Sparks and lightning flew all the way to Longcheng Airport. After communicating with the airport staff, they asked them to arrange a time to take off as soon as possible. Qin Lie rushed to Taizhou on his private jet.

From receiving the call from Kong Lianxing to landing in Taizhou, it took only two hours in total.

And it took him about 40 minutes from the airport in Taizhou to Bai Xianglan's house.

Bai Panlan's house arrived at about ten o'clock in the morning.

Arriving at the door, Qin Lie stood in front of the door and took a deep breath, then got ready and knocked on the door.

After about ten seconds, I heard movement inside, and then the door was opened.

As soon as the door was opened, Kong Xi was standing in front of the door. Kong Xi looked up and down and saw that it was Qin Lie who came.

Her face almost turned into frost.

With disgust in his eyes, he said coldly, "Why are you, what are you doing?"

Qin Lie remained polite and asked with concern, "Aunt, I heard that she had an accident with Xianglan, so I came here to see."

"You heard, who did you listen to?"

Then Kong Xi seemed to have reacted and shouted into the house: "Kong Lianxing, come out for me!"

From the deep bedroom, Kong Lianxing came out after a while.

Kong Lianxing walked out in a daze, looked at Kong Xi at the door and asked, "Auntie, are you calling me?"

"Kong Lianxing, let me ask you, did you inform Qin Lie to come here!?" Kong Xi was very unhappy, pointing at Kong Lianxing and questioning.

Kong Lianxing's expression changed because of this.

She was silent for a while, organized the language, and finally sighed and said, "Auntie, Qin Lie is indeed my name, but my sister is already like this. Why don't you ask Qin Lie to come over and see what's going on?"

"After all, he is the person my sister likes. Could it be that you really want to watch my sister looking for a short meeting!"

"Looking for a short meeting!" Kong Xi said angrily, "It's you immature people who learned bad tricks from nowhere to fight against us parents. You think you are just pretending to cut your hands and scare us. Here, I tell you, what you do will only increase my disgust for Qin Lie!"

These words seemed to be addressed to Kong Lianxing, but in fact they were more addressed to Bai Xianglan in the back room.

Kong Lianxing was very uncomfortable listening to it, and persuaded Kong Xi: "Auntie, don't say that, now my sister's mood is still unstable, you say this, if my sister really doesn't want to live, I think Are you really happy?"

Although Kong Xi was still unhappy, he was still worried about Bai Xianglan, and finally kept his mouth shut.

But he still didn't have a good attitude towards Qin Lie, so he said to Qin Lie: "Qin Lie, if you are really nice to Pandan, leave my house now, I don't welcome you in my house, you'd better not contact her in the future, just go. ."

Qin Lie sighed, feeling really uncomfortable.

He is very worried about Bai Xianglan now, but he doesn't know what's going on. Bai Xianglan should be at home, and it hasn't appeared from the bedroom until now.

Not knowing what was going on, Qin Lie begged Kong Xi and said, "Kong Aunt, please let me see Pandan, I was really worried when I heard Lian Xing say that, you just let me in. ."

"In what?"

It was not Kong Xi who said this, but Bai Mingjie who came out of the room.

Bai Mingjie's tone was even more severe, and he said angrily as he walked, "You still think you haven't done enough harm to my daughter, so you still dare to come here? I'll tell you Qin Lie, if something really happens to Xianglan, I'll take this as my responsibility. Father's ghost will not let you go!"

Bai Mingjie has a clear attitude. After walking out of the room, he grabbed Qin Lie's clothes and started to push.

"Go, get out, get out of my house immediately, we don't welcome you here, go back where you came from, don't get in the way in front of me, and leave immediately!"

Bai Mingjie's strength is not great, at least he can't push it compared to Qin Lie.

It's just that Qin Lie thinks that he is an elder, and he is not easy to do anything. He can only accept his push, but he will not retreat.

Bai Mingjie was about to close the door, so he held it up and didn't fight back, but he wasn't pushed away either.

Seeing that Bai Mingjie was emotional, Qin Lie defended: "Bai Uncle, Kong Aunt, how on earth can you forgive me, when Kong Yunze was there before, it's okay if you were angry with me, but now that Kong Yunze is dead, the facts also prove that After all, he is a beast.

At the beginning, Grandpa Xianglan's matter was that he sow discord, all of which were designed by him. It's been so long since this matter, why are you still holding on to it? "

"Let's hold on to it?" Bai Mingjie didn't listen to this, but it exploded like a powder keg.

"You did the autopsy of the old man's body, you came up with the idea, you did the thing, the old man didn't have a whole corpse in the end, and the wounds were sewn up when they were buried. You know how rebellious this is. thing?"

"That's my wife and her father. You, a person who hasn't been through the door, are doing these things arbitrarily. Do you take the two of us in your eyes? Do you respect us?"

"You didn't think about anything when you were doing things, and now you dare to say that we are holding on to it? Qin Lie, are you embarrassed?"

Bai Mingjie's remarks were very angry, and his emotions were so excited that spittle stars sprayed onto Qin Lie's face.

But everything Bai Mingjie said was true, and Qin Lie did not think about it at the time.

Even if Bai Mingjie said that, he couldn't refute it.

"Bai Uncle, Kong Aunt, I really did something wrong in that matter, I also realized my mistake, I will use the rest of my time to make up for you, but after all, this matter is not about Pandan, you two don't keep torturing She!" Qin Lie pleaded.

"Are we torturing her?" Bai Mingjie became more emotional after hearing this, "No one in the world cares more about her than the two of us, we don't let her touch you, it's all for her good, you young people only know love Love, you can't see the serious relationship behind it at all."

"You dealt with Kong Yunze in Longcheng last time, then you killed Liu Peirong, and finally Kong Wei also killed!"

"Although they all have problems, that Kong Yunze is indeed a beast, but they are all Kong family members after all!"

"You thought that if you did all these things, the Kong family would let you go!"

"My wife is also from the Kong family, and Xianglan is also half of the Kong family. You killed the Kong Wei family and became a deadly feud with the Kong family, and then we let Xianglan stay with you."

"What do you make the Kong family think of us, and how do the Kong family treat me?"

"And then you still tried to let Pandan follow you to live a good life and live a peaceful life?"

"Just think about it!" Bai Mingjie finally said, "I don't want my daughter to marry you, I'm worried every day!"

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