
Qin Lie was also very satisfied after listening to it.

Putting one hand in front of him, he signaled to Ning Kun, "I'm glad you joined. Don't worry, there are few people in this world who want Xuanyuan Tianci to die more than me. We will succeed in the end."

After Ning Kun heard this, the corners of his mouth finally rose, and with his uninjured hand, he tightly held Qin Lie together.

The addition of Ning Kun was officially announced at this time.

After finishing Ning Kun's faction selection, Qin Lie went to the window again, opened the curtains and looked outside.

He didn't see Xuanyuan Tianci's people coming back, so he told Ning Kun, "Let's go Ning Kun, while Xuanyuan Tianci hasn't come back, let's find another hotel to stay first, don't wait for him to come back and ask what will happen after the hotel. Moth."

"What's wrong." Ning Kun said, "Is it not safe to stay here?"

"It's hard to say." Qin Lie said, "With Xuanyuan's God-given IQ, I'll definitely suspect that we used this trick when we look back. It's not good for us to find us through a carpet-like search in the hotel."

It's okay to use these shady tricks quietly when it's dark.

When Xuanyuan Tianci calmed down, Bao Buqi would think of using this trick himself.

It's safest to find a place to live while Xuanyuan Tianci is chasing the taxi driver.

Ning Kun thought about the same reason, and nodded in agreement.

The two quickly went downstairs, checked out the hotel's people, and instructed the hotel to delete the surveillance video in the lobby just now.

And let them say that if someone wants to adjust the monitoring, say their monitoring is broken today.

In order to accomplish this, Qin Lie spent another few hundred thousand RBIs.

Qin Lie left with confidence after watching the background database delete all today's surveillance videos.

After leaving the hotel, Qin Lie and Ning Kun got into another taxi and headed in the opposite direction from where Xuanyuan Tianci left.

Even in the end, it was all in his plan.

He was in a good mood. After getting in the car, he started looking for a new hotel - he still had to stay in Taizhou for a day, after all, Bai Xianglan hadn't seen it yet.

It's just that he was in a good mood. Xuanyuan Tianci, who was far away in another place, was a little frizzy.

No, I can't say it's a little frizzy, he's very irritable now, and if anything goes wrong with anyone, it will definitely set his powder keg on fire!

He was so upset, really!

It's a mess, this time I came to Taizhou with the sole purpose of killing Ning Kun.

Originally, after arriving at the fishing village in the east, he found Ning Kun smoothly and tied Ning Kun. He also said that the incident this time was closely related.

Before killing Ning Kun, he wanted to confirm whether his news had been told to other people by Ning Kun, also to be safer.

Looking for a hotel, I also found a remote hotel with few people.

As a result, there are still surprises!

What's the matter, was that masked man following behind him from the beginning?

To take people away in such a swaggering manner in front of his own face is that he doesn't take himself seriously at all.

It is precisely because the opposite party is too arrogant that Xuanyuan Tianci is even more aggrieved. His hatred in his heart is like a knife, and he just wants to kill the person who did this and smash his corpse into ten thousand pieces!

The taxi in front was running very fast, which made him more sure that Ning Kun was in that car.

After all, they saw the taxi as soon as it set off, and he hardly thought that those two people would not be in the car.

After chasing him all the way, he kept giving orders to the men driving in front: "Don't you call yourself a professional racing driver, don't you call yourself a top-notch driving skill, and you can't even run a taxi driver, what are you doing? of?"

That subordinate is also aggrieved.

He explained: "Master, I'm a professional racing driver, I run the field, I run fast, I'm familiar with the terrain, and now the driver in front is a local driver in Taizhou, he is more familiar with the terrain than me, which is good for him, so what? Good chase!"

"I'll take care of you!" Xuanyuan Tianci was in a fit of rage, no matter what the driver said, he wouldn't listen.

"Listen, you have to catch up with this car today. If you let them run away, you will use your head in exchange for their lives. If you listen, hurry up and chase me!"

After all, this terrible decision gave the man a lot of pressure.

As soon as the order came out, this person no longer ignored the road conditions and vehicles in front of him, and drove forward in a hurry, just like he was on the track.

He drove the speed to 130 on the city road in Taizhou. This crazy driving method formed an extremely beautiful landscape in the city of Taizhou.

After all, it is still technically strong, and the performance of the car is indeed much better than that of a taxi.

After chasing for another ten minutes, they finally blocked the taxi on the side of a street.

When the taxi was forced to stop, Xuanyuan Tianci's people rushed down.

Six people surrounded the taxi, Xuanyuan Tianci glanced at the back of the taxi at first glance.

The back row was empty, and there was no one there.

After confirming it several times, even the subordinates next to him reminded: "Master, no, there are no passengers in the back of his car, and the people are gone!"

"Go away!" Xuanyuan Tianci said angrily, "Is I blind, can I not see?"

Two shrewd subordinates dragged the driver out of the front, kicked him with one left and one right, and knelt in front of Xuanyuan Tianci.

Angrily scolded: "Hey, what about the two people behind the car, where did they go?"

The driver is very scared now, he is just an ordinary driver, and he agreed to help Qin Lie do this for the money.

But he didn't expect that the group of people chasing after him were even more ruthless, and their fierce appearance seemed to want his life at any time.

At this moment, he was caught, trembling and trembling, and said: "What, what two people, there has been no one in my car, you, you are afraid that you have misunderstood!"

"You fart!" a subordinate shouted, "There were clearly two people behind your car. We chased them out. At that time, only you ran away in a car. Did they become ghosts and disappear?"

The driver was almost crying, and hurriedly explained: "No, you guys, it's really not there, I also have a dash cam in the car, we can look it up right now, if there really is someone , I didn't stop all the way, and you all caught up all the way, where did they get off!"

What the driver said was true.

Xuanyuan Tianci pondered, and the ominous premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger.

He felt as if all of them had been tricked by the masked man!

"Then why are you running since there's no one in the car?" he asked.

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