"Cut!" Kong Lianxing looked at Zhao Tai, who rushed out, and waved his hand disdainfully, his eyes full of contempt.

As far as Zhao Tai's courage was concerned, he was scared away by Qin Lie's words. He didn't even ask whether what Qin Lie said was true or not. This level is not comparable to Kong Yunze!

Although Kong Yunze was a bit of a scumbag, he had nothing to say about his courage.

This Zhao Tai is too cowardly, if Bai Xianglan really married him, who would protect whom in the future.

Seeing Zhao Tai being sent away, Bai Mingjie's face was extremely gloomy.

He slammed the door shut with a loud bang, turned his head and stared at Qin Lie.

"Qin Lie, what are you thinking, do we have nothing to say now, do you think that now that you have some capital, you can be lawless?"

"I'm sorry." Qin Lie sincerely apologized, "Bai Uncle, I didn't intend to show off anything, but about everything about pandan, I can't make concessions."

Bai Mingjie's attitude is equally strong: "I will not make any concessions on this matter, so if I always disagree, are you also going to kill us both?"

"Bai Uncle." Qin Lie said, "Although I sometimes act ruthlessly, I always follow principles. I have my own set of moral standards. You don't believe me to do this. ."

"Then how do you plan to resolve this contradiction?" Bai Mingjie said.

In the conversation with Zhao Tai just now, Qin Lie actually thought of a trick.

Qin Lie knew that the reason why Bai Mingjie and Kong Xi did not agree with Bai Xianglan being with them was because they were afraid of the Kong family and could not protect Bai Xianglan.

If they can prove that they have the ability to fight against the Kong family, they should not have such high emotions.

After thinking about this key point, Qin Lie asked Bai Mingjie: "Bai Uncle, if I can prove that I have the ability to deal with the Kong family, will you still stop me?"

Bai Mingjie listened to him like a joke.

He snorted coldly: "How do you prove it?"

Qin Lie immediately said, "Did you know that there is a great family competition among the eight great families?"

Qin Lie intends to use this.

If you have to prove that you have the ability to fight against the eight great families, then if you can defeat the family head-on, it is the best choice.

Now that Bai Mingjie is so excited, this family competition is undoubtedly the best opportunity.

This is what Qin Lie just thought of.

And Bai Mingjie joined the Kong family, he was considered half of the Kong family, even if he was not welcomed by the Kong family, he would definitely hear about it after so many years.

In fact, Bai Mingjie does know this thing.

He looked at Qin Lie in surprise and asked, "You know all these things?"

Qin Lie smiled: "The content of the super family that I am in contact with now is relatively deep."

"Well." Bai Mingjie nodded, "but what exactly are you trying to express?"

Qin Lie quickly said: "Bai Uncle, how about we make a bet?"

Bai Mingjie just looked at him like that, didn't speak, and waited for his next words.

Qin Lie then continued: "Don't you suspect that I have no way to deal with the Kong family, then let's make a bet, if I can get the first place in the family competition two months later, then you will not Interfere with me and Pandan again, on the contrary, if I don’t get the first place, I will never bother you again, nor will Pandan see you again.”

Qin Lie's words were very sonorous, and this time the bet was particularly large.

Qin Lie completely put his relationship with Bai Xianglan on this competition.

Because of Bai Xianglan's relationship, he had to agree to the Tang family to participate in this competition, and the competition had to come first, and there was no way out.

After he said the bet, everyone in the room looked at him.

Including Bai Xianglan, also wanted to stop Qin Lie: "Qin Lie, you..."

Qin Lie quickly raised his hand to stop her from continuing: "It's okay, pandan, I have my own measure!"

Bai Xianglan had no choice but to trust Qin Lie with a sigh.

And Qin Lie really knew that this bet was a bit too big.

But he is more aware that the relationship with Bai Mingjie and his wife is now in such a mess, if there is no strong medicine, this contradiction cannot be resolved.

This is also no way.

As for Bai Mingjie, after being stunned for a few seconds, he asked Qin Lie, "How can you be qualified to participate in the Grand Competition?"

"You don't need to worry about this." Qin Lie said, "No matter what method I use, I will definitely appear in the family competition in two months. We only care about the result."

After hearing this, Bai Mingjie was silent for a while, and continued: "Even if I believe that you are qualified to participate in the family competition, do you know how difficult it is to get the first place?"

"You don't have to worry about that either." Qin Lie continued to emphasize, "We just look at the results!"

"If you want to take the first place in the great competition of the aristocratic family, not only your own skills are better, but there are many tricks and calculations behind you, and you have also revealed the background of an aristocratic family. With your current ability, if you want to take the first place, it is simply a fool's dream." Kong Xi He also echoed next to it.

But Qin Lie still kept his own thoughts regardless: "Bai Uncle, Kong Aunt, no matter how difficult this matter is, we only look at the result, as long as I get the first place, it proves that I have the ability to fight against the family. Ability, this will also dispel your concerns, won't it..."

This time, Bai Mingjie really calmed down to think about this issue.

He was silent for a while, and after a few seconds he finally said, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

Qin Lie was also helpless: "I can't find a better way."

"That's ok." Bai Mingjie finally nodded, "Then we will abide by this agreement. If you can get the first place, I will never interfere with your relationship with Xianglan. Similarly, if you can't get the first place, don't do it in the future. Come find pandan again!"


Qin Lie and Bai Mingjie nodded to each other, and the matter was settled.

"But in these two months, you can't come to Pandan again. You have to keep the vacuum of contact in these two months. I also promise that I will not force her to have a blind date with others. Everything is waiting for us to bet on the dust. It's settled, can you accept it?"


Qin Lie nodded.

Compared to the happiness after that, the two-month vacuum period is really nothing.

So today's conflict has finally been temporarily resolved peacefully under this bet.

After talking to Bai Mingjie, Qin Lie finally looked back at Bai Xianglan.

Touching her face, she said gently, "Xianglan, you won't be unhappy with my decision, I bet our future."

"It doesn't matter." Bai Xianglan said, "I believe in you, no matter what you decide, I will support you."

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