When Xuanyuan Tianci was far away, Qin Lie closed the curtains in the room, looked back at Ning Kun, and said in a low voice, "Okay, you are now safe."

Ning Kun's expression was still very painful, after all, the injury was there.

With a grim expression on his face, he smiled bitterly: "You are not too timid to save a person from one room of the hotel to another room of the hotel. Only people like you dare to do this!"

Qin Lie shrugged: "I didn't want to do this at first, but Xuanyuan Tianci is not a fool after all. It takes some brains to save you from under his nose."

"Thank you." Ning Kun said, "Although I don't know why you want to save me, I thank you anyway. Who are you and who arranged for you to come here? There are still people in this world who are willing to save me. I'm very sorry. strangeness."

"I was not arranged by someone. I have my reasons for saving you, because my master is Qiu Bai, yes, the master of the case that led you to be hunted down." Qin Lie said.

After Ning Kun heard this, he was even more surprised.

He said strangely: "Since Qiu Bai is still alive and you are still Qiu Bai's apprentice, it stands to reason that you should want to kill me, why would you save me?"

From Ning Kun's point of view, he was written into the Xuanyuan family's annihilation Qiu Bai's dossier.

From the outside, he should be the murderer who killed Qiu Bai. Qin Lie and Qiu Bai should only have high hatred for him. Why did they save him? ?

Qin Lie explained: "I'm not deaf, and I'm not a fool. I can hear the conversation between you and Xuanyuan Tianci. He has already said that the dossier was forged by him. Naturally, he knows that you have not participated in it.

My master has been investigating the truth of his annihilation. My responsibility is to investigate the truth to him. You are the key person, and of course I want to save him. "

Ning Kun nodded, believing that he agreed.

But then he said: "But if you want to know the truth of the whole thing through me, you may be disappointed, and I was also framed. I did not participate in the Qiu Bai annihilation massacre sixteen years ago.

I've only been written into that fake dossier in the last few years and then dropped out as a scapegoat.

The brothers in the same group as me are almost dead, and the whole thing is basically about to be dusted.

If you want to know the truth of that year, I have no information at all. "

Qin Lie certainly knew this.

The dossiers are all fake, and all the people involved in it are fake. Naturally, they never participated in that incident.

They were just a group of scapegoats who were pushed out, and it was impossible to know what happened in Qiu Bai's house.

It's just that Qin Lie has other logic to find them.

Although Ning Kun didn't know what happened back then, he knew about the series of handwriting that Xuanyuan Tianci did later.

If the dossier was also forged by Xuanyuan Tianci, then Xuanyuan Tianci should be very familiar with the whole thing.

As long as Ning Kun was there, there would be evidence that Xuanyuan Tianci did this.

Following this evidence, you can find the reason for Xuanyuan Tianci to do this, and even use it to threaten Xuanyuan Tianci, then there is hope to find the truth of Qiu Bai's family's destruction back then.

Qin Lie told Ning Kun his logic, and Ning Kun agreed.

He only begged Ning Kun a little: "I will try my best to protect your safety during this time, and you have to tell me everything you know, and when necessary, come forward to testify for us, this is my original intention to save you. ."

At this point, Ning Kun finally figured out Qin Lie's purpose.

All people in this world come and go for profit.

A person always has his original motivation to do things, and it is impossible to do it for no reason.

Ning Kun didn't trust Qin Lie before and didn't know why Qin Lie saved him.

With this level of motivation, he wants to use himself to deal with Xuanyuan Tianci, which can be explained.

This made Ning Kun trust Qin Lie more.

"So Ning Kun." Qin Lie said, "I need you to join my camp and help me with things, can you?"

Originally, Qin Lie would not pull a person into his camp so easily.

The details are unclear, the character is unknown, and the way of doing things is unknown. It is too risky to pull a person in like this.

But Ning Kun was an exception.

Due to the relationship between Ning Kun and Xuanyuan Tianci, almost no one in this world would tolerate him.

Now people all over the world are chasing and killing Ning Kun, and only he can help him.

So Qin Lie is not worried that his loyalty will go wrong.

In addition, he washed that to deal with Xuanyuan Tianci, and he also wanted to deal with Xuanyuan Tianci. The two of them had the same purpose and related interests, and Qin Lie was not worried that he would betray him.

And Ning Kun really played a big role in this time period, so Qin Lie sent an invitation to join.

Ning Kun listened and asked Qin Lie as if confirming, "Are you sure you want to bring me in? If I were under your command, you would completely offend Xuanyuan Tianci, the Xuanyuan family is not easy to mess with, he is the number one young man in China. Not a coward!"

"I know very well." Qin Lie responded to him, "But in fact, even if it wasn't for you, Xuanyuan Tianci and I would have been at odds with each other for a long time.

After Ning Kun heard this, he fell into thought again.

And it took about half a minute before he asked Qin Lie again.

"Now I ask you one last question."

"you say."

"If I join you, you have a good chance of defeating Xuanyuan Tianci."

Although Qin Lie has grown tremendously recently, he still has self-awareness.

He answered Ning Kun very clearly: "I really can't answer you if you ask this now, I can only say that I have this idea, but I'm not sure how much, after all, there is a Xuanyuan family standing behind Xuanyuan Tianci.

A behemoth like Mount Tai, even if you ask this question to the Xiao family, the Xiao family does not have a clear answer.

To get Xuanyuan Tianci, the right time and place are all indispensable.

I can't answer this question, I can only say that I will try my best to do it, and if you join me, the success rate must be much higher than when you are alone. "

Ning Kun nodded, very satisfied with this answer.

It was actually more satisfying than answering a number.

All the ideas are clear, Qin Lie can clearly see his position.

Don't belittle yourself or deliberately exaggerate.

This shows that he is a down-to-earth person who has his own plans and will not paint a pie.

This kind of person is very real, and he does it slowly, step by step, and the final result will not be too bad.

It was precisely because of this answer that Ning Kun's thoughts were firmed up.

After Qin Lie finished speaking, he decisively gave a positive answer: "Okay, I'll join you, let's bring out the true face of this dog Xuanyuan Tianci together!"

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