Bai Mingjie was so emotional that he said everything he wanted to say.

At this time, Qin Lie finally understood what he was worried about.

the Kongs!

After all, it is the Kong family!

Qin Lie also said before that the matter of the Kong family is not over yet. Although Kong Wei has left the Kong family and calculated the general ledger with himself, after all, he was the head of the Kong family before.

The Kong family lost a family head because of their own reasons, and it was impossible to let it go.

Kong Wei was a good man. After Kong Wei died, the Kong family suffered huge losses.

Although Qin Lie didn't know why the Kong family hadn't found him yet, it wouldn't end like this.

Qin Lie finally understood Bai Mingjie's worries.

"Bai Uncle, I understand." Qin Lie said.

"What do you understand, you don't understand anything!" Bai Mingjie said loudly, "If you really understand, you won't let the situation become like this. If you really understand, when dealing with Kong Yunze and Kong Wei, you will I'll keep my hands on it, and I won't do things like that."

Qin Lie has something to say about this.

He defended: "I have no way not to do this. You don't know what kind of person Kong Yunze is. Under the circumstances at that time, that pervert had already imprisoned Xianglan. Is it possible that I have to let him go, and then He is planning to kill me, if I don’t kill him, he will kill me, including Kong Wei, they all want my life, is it possible that I have to wait for them to come and chop my head?”

Bai Mingjie sighed after listening, he also knew that Qin Lie did these things as a last resort.

But the situation is already like this, what he suggested, let Bai Xianglan and Qin Lie never contact, that is the best solution.

He didn't care what Qin Lie said, he waved his hand and said, "Qin Lie, I don't care what you did in the past now, things have already happened and can't be changed, if you are really good to Xianglan now, don't get close to her anymore. , understand, this is the best choice for you and our Bai family."

"Even if Pandan commits suicide, do you really care?" Qin Lie questioned Bai Mingjie.

Bai Mingjie sighed: "Xianglan will commit suicide now because she hasn't figured it out yet. If she figured it out, she wouldn't do such a stupid thing, and time will make everything dilute. As long as you don't come to see her, it will take a long time. Well, she forgot about you herself."

Qin Lie was heartbroken when he heard it, he couldn't even imagine the day when Bai Xianglan forgot her.

But in any case, Bai Mingjie and his wife have their own ideas, and Qin Lie also has his own considerations.

Neither of them is actually wrong, and there is no way to reconcile such a thing.

Qin Lie finally tried to persuade Bai Mingjie and said: "Bai Uncle, have you ever thought about it, in fact, the Kong family is not as terrible as imagined, and now I am fully capable of protecting Xianglan, even if Kong The family is really targeting me, and I will not put Pandan in any danger."

"Do you believe what you said?" Bai Mingjie retorted on the spot without giving him a chance to continue.

"If you are really capable, how can you let Kong Yunze take her away in Longcheng, and how can you put her in danger? You have already let her go through hell once, how can you make me believe that you can save her? Is she thorough?"

"A Kong Yunze can easily take her away from you, tell me, how do you deal with the rest of the Kong family?"

After Bai Mingjie's words came out, Qin Lie was still silent.

At that moment he was wrong.

Yes, you swear that you will not put your daughter in danger, but if your daughter stays with you and has experienced danger no less than three times, then those words you say are completely like farts.

Qin Lie had no way to refute Bai Mingjie, so he could only implore him to say, "Bai Uncle, let me see Pandan, at least, let me know that she is okay now."

Bai Mingjie's heart was as hard as iron, and he still shook his head at the end: "Impossible, you go."

At this point, I really don't know how to talk about it.

But Qin Lie was not reconciled, he had already come to Taizhou from Longcheng, but he didn't even see Bai Xianglan's face, and he also specified that it was impossible to forgive himself.

The Bai family's house is very big. Although Qin Lie, Bai Mingjie, Kong Xi and the others talked loudly, they were still not heard by Bai Xianglan inside.

Now that he couldn't talk with Bai Mingjie anymore, Qin Lie was heartbroken, looked inside the room, and then looked at Bai Mingjie and Kong Xi.

In the end, I didn't care about the two of them, and suddenly shouted into the door with a loud voice: "Xianglan, are you inside, I'm Qin Lie, I'm at your door, if you hear it, come out and meet me Ah, pandan!! pandan!!"

Bai Mingjie and Kong Xi were about to be pissed off by Qin Lie.

Anyway, after talking for so long, I still don't listen.

It's better now, they all started shouting blatantly.

It is said that family humiliation is nothing but Qin Lie's plan to make this matter known to everyone!

Bai Mingjie was furious and scolded: "Qin Lie, are you sick, even if you get out, you still don't get out, are you going to lose all the little good feelings you have in our hearts??"

"Qin Lie, I warn you!" This is what Kong Xi said, "If you are still messing around here, don't blame us for being rude, we will call the police if you do this again!"

It's just that no matter what the two of them say, Qin Lie has already made up his mind that no matter what they say, he is not going to leave.

Ignoring the reprimands of Bai Mingjie and his wife, he still shouted at the door.

And Kong Lianxing, also standing in Qin Lie's camp, while Qin Lie and Bai Mingjie were entangled, quietly ran back to the house and opened the locked bedroom door with a key.

It was also at this time that Qin Lie finally saw Bai Xianglan come out of the door.

At first glance, Qin Lie felt that she had lost a lot of weight.

She didn't make up, and she felt haggard all over.

On her left wrist, there were traces of gauze wrapping, and there was even a little blood on the gauze.

She was hunched over her waist, her face was completely bloodless, and she looked extremely weak.

As for Bai Xianglan, she burst into tears the moment she saw him, and she couldn't hold back her emotions and burst into tears.

"Qin Lie..." She said aggrievedly with a crying voice, "You are finally here..."

This time, Qin Lie felt so distressed that the softest part of his heart was touched all at once.

The most annoying thing is that women cry, Qin Lie doesn't care at this moment, and doesn't care what Bai Mingjie thinks, he pushes Bai Mingjie away with all his strength, and even pushes Bai Mingjie to the ground.


Qin Lie ran in like a fly.

And Bai Mingjie, ouch, screamed and sat on the ground.

The whole scene suddenly became chaotic.

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