Qin Lie touched Bai Xianglan's face, very gentle: "Then you promise me, you will not do stupid things again during this time, no matter what, don't be bad to yourself, it will only make me more uncomfortable."

Qin Lie didn't forget the main purpose of coming here this time.

As long as the white pandan is all right, everything else can be dealt with slowly.

"Mmmm..." Bai Xianglan nodded obediently and replied, "Don't worry, as long as you are here, I will never commit suicide."

"it is good!"

Seeing that Bai Xianglan's emotions finally stabilized, Qin Lie's heart also successfully dropped to the ground.

Just looking back at Bai Mingjie and Kong Xi, their relationship is still awkward.

Qin Lie has already said the words to apologize and the words to be soft. Looking at Bai Xianglan, Qin Lie can't say anything, and finally he can only nod his head and say: "Bai Uncle, Kong Aunt, the safety of Xianglan is left to you. , you must take good care of her."

Bai Mingjie's answer was still unpleasant, and said indifferently: "You don't need to say, just take care of yourself, we will take care of it here, you go first!"

Up to now, Qin Lie has no reason to stay.

After handing over and saying goodbye to Bai Mingjie, Qin Lie turned around and looked at Bai Xianglan reluctantly. Bai Xianglan also looked at him reluctantly. The two were like a pair of hard-working lovers who were forced to separate after all.

Until Qin Lie left completely, Bai Xianglan's family was still crying.

Qin Lie left Bai's house and looked at the gray sky above his head, feeling very depressed.

In fact, he himself was quite powerless.

This matter is not like justice and evil, it's just a matter of fighting.

If Bai Mingjie was replaced by someone else who had nothing to do with him, he would have solved it with thunder.

But the problem is that the one who contradicts him is Bai Mingjie, Bai Xianglan's father.

He couldn't use force against him, he couldn't beat him or scold him, he could only seek Bai Mingjie's satisfaction from other aspects.

Before this incident, Qin Lie's inclination was more not wanting to participate in the family competition two months later.

But for the sake of white pandan, this time, I really had to bite the bullet.

In addition to being important to the eight aristocratic families, the aristocratic competition two months later became very important to Qin Lie as well.

Bai Mingjie also said that the aristocratic family compares not only the strength of the younger generation, but also the background of the aristocratic families.

Although Qin Lie has not experienced family competition before.

But just by imagination, you can imagine that in the process of the great family competition, when the eight great families gather together, many unexpected things will definitely happen.

Now I have to prepare myself well for this match.

Leaving Bai's house, Qin Lie did not go to the airport immediately, but found a quiet water bar, ordered a glass of tequila, and drank it alone.

This trip to Taizhou came in a hurry, and no one was brought here.

If I was in a bad mood before, I would have had two drinks with Chen Jinhu and the others, but now he is the only one drinking.

After taking a few sips of the ordered wine, Qin Lie took out his mobile phone and called Tang Hongxiao.

When Tang Hongxiao answered the phone, he said straight to the point: "Tang Uncle, I promised to help the Tang family to fight this time!"

Tang Hongxiao was naturally very happy, and said across the phone: "What's going on, why did I suddenly figure it out."

"Some personal reasons." Qin Lie said, "It's not enough for outsiders. Anyway, I will definitely go to the family competition. You can arrange the list with Uncle Tang."

"Okay!" Tang Hongxiao doesn't care why he suddenly changed his mind, but as long as Qin Lie is willing to play on behalf of the Tang family, that's fine. "It's best if you think so."

"But I have two conditions." Qin Lie said suddenly.

"you say."

Qin Lie quickly said: "The first one, I will participate in the competition as the son-in-law of the Tang family, or I can go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to obtain a certificate from Ling Xue, but I must do the same as Uncle Tang said. After the competition is over, Ling Xue and I have to get the divorce certificate soon, and I have already told you the specific reasons, as for Ling Xue's work, I will do it."


Tang Hongxiao sighed and said, "Qin Lie, I know that people like you and me will have many confidantes in my life, but as someone who has come here, I have a piece of advice for you.

You can never be completely fair about love. You can have many lovers, but you can only have one wife. Sometimes you should make a choice. You can't have a bowl of water completely flat.

You're not too young, it's time to stabilize yourself! "

Qin Lie can understand Tang Hongxiao's desire to win for Tang Lingxue.

But he and Tang Hongxiao had completely different ideas on this matter.

Without listening to Tang Hongxiao's words, Qin Lie responded: "Tang Uncle, I'm sorry, I really can't be ruthless. Don't try to persuade me about this matter. You agree to the conditions I said first."

"Hey!" Tang Hongxiao continued to sigh, "Okay, what you say is what you say, anyway, that silly girl Ling Xue is also on your side, I can't figure out, where did you get such a big magic power to let so many women You are heartbroken."

Hearing Tang Hongxiao agree, Qin Lie didn't say much about this matter, and continued: "The second condition is that during my participation in the family competition, the Tang family must fully assist me and help me eradicate all the problems. , the risks outside the arena, I must do my best to help me get the first place!"

"You can rest assured!" Tang Hongxiao replied decisively this time, "We will do it without you telling me. Our Tang family has been dormant for too long, and we also want to stand up well among the eight great families. Since we have chosen Looking for your help, of course, we will fully support you in the competition, and taking the first place is also our ultimate goal.”

"Yeah." Qin Lie nodded and said, "I'm relieved in this case."

Then Qin Lie and Tang Hongxiao chatted a few more words and hung up the phone.

The main mood is still not very good.

Hanging up the phone, Qin Lie had a few more drinks at the bar.

In the end, Bai Xianglan still couldn't put it down in his heart. After hanging up the phone here, Qin Lie flipped the phone to the WeChat page and thought about it, and then sent Kong Lianxing a WeChat message.

The first line is: Lianxing, when I'm not here, I'll ask you to take care of your sister.

After about ten seconds, Kong Lianxing replied: Don't worry, with me, my sister will definitely be fine.

A few seconds later, the second message: Qin Lie, today you acted very manly and handsome!

Qin Lie sent a cheerful expression and continued to edit the message: It was all forced, but no matter how handsome he was, he would not dare to talk to Uncle. Now, Xianglan is still locked at home.

This message was sent, and after half a minute, Qin Lie finally couldn't help compiling a message: Otherwise, you should find a way to bring your sister out to meet me, I also want to see her alone.

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