Coincidentally, when Qin Lie said he wanted to meet Bai Xianglan alone, Kong Lianxing also sent a message with almost the same content.

She said: Qin Lie, otherwise you don't go back to Longcheng, I'll take my sister out to meet you.

As a result, the tacit understanding of the two people reached an agreement in an instant, and at the same time they made a smirk, thief.

Kong Lianxing continued to send a message and sighed: You two are hard-working couples, it hurts to see me following today.

Qin Lie sent a disappointed expression and continued: "I can't help it, who asked me to provoke her parents."

Kong Lianxing turned to serious business and said: You haven't left Taizhou anyway.

Qin Lie: What nonsense, or I can let you bring pandan out?

Kong Lianxing responded quickly: ok, then you can give me an address later, and I will find a way to bring my sister out.

Qin Lie: Be careful to bypass your uncle and the two of them.

Kong Lianxing sent an ok gesture and said: "This lady is doing things, don't worry, after things are done, you have to thank me."

Qin Lie said: I invite you to eat for ten years!

Then, Kong Lianxing sent another ok gesture, this time the conversation on WeChat was over.

Lianxing didn't send any more messages. It should be a battle of wits and courage with Bai Mingjie and his wife.

However, based on Qin Lie's understanding of Bai Mingjie and his wife, this time even if the two of them knew that Bai Xianglan came out to find themselves, they would pretend not to know.

All in all, this should be fine.

Qin Lie still wanted to see Bai Xianglan again. One of the main reasons was that he missed her too much. Today, he met in a hurry, and he didn't have a good conversation. Second, he was naturally worried about her emotions, and still wanted to comfort her personally.

With this matter, Qin Lie temporarily put aside his plans to return to Longcheng.

Changed the arrangement of returning to Longcheng to tomorrow, Qin Lie wandered around Taizhou by himself.

When he plans to be late, Kong Lianxing will bring Bai Xianglan out, invite the two of them to dinner in the evening, find a place where no one else is, chat with Bai Xianglan alone, and preferably flirt, this is the perfect way of.

With that in mind, Qin Lie began to search for hotels on his mobile phone.

Trying to be as remote as possible, and staying away from Bai Mingjie's house is the best.

At the end, Qin Lie locked a hotel close to Taizhou Airport. It is not a star-rated hotel, but the decoration of their hotel is very good from the app.

Thinking that it is close to the airport again, I can go to the airport early tomorrow to catch a plane, so this place is set.

Soon, Qin Lie took a taxi to the hotel, and after checking in, he lay in the hotel room.

After taking a nap, he got up and sent a message to Kong Lianxing, asking how she was doing.

She said that she would have to wait for a while. Qin Lie was bored, so she left the room and prepared to wander around in a nearby place with few people.

But when he just opened the door and was about to go through the corridor to the elevator, he suddenly found an uninvited guest at the end of the corridor.

Xuanyuan Godsend!

Yes, it is Xuanyuan God-given.

It's just that he saw Xuanyuan Tianci, but Xuanyuan Tianci didn't see him.

There is a presidential suite at the end of the corridor. The door is directly opposite Qin Lie. When Qin Lie went out, he happened to see Xuanyuan Tianci and several of his subordinates opening the door with their backs to him.

But someone like Xuanyuan Tianci, even with his back to him, Qin Lie could see it at a glance.

After all, the number one young man in China is quite different from that of ordinary people.

Qin Lie felt very strange when he saw Xuanyuan Tianci.

The road for such a special enemy is narrow, the two of them have really narrowed the road.

Yesterday, I was able to meet Bruni at the house inspection. Today, I went to a hotel in Taizhou, and I still met him.

However, Qin Lie also has doubts, what is this eldest young master doing in Taizhou?

And in the style of this young master, which city can you go to without the most exclusive hotel in that city?

What's the matter with bringing people to such a small hotel now?

At that time, Qin Lie's first reaction was that Xuanyuan Tianci was afraid that something was going on.

Therefore, the first time he saw Xuanyuan Tianci, he also quietly hid behind the door, only showing a small line of sight to observe Xuanyuan Tianci.

And sure enough, Xuanyuan Tianci quickly made him find something wrong.

At this time, Xuanyuan Tianci and his party had a total of six. Except for Xuanyuan Tianci himself, the rest were all his subordinates.

No, there is one that is not.

Qin Lie noticed that one of them was being escorted by Xuanyuan Tianci's subordinates. Although he was wearing the same suit jacket, the man's hands were obviously tied back by Xuanyuan Tianci's subordinates.

One of the men had a dagger in the cuff, and the dagger was pressed tightly against the man's lower back.

Although the blade only showed a little bit, Qin Lie's eyes were sharp and he still found it.

This is something!

Xuanyuan Tianci went to Taizhou to arrest people!

Could this be the mission of the Xuanyuan family?

At that moment, a lot of guesses passed through Qin Lie's mind, but none of them were accurate.

But one thing is certain, Xuanyuan Tianci is sneaking with his subordinates, obviously doing something that cannot be known by outsiders.

And this information is enough for Qin Lie.

Now he has a deep conflict with Xuanyuan Tianci, as long as it is unfavorable to Xuanyuan Tianci, it is a good thing for him.

Just like that, Qin Lie was going to figure it out.

He wanted to see what Xuanyuan Tianci was doing so sneaky.

While thinking about it, Xuanyuan Tianci and his subordinates finally opened the door of the room at the end of the corridor and escorted the prisoner into it.

As for Qin Lie, he closed his door first, waited until there was no one in the corridor outside, and then quietly went out.

First, I walked around in the corridor of the hotel and observed the layout and trend of the entire hotel.

Then out of the hotel, I walked around the entire hotel building.

With the memory just now, Qin Lie locked the window of the room where Xuanyuan Tian gave them to go in outside the hotel.

God help him, there is nothing outside that window, near a wilderness ridge at the far end of the airport, no one will come over.

Qin Lie looked around again and made sure that there was no one left or right, so he jumped up one by one, and ran up the second floor along the outside wall.

With an agile figure and a strong waist, he jumped up and went up to the third floor.

Climbing on the air-conditioning bracket outside the third floor with one hand, and slowly climbed up to the window sill on the third floor.

And this window sill is exactly the window sill that Xuanyuan Tian gave them in that room.

Carefully sticking to the wall, first looked at the window sill to see if there was anyone.

After making sure that no one passed, he got closer.

Taking a slanted inward angle from the window, Qin Lie finally saw what Xuanyuan Tianci's room looked like.

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