The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1405 Bai Xianglan Committed Suicide

Of course Qin Lie was also happy to agree to this matter.

Without him, he promised Han Qi to help him, that's all.

Qin Lie pays attention to promises, and his trip to the United States after that week should be settled.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Lie took a shower and lay on the bed. He started to think about what to do this week. At the same time, he also thought about the United States and what else he should do.

But in the end, I didn't come up with a reason. After thinking of one or two in the morning, I fell asleep drowsily.

That's it for the second day.

Early the next morning, at around seven o'clock, Qin Lie was woken up by the phone ringing beside his pillow.

Sleeping too late and being woken up early in the morning, Qin Lie's mind was dazed.

Picking up the phone and looking at the number remarks, Kong Lianxin and Qin Lie rubbed their eyes, not knowing what the girl was calling for.

Speaking of which, since Bai Xianglan returned to Taizhou, she hadn't seen her for a long time.

Although there were occasional phone calls during the process, it was not as good as meeting, Qin Lie felt guilty.

It's just that Kong Lianxing was on the phone this time, so I didn't know what was going on.

"Hello?" After picking up the phone, Qin Lie just said hello, "Lian Xing, you're calling now..."

As a result, he just said a word, Kong Lianxing is like a frying pan, and loudly said: "Qin Lie, why don't you come to Taizhou to see, Sister Xianglan, Sister Xianglan, she is about to be forced have to commit suicide."


Qin Lie was instantly drowsy and jumped up from the bed.

He started to put on clothes subconsciously. Although he didn't know what to do, he just felt that he should act.

While getting dressed, he asked, "What are you kidding, today is not April Fool's Day."

But Kong Lianxing's tone was obviously not pretentious, nor meant to be a joke. Her tone was hurried and there was a cry in her voice.

"Why didn't I lie to you? Yesterday, Sister Xianglan almost cut her wrists. Fortunately, she found out in time. Qin Lie, you should come to Taizhou quickly. I feel that only you can solve this matter."

Qin Lie was in a hurry, but he didn't panic.

Hearing what Kong Lianxing said clearly, he asked emphatically, "So what is Xianglan doing now? Is there no danger?"

Kong Lianxing then replied: "Sister Xianglan wanted to cut her wrist yesterday, but she was found in time. Now she has only suffered a slight injury, and her body is fine. I only found out today, and then they asked me to come and accompany Xianglan. Sister, but I found out that Sister Xianglan's mood is very unstable, so I thought of calling you."

Hearing that Bai Xianglan was not in danger now, Qin Lie was a little relieved.

But the action of putting on clothes did not stop. He quickly put on clothes, and ran out of the villa without washing his face and brushing his teeth.

Drive the car and drive to the airport.

During the process, the phone never hung up, and asked about the situation while driving.

"Lian Xing, you have to stabilize your sister's emotions now, don't let her do stupid things again, and, why do you do such a radical thing, is it Bai Uncle and they asked her to do something?"

"It's them!" Kong Lianxing said, "To be exact, it's also because of you."

Kong Lianxing then slowly explained the whole story.

"Aren't my aunt and uncle very dissatisfied with you last time because of the third grandfather's affairs? They always regarded Kong Yunze as a prospective son-in-law at first, although it later proved that Kong Yunze is also a beast."

"Afterwards, although they didn't like Kong Yunze anymore, they still didn't like you either. Plus, after Sister Xianglan came home, all she thought of was you. My aunt and the others couldn't see it, so they wanted to find another husband for my sister. husband."

"My sister has always been very resistant to this matter, but the two elders still forcibly took the lead. They feel that if they don't get her marriage done for a day, Sister Xianglan will not forget you for a day."

"Recently, this matter has intensified. My uncle and the others have appointed a son of the Zhao family in southern Fujian. They have met the son of the Zhao family a few times and thought he was a good person, so they urged my sister to get engaged to that son of the Zhao family."

"My sister reacted very strongly and kept making trouble at home. Yesterday, Mr. Zhao went to my uncle's house. My sister saw that the situation was too wrong, and she did something stupid when her brain became hot."

Qin Lie figured out the whole story, but he was more worried.

While driving, he said, "Lianxing, you must take good care of your sister. I will go to Taizhou right now, and I will be there in two hours."

Kong Lianxing also promised: "Don't worry, as long as I am here, Sister Xianglan will definitely not be in trouble, but this matter started because of you, and only you can solve it."


Qin Lie responded, and continued to ask Kong Lianxing: "Lianxing, I remember that Bai Uncle and the others don't like me, but they are also very open-minded. They love pandan so much, why do they suddenly want pandan to be themselves? What do you dislike doing?"

"Then who knows." Kong Lianxing said, "I don't dare to ask them if they don't tell me. Anyway, since the third grandfather's incident, the two elders seem to have changed. I can't stand it here. You said it, come here quickly."

"Okay, Lianxing, thank you."

After saying this, Qin Lie finally hung up the phone.

Putting down the phone, holding the steering wheel, Qin Lie involuntarily stepped on the accelerator, and the car was running faster and faster on the road.

He was in a dreadful mood, very worried.

Pandan, oh Pandan, how can you do such a stupid thing, is this the one I know you?

Don't mess around anymore, wait for me to go!

Thinking of this, Qin Lie took out her mobile phone and called Bai Xianglan a few times. They were all on the phone, and the mobile phone was not under her control.

There is no other way but to rush over as soon as possible.

After the Kong Liansheng incident and the Kong Yunze incident, Qin Lie knew that he had another confrontation with Bai Xianglan's parents.

If you want Bai Mingjie to recognize himself, that contradiction cannot be resolved.

It's just that Qin Lie couldn't find a suitable excuse or time to do it.

After all, Kong Liansheng was indeed dissected by him, so that the old man died without a whole body. In the eyes of Bai Mingjie and Kong Xi, this matter is absurd, and no matter what he does, it will not make up for it.

Because there was nothing to do, it kept dragging.

To this day, Bai Xianglan was forced to marry and even thought of committing suicide. The matter has dragged on to a very serious point.

Qin Lie didn't want to deal with these things at this time, but looking at the situation, he had to bite the bullet.

This time Qin Lie had no plans at all, and even a person like him couldn't handle emotional matters properly.

I only saw what happened to Bai Xianglan's house in Taizhou.

When the time comes, let's act according to the circumstances, Qin Lie told himself silently.

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