, and almost all of their emotions are false.

But the two just had a good time chatting and it was funny.

After a wave of politeness, Qin Lie hung up the phone, and after hanging up, his expression changed immediately.

Almost without thinking, he picked up his phone and called Han Qi, telling Han Qi all the conversation he had just had with Blaise.

And Han Qi's meaning was also very clear after hearing this, and he implored Qin Lie to take this trip in person.

After all, whether it can overturn the Skull and Bones Society, and whether or not to avenge Han Qi's annihilation, this trip is very crucial.

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